Show Hot MM r lor Ciimplrllun The hot water remedy Is always the f best ono for making the complexion I jeautlfuL It la I very simple and equally equal-ly safe two good point In Its favor If persisted In blackheads will 0011 depart de-part and the I lomplexlon will auuros I this I pink I nlOI white I appearance i a l baby The I hot water treatment should be l Indulged In every night and mornIng morn-Ing At night the face should be bathed In water ss hot as one un stand and then thoroughly rubbed chit a good old rreain lie careful use a circular motion In rubbing It the morning the cream may lx omitted and the face bathed In very hot water and then dallied with cold water Th diet should bo watched with rare alto the complexion Now York Journal |