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Show UTALY WARNED OF ENEMIES' TRAP Turks and Austrians Stir Up Strife in Albania to Blur Main Conflict. Rome, Jan. 5, 11:50 a. m. The revolution revo-lution in Albania is extending The assertion Is made here that it is bo-ing bo-ing fomented by Austrian and Turkish Turk-ish elements with the object en forcing forc-ing Servia and Montenegro to employ em-ploy troop", along the Albanian fron tiers. Another object, it is said, is to engage Italy more deeply In Albania, Al-bania, thus distracting her attention from the main conflict Home newspapers urge the government govern-ment not to fall into the trap, as ii is called, and to reserve all the snergiefl of the country for the conservation of Italy's supreme interests as involved in-volved in the European w.ir |