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Show GETS QUICK RELIEF FROM AKOZ . 11 John Davis of Salt Lake City Uses Remedy for Kidney and Bladder Trouble. So pleased Is he with his recovery from a case of bladder and kidney trouble, of 20 years standing, John Davis, aged 74, a retired capitalist of Salt Lake City, living at 1312 11th street East, wants everybody to know that Akoz, the wonderful California medicinal mineral, made him well. He writes the following-. "I have been taking various remedies reme-dies for years in my effort to find something that would relieve my suffering suf-fering from kidney and bladder trouble trou-ble of 20 years' standing. Nothing seemed to help me until I began taking tak-ing Akoz during September. In .i fortnight I noted a greated Improvement Improve-ment in my condition, and today af ter taking the remedy for less than a month, I am better than I ever hoped to be. At the end of the first week I could sleep through the night without being disturbed, where before I would have to get up as often a3 six and eight times a night, while even during the day T was similarly troubled. Now I suffer no inconvenience inconve-nience at all. Anyone wishing to fee me regarding his statement is at liberty to call at my address. At first I was very dubious about trying " wip8 H - JOHN DAVIS. ,H Akoz. Now I am convinced that it ?, H is a wonderful remedy." !?J Akoz will be found as effective for I rheumatism, stomach trouble, diabe- il tes, Bright's disease, catarrh, ulcers, piles, skin diseases, eczema and other fl allmentB. Akoz is being introduced H at the drug store, Mclntyre, Eccles H building, and by all other leading H druggists. Visit, phone or write for further information regarding this advertisement. Advertisement. |