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Show V COLONY STRICKEN 4 BY DIPTHERIA Jj u Francisco. Jan. 5. A lit e col ony of twelve men and one woman, the only inhabitants otf the bleak Farallous islands, in the F&'.'.r. twenty-seven miles out of Golden Gete hBB been invaded by diphtheriu. "S O. S " wireless calls from the inlands yesterday summoned Dr Arthur Ar-thur A. O'Neill, superintenuunt of the isolation hospital here. He returned to the city bringing on his rug th. 4 o-year-old son of Mr and Mrs. A. Wil- llama, caretakers of the lighthouse I on the islands The boy had been taken HI with diphtheria Passing J&tt- boats refused to stop and nick up t-W tho sick lad for fear of being quar antined. Difficulty wan had in putting the boy on tho tug He was placed on the cot which was run out on a cable 1-, und then the cot swung aboard. |