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Show BABIES DIE OF I SLOW POISONING I Mother Administers Dose to fl Two Children and Takes One Herself. fl New York. Jau. 4. The slow poison, j i 'H administered six clays ago by Mr- Ida Rogers to her two babies and her- ffl self, resulted today in the leatb of the older child John aged '2 Lorlda. tH 8 months old. died last Wednesday. ijH The mothers death was expected flfl Lorlys Elton Rogers, ihe lawyer flfl who uas known as her husband to flfl the neighborhood in the Bronx, wlu fl they lived, still kept his vigil at the flfl sick woman's bedside. He had no fl comment to make nor did Mrs. Annie H Roquemore Rogers, who divorce! Rogers in 1909. nor Mrs. Caroline Giddings Rogers, Who married Rogen fl in 1909 and lived with him till last fl October on Riverside Drive Mrs. fl Annie Rogers has been a frei-nent m callQjD at the hospital since Mrs ' j h 1 Rogers' was taken there, but she ha declined to listen to questions eonj cerning Rogers' life. i j M |