Show 1 BOSTONS NEW MAYOR i JOSHUA QUINCY CHOSEN CHIEF I EXECUTIVE I llml snrrrrxl Illllrr Hrr1 In Hal nl Hi llnil of II tnueee > teal tnll data In 1KOS Kkrlrli g r lilt Ituiy IIr Ill mayor Is I the I third of his nan and family to be r r thus honored by he people of Dos tI on Ills grandfather grandfa-ther Joilah Qulnc Ii was elected to the mayoral chair In I i nil and filled It 1 J with great credit to hlmirlt and advnn taga lo the people and In KI3 his father Joslnh Quincy was rhosen to the once and reelected for three con ecullvn terms The present mayor was born In Qulncy In 1855 Inheriting In-heriting lltllo beside good health and an honored name He graduated from Harvard college In 1S < 0 and Immediately Immedi-ately began leaching In the Adams academy of his nallte town of which Dr William Ktcrett was at the time the head A year later he went to Kti rope and spent soot Ipso In travel after which lie took a law course nt Harvard anal was admitted In practlen In 1881 His first active participation In politic was as n member of the com mllleo of one hundred whlrh led ue Independent movement far Ohnrland against Illalne In 18SI In 1M1 he was elected lo the lower hotiw of the Massachusetts Massa-chusetts Icglftlaluro ns n deiuomt and served for throe year declining the fourth nomination order to make an iinsuecmwful Hght for eaagrcM against Ulljah A Morse In a strong itinbllenn district In 1580 ho was again sent lo 1 Ihe legislature and was elected In I 1800 That year ho l > eoamo secretary of thin dotnncratlo state committee the nest yeti rhalrnun nt Iho executive rom nl II leo and In 1K12 he tertMl ns rhnlrman of tho full state romrolttee conducting n canvass of exceptional strength In IS92 Ie peas n delegate to the democratic national convention and was chosen by his colleagues torep resent the stale on the national commit lee 11 In wan lubseqtiently made n member of the executive committee of that body and chairman of limn commit r IO 4ti sv v a t d 1 JOSIAII QUINO tee on eampalKIl IHoratlire tlrr tbo Inallllllmtion ot Clovelnll1 III 1893 Mr Quincy tendorool tle Ioaillon ot al 11lanl secretary ot tate which ho at first decllnel butt when It was show r to him that III aceplanrll would KrtI ty Iheuptesilcnt and errs the part y his ylel vI I so tar 08 tn enter the omce tomlur Ily for the purpose ot roor lIanllin the consular service on the IIno ot en rntortalneo In common bT Preside Clovolnnd oltol himself Tha object I InK been aehlne1 at the nd or six IOtba ho relllne antI hummed his sit tlon to blltllloll and Irotea Ional trrrII lie 1s I largely Inter cited In wo Important suburban clot Idle rat aa 10 thin management ot which b glues personal aUlIl1on lie Ia IInmo led 110 Will the democrillc CII 1101 Ida for maJor II year ago anol WRI the defeated bT Mr Curdle the unlllerOI III candldalo this year |