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Show I Woman's Page Singing as a Chest Developer Fifteen Minutes Singing Daily Excellent Exercise Rust Prevnted Waist Novelty Hot Desserts Enjoyed at This Time of Year Three Excellent Recipes. I Tim stars incline, hut do not compel" Horoscope Tuesday, January 5, 1915. (Copyright, 1915, by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) Although Saturn rules strongly for pood, this is not a very propitious day, according to astrology. Neptune Is mildly benfic in aspect, but Mercury', Mer-cury', the Sun, and Venus are all adverse. ad-verse. The evening is an especially inauspicious inau-spicious time for love affairs Worn-. Worn-. en are subject to a sway that is believed be-lieved to make them capricious, exulting ex-ulting and unreasonable. Weddings are not happily governed, unless they take place in the morn-' morn-' Sng of this day There is a sign indicating disappointment disap-pointment and heartache for women in the artistic profession. The stars presase continued competition and a period of oversupply in musical and theatrical fields. The planets indicate improvements In conditions that affect the stage, but the number of theatres will decrease and new managers vslll direct plays Failures among producers may be pre vented, but the signs are sinister, the astrologers declare. Children are under a rule of the stars, which presage much suffering and a consequent concentration of effort ef-fort to relieve them here and in Bur-ope. Bur-ope. New institutions for their benefit ben-efit will be established. During the next three months the public health should be safeguarded, for epidemics are foreshadowed The extremely young and the extremely old will be the most susceptible The deaths of many persons con spicuous in public life are prophesied A literary man of prominence will pass on A serions earthquake in Jaa will occur before the end of the winter quarter Trouble in the British navy is prognosticated. A calamity will precipitate a scandal. Publishers and editors should benefit bene-fit from conditions as they exist during dur-ing this month, but the spring will not be good for their business. Many books on serious subjects will fail to sell Persons whose birthdate it is may have difficulties in business, owing to misunderstandings with partners or employers. The young may be disappointed. dis-appointed. Children born on this day may be extraordinarily successful in life. Cirls may be rather untidy and boys are likely to spend money carelessly The6e subjects of Capricorn have Saturn as their principal ruling star. oo |