Show ELECTRIC SPAR l DAILY LIST OF iIAPPCNINOma1 ND OTHER NEWS I I IIh Important renle or threk Continued Prom the Latest Telet I e ttlpate4o rm II Tle 1d Yeerc here Slrtr l > h 1 Hugh 1empeeyha been retort frj m the penitentiary l John Sw < n rUnil went to VJ1 1 Am Stewnrt and Stewart killed bin rly 1 mouth Ind Ivoyd Montgomery hangeil t at nOr n-Or far the murder of hit father lhcr ami a neighbor lord Sallibuty make 1lherJh LIe i ipeech announcing that Unjlat III not Interfere wllliTurkey ihlngton Jan 31 Todayl state went ot the condition of the t 7nry shown Available rash balance 1180 OtlJSSO tlOOJ113 In view 01 the alarmingtorh S float regarding thoaltuation In Joliai tntrg 8trtlary of State for the I oniei Joseph Chamberlln hat orlel I the llrltlli agent at Pretoria 24 U than nefburg and report the true ii anon ofairaira to the Colonial otllce Cools rh 7 The Senate i tnei the lubttltu JK LIU 42 to S3 K II lloiford of Anaconda feted Quilt jliappeiri 1s Pleasant Drajier lentenrei to be hanged at Helena May 2Dth I reckham Democrat elect < tr the Kentucky legislature to luccecdwilion lInen In thu MornIng 81ar maeat 811 vet City drivaairtheeuperintet ant an-t ke po 1 eelon their wages a tlt1 to be unpaid The report that the Amertcirfiovern went hoe made overture to tip Hero l < ean powers to rceojulie the liiurgent aibelllgercntalidenled at Madrid The epeelal 1 train which NIIIII the Lib crt I Ml ami lie eoflrti from Atlanta arrived In Ihlladelphla yeitirday A talute ot ortylvi gum anuourced 1 the arrival of time bell The Onge conceded to be tie wealth lest triloof Indium on tin euth per capita have paned a bill through their council asking for n leparalbu from I Oklahoma and to annexed < l 16 the In dlan Territory Ian night n freight train eastbound on the Dig 1ourwm derailed on abridge by a broken wheel near Lawrencebarg InJ The 1 bridge hrokejt lgwu and tlilrtv can fell thirty feet live trumps w fe fatally Injured Property damage flO > WO Mnitin Lynn till wile and l Uo Infant children nnd sister were found poisoned In their cottage yesterday at Rochester NY MlsiLynn li dead MriIynu cannot can-not recover and Mr Iyuni recovery li I doubtful The ckldrtn are out ot dan gen The Ijmiton Obierxer Unionist > this limo ling 1lye We hay goer authority leading l in toiupieti i the belief that tier miiiy recently liultel ltulfl and l other tamers l to ciMiporate In a plan Inutile to Kiukndi iwntlimed occupation of Kzyin According Hi our Inforuullon anti belief oho proportion was declined by Russia MIUJ i riia Hoary min through turn eeullt cvuio muiih iliming A IlltlKlhh trim Junjuimll says tau mliiliuri of public I work nnd public In ilruitlonlu Hcuadur stave reigned < l Horihyluiliik tin famous Norneiilat oxplurt > rinliMupUtt > 9 maklnn a crnlto t the South halo The trip nil take two years I 1hllndelphUunivliltudby a 1111UA 000 Mam John W Delano of baIt Limbo wee in ammo III the bulMlniii No live lot ArrllinlU 1 > stditolhoChromcIeii vs tIt t-It h stnlal that Kmpvror William wllf attend the Olymmmtle pities at Ashen lit April I I A Conitantlnoplo dlip tch to tie Time unytt Uaicfullmiulryconrlnci me that tho palace jutty eel altortt the rumen of the HutfoTurkUli atlliii a III enter to inrreaw the clletru l among the powers Tho Oran Unehe H of UMonbu lid lead l She was born In 1620 l-id iii Kllmbeth IrlnceM ot SaxcAltflilmrj slug KU iiiarrletl In 1832 to the irafll Duke of OMcnbttrg J Mr Cheshire Unltf1 States Conii i Held mind Ilcutennnt Cuiumandi Merrill of time American uumiultflonj Inquiry Into IhObeliTit outragM liaj rivet then hI Thu London Dally New lnnne4Un a l vxproMM In regret at the censure jvp noimcwl upon Mr Ilayard time Unllsl i t 8tuiu nmba idor becnnw Myl the Dally News no man U Utter quallI to asset In A friendly settlement of the dlUlcuItloi betueeii linfiatid ami Ani Ia Tueaisy Jh 4 I The Cuban innurgontiareiitiUpn Thu Senate amiultteu on Jli b j Tale It toy iiuthoried a f orjWj port on the bill to give time pubs d 11 States 3 per cent ol the proeeedi of tiles public lands In limo State Mr Ilalfour adrooatei an Anuloijuon all I ante Militant Secretary nt State Uhl to goo go-o Oerrosny al KmlMiMdor I I IU1mident llsrrlfon decline to lie a I nndhUlefot 1reilcUnt Kx1ollee Commlnlaner Stephen B French 01 New York rooiinltt nitride llgantlc trait romptny formed urn rating all lumber dnl lri on the IWlBc I I coast United Slates snort decide a State I IIImy tax rattle running on Indian rtter atloui within It San 1rancltoo court hold l that the I nut clauie of the Fair will U I Inralld at to real properly 1rMldent Cleveland ask ConjreM to ipioprlate money ooropentotlon for attain Ijnrhed In Colormlo I rliirl rr roh l a I XCoiiRreiniin MorrUnn wArns tho lllnoU Democrat that they mint ap > pore free 4lhr or lu w III fljht the Ilrt i I Sfcrctnry Smllli to liv nfllrmnl the eclilon of the ComnilMtnner of tho I ericral tand Office In the oats of the tote No I and llixe No 2 lode clalnii ram the Salt Lake City district Utah Senator f Canner today Introduced alit a-lit In the Senate transferring tho iron > lion of Arltnna Wtxeen then Colorado river and the southern boundary of Utah to tIat IIlIt lie else presented a fin iotill from the city council of panlih fork Utah pra > Ing for Kglilatlon for loconitructlon ot tho Nicaragua canal by this R0ernmeiit The Senate Commlttei I on 1nbllc Lan ll bar under conilderatlon a bill toe to-e to all the states not now enjoying thus favor S per cent of the gross receipt rom the sale of publlo lands within sash slates Senator Cannon yei enlay had I conference with the com ilIU0 upon the nubjecl Inserting Utah In the hill and Chairman Dubois the onimlltw llatvtl that It should be 10 done Till conci lon nf 5 tier cent hat Len contlJeredonlyu Jittt contribution to the state treasury from the government govern-ment In view ot the fact that the states are obligated lln their en bllnnact to tee hit taxation l exempted from the guy rnment property of every kind Include log public landt Thuriilr Iob 0 Time Uornmn navy will not bolncroaioil Mil year llliti lor the popular lo < loin ag ro lilted f 8rt ftV Father lloban has keen appointed bit hop of Scranton 1a 1 Iiicr lluiifo of Congress panel an antlprl cflgjlulng blip Mnt ICli itof a iromlneli Chicago lanjer mining at Tacoma Vaili Funeral services ot glrlnce Henry 01 ltottonburu were held nt Co rc yciter day ahoyCol ColAJ 1ountatn ot Albuquerque N M believed have boon iimnlerad liycntlletlihnei Free gold hat heals found l ot Woo I hunt park Colorado midway 1 loetlletll l Cripple Creek nnd Weft Creek The preildvnt has sent the vinilv the nomlnallon of William lluckliam to tn bu poilmniter at Trucker Cal Morton rinell was kllle1 ana Juopl Mclntyrr unit I li > < org Bradley probably totally Injund by dynamllu cxplolon near Snecuudt Tinllrltlih iteamor Aegenbtfrod from j t Japjii liai arrival lit lort Toiumnd the wa long over < luu anti fears bad I l been l enlnluedfor her lafvtr llritlih tleiinnhlp imlH2tim la l aihnrc oirtlie Ilvi Island nnd h may be mini llrltlih ihlp Kiclrannnn unit itihoru 0111 fort Wllun near Port Toe tmcud and i urlll probably bun total loos 1 Iundun Feb 6lIehr J C Cult idliurut the Tall Mall liuivtteand Mr Mull ueltamit l Idllor 1 ImtltiK declined wreI lgii thilr p llloiii Mr Actor line iHiiinmrlv dlimUwl them They un Dime they 1111 < Immcillately publish n ttement of the tra oni for the netlon rr e villtorlal itnir upon hlrnllljt ot the rl Oil ot their chief resigned a body |