Show w OFFICIAL DIRECTORY PrATF I n 41 1 w 11 I lo Ilia JrI IIII + I iII flJwtw J A Ma r aeararr JI i VIN A wAt tow Slettaa aNAa Alionu > jt toarat l Tic 1 = nfiif avtRmr COURT rkorle L same James A hater Z nMhWAuZr JItlfll1l 1I11R JItltOU MITrU Off110 lilt AiJrt rll l rA 0rn < 1ii YOMUI i covnr fetd 4iGnK J I Aeor awl us lKtor J ifi Jenaltis T Along II 1 arrlnatnn Tent J Il iAmine kunwr 1 Ih Rhea hCTnllVarV Willi Ua ifk l5k n and William Art 001M TI Mayor r llH lVI t liKurtkr A N root Mirthtl sty WlUIn Ttsarurve loan toMKMi Cl tI f = iur Itoe Cent tro rill eon llw wu c t hlrHll ftl r 7rDamtre I iir ie i irot Pc c nvn miVn Jimi maun I iHincllt nr It Wriill 11 I nullim A HuoliniD H W Clair Jr Jobn VUUli I I t 1111111111I11 TlltIIJUt h W fuller nl I aim kum > nf that lit always knp II ir htac Nun nlut > in llu ItAft bud h I family hal always l 6nnd the I I mtulta follow u Oft flint I ho wo6l ru without It I 1r prnnriililv II i I liykem0n due gin i nukill 1 flout Dr lug NI says rA htcutvey to nndoubtwllv life beet cough rIIHV that he bass iiwltt m hit 11011I11 1 r IIIht yens was H had men fir lall1 I d all thai In I claimed I for u Why 11411 II v it reliably in lone Irltd and tooled Trial Ixitiln host ii Jnhn I I Ildrit i I NintdniK felt Itrgllar I site I RlX and tI I I To Ituum fur uabf When the fact 111110 ni tviitie owyon m I 3 JflJWI I te convinced The fact art that the 1nlon laellir is i Nothug all MHipttltori Inlix sknow i ledumi dining car route and grunt through ear line 01 the most Th It lie via IHIIIr And Ianese 1111 to Chicago In tounrv lion with file ohi rain R thou Hall roud with Itsrxceslenl riiu PIUBI of FreelttnIJill III Clmirfnr Ililliunn IVIwM leMrai 1lIlhll m Ihnir ilemnml lute itti > nllou tit Vern iriiMUr lo file east V > k fUr nearest avn fur ink i i HUT in 0 K L I IMU theft Vim and fkt gt Uiimliu NOW 1 M lonary Appointment for Milt 1 Month Ending Slay 1 IVJU t den W II Branch and Alexander F Mm Itecnmber t 1895 lleneftr > t < nnbvr ti Ipton January 12 1SW 11s nthln IVbruart 3 Oakley February 23 SnjiUrviliv Mairli 2l rvaimlon IWJ II Knead and t Miens Y I MlOf Jlnomber 1 ISM HiUivtll IWI January 12 ISiW Ainu I 1elirniiry S lrk City i February n Kvan > ton Mirth 16 Karoal April IU llenrlrr I jidera J A Mmllh I and f > l < rard i n11 I 1191Je De nibvr 1 1916 Wnnahlp lie rwobvr 22 fees February iRI 18WU Ifirk City March It steamier 1 April IV I Upton > eiders Henry hint and John IV jth I Llvcvfnbr I Iw6 Echo llerenttMf 22 Itorkiwri January 12 MMI tnlon I February Pena I Starch Ift 1 llovtulll I Also is llnnebr Kldem JaIM Judd unit Will llnrl Derrmhirl fiat KM CuIIIII Ito1 I eeinWi 22 liitvlll January 12 811111 I Iiclii I Murdilo Kutkiwr April 10 Wanthlp Slay 1 JMkly 1 Idera Urarue UulTand William Johnilon December 1 ISM Evanston DrOTinlwrK ICama January IJ ISM t1i 11 g t uJI Itixkpwrt March 20 Park City May 3 past IWiMien Jamn Salmon and Robert Cuklerwoo llvoeiulcr 1 19KS iriiton Uwmiilwr 22 Evil January U I8BO Xtklrt I February id Alrar Man JO HenrU April 1 nvrlervllle l 1 II 1 IT Anion I ale and Ietcr lllx on Domnlwr 1 Iltllli Cialvll llrwnilier 2 UJkloy January lB01J1l01111II Fehruar 1 U lat Coalville March 16 IVoa April Itf Echo rIM Klder Win A Wllmn 11 Wm shoran Jr December 12 1H > 3 Snider Vllle Januiirr 12 ISJil lIntlor i Feb ruiii 2 Loot CVmlt llie Marsh 20 Waif shill poll ID Kamai Elders John I llortln Uolxri Mddowuy I and MHjrgeJ lUiuov Hoiciiilxr 1 Ifltt Peon I i January 12 18Utl Kainn I February i nidcrtllle IVIiniiir 311 Hoylilllc j March 16 East Coilvllli I MarrhlU rptnn Tldtr Italph Mnxitell nnd illkrl J Manhant Oecenibvr 11833 Kuinai December J Co lllle rubriiar KM Wanshlp March loicho i April 19 Park City May 3 Rockort hiders J U Lambert and Anibroto 1iiU DivmlNT 2 1R1I5 Vaii nip Jaiiiur 1 ISNl tuiKllle February J It i < > ikH > rt Tebritart IM Ojkley j Marili1i nyilerllle Elder 1 Daniel Uinlwit and A It Man Intnl DecemWr 2 1W Post Cools lie January IS lSiNlSnyder Ilia February M 1rtw Morel11 Oiklev March thl lloylnvllloi I May 1 Knnm Elder It A June I And r Thoinat pmt Ion Ihivmlwr 1 ISM Rcklrt Icb nurrl I8i Kclm Starch 1A Upton Jlnrih L 0 Mot I Coalville i April 111 Coal vlll llder J K I 1eltltand T L Leach lumber 1895 Itoik Spring 1 1eb tr tour 2 1841 Evanston iVbriniry 1 Co h Hie Match IB limy Klilnt Itlchard lloilmn and Frank JMilU January 12 IBM hock Springs i II kc t f IVliriurv J AluiVi u March 29 Coalvlllu April li Kvatuton I 1 1mlO rUIKCUG JOHN lliiviKt I J1 riMitu I Committee Warranty lkele l short furni and a Ihesif JiHllro lilnnk fur Hale ut Tun funk oiiicc 4Dr Dr J J CHAMBERS Physician and Surgeon Cltjr Juiirnnlltie Physician Office first block cast of Times Office Coalville Utah I I JAMES K HOSMKR M I > I llij liluu unit Sllrl OIl I CoahlllM Inuillrcuinllhuiirivxcept when nnnv i t 1 uilwiinil mutate ai Wllllnm Ilaf MidW nldeiuv i VtIU t UllaIlE Notary Public llru rr ntlm ilJr ITIcii 1Iooobl PEOA HOUSE FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS OR TOURISTS AND TRAVELER Rates In Keeping With the Times Mrs Lydia E Walker Proprietress 1EOA SlIl1l1l11t County Ulnh r k CACOPYTRIGEHTS CAN 1 OHTAIN A IjtTrNTt roc art L Mump sows a ni an onus oi > lnton writ to MIINNVI ll bolT bad ilTllllriirf iwUrnMUt h l brln Cpinpunlft etwrlmto i t brlnIfw P f liututirtrtlf 1 cnnndvntt r t A IlimdboeU ot In ti > rm = concrrnln1 inlf nl sat bow to ob Uln fbm rent frM Ah > 01 ratlutu4 ut reecnaw 141 And ntin9l 0iki > nifrreL n 1atute taken Prltmllllo r A t1 ra n3 inxiul notlMlalk I l + Mi neAmern lUi are brouaht dl l > before lb public wild met lo file laentw I1 WlHliil Ww flhuWr t UIIKI wM tr inruiiir Itiimretfd bat by ru he t4firMt cjrcuutloo tor Br so title wyrk In the r1 V1111111 r n am tv r era urea Stuntryt Ya UM manta r tlM rr emaN I to c Ia JS mnl kerr oua w Mamas beau rut DLae i r rootri 1obuw or I pou dr1fa brM b t4 = t dwl Doan terror oenrw AAdnwe jlrdeyTWKwrrf I ltlNN lY1NaN014 ka UOUWAT Coalville TIMES 2 per Year J1r I o Q STOP and examine our show window of I Greatly Cut mens youths and childrens S UXJlS and odd coats pants and vests Ladies Suits also cut to less than cost This Ad means just what it says Call and see COALVILLE COOP o P Maggie Salmon I respectfully the Indies to call and learn the Great Reduction Reduc-tion in prices made on my winter stock Ladics Hats and Childrens Caps will be sold off at great bargain Also Indies and Childrens Underwear Hoisery Fascinators Hoods lion nets and Mittens I have nice line of Infants and Childrens Coats all of winch will IX disposed of at Cost rather than carried over for another season Respectfully MAGGIE SALMON SALMONf f COAL Always On Hand at the MSflTCH MINE Lump 200 Stove 1W Joe 125 Ti H mll s Lo l tleP1111p111 d N No D DoI I J PHBOHIZE HOME INDUSTRY Weber Coal Dept O So M Co u SUBMIT COUNTY MarbleWorks is 9 trr I ft I I I Moiunticnta and Hendstuiien III f Marble Kasteru and Itnportid Granites C < II VIsr Prowr I IIQllyi11I11 UtAh r E It I I OLARKS i 1afrolvi l Leather and GUI IOEMBNT I I Jin Miiiniit I 1 t l Inl fit 111 ihc an rill 1 l ullv t 1 W tttrurnd Purr 1 15nil pr I iU > illi > luritltnl I outilllv Coop 01 m llnU n 1 r ro i h i i i a w i i CateatandTeNarhta i and all I pal i ttlbuuniuciiiU 11 r MoorATt Fill t I i OUd 0114 Iwae Ne orrice trm tan WUF61n IsorrorttU Y ntr in I loss I a PAT1aTOrn tlWe shall units c i i I Mod model l m wim r photo wills door rip Ikon We aril II Imuble or not free WOO related Our I not dIG iSSPS l0net talent l4 red r 00044 APYratT of wwIa the Ilno USaad to Ubuln laelgacuou lattM4 with ta I at free Address IclAsWOWcCOJ i Il OIe SSSSSSKSKSXgl n iSiJ e ra earrNaraNa HN O NA IME |