Show WIIAT A COAT HAD fOrt LUNIH i Thfj Ali 1 > Iho lnrmnitti lrr 1 ol Illr tlfinl I Mnnrhrj II < nrk IUnlln I 1 Yom the Minneapolis Time His ear ago Ihe lugKJR department ol tho Northern 1aclllc tutu Issued an j I order that no goat should I he transported trans-ported In luggage cars A peculiar Incident I I I 1 cident brought about the R < nernl order A goat had been plnrtd In n baggage > ear Hint was bound for the Iarlflcl I leash During Iho trip tbit animal hud I I eaten the leather strap that hold the brace check to Iho trunk When Iorl I I land was reached the checks were all on the floor of the car and there want I no way of ldcntlf > lng the trunk It look nearly three month lu straighten straight-en out tho tangle and the general order was lulled The ruin has never been > dlrobenl mil 11 the last few weeks C I U Stone city ticket agent of the Northern North-ern Pacific ticket onire In Hi 1niil generally makes contract with traveling travel-ing show that pan our the road lie had an Inclo Toms Cabin compan recently with bloodhounds und a dou b hey that wai hooked In towns along the road Among the properlle of the show were a small wagon In which was rented two goats that wire tired lo give n street parade They were harnessed to Itttlo lvn i Contrary to orders Agent Stone took tho goals and had them put In D baggage car with the bloodhound and the donhwy In the same caP were two hlcjrles belonging belong-ing to n man and his wife During time I night the gust dined on veritable wind I pudding I for they ale up the I pntu I mode tire of the ble > cle and chewed the cork handles for a dcxtcrl The own era of the blocks flied a claim with the company Tho claim wa referred 10 tho baggage department When ii I reached Agent Stone hero was a copy I 01 Ihe prohibitory order atachrd lo It wllh Instruction that Iho one who won csponslblo for Iho violation of the rules should pay tho claim of 100 gent Stouo will dig up n portion of hl Is monthly stipend to settle with the almnnls |