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Show BOSTON'S NOTED BEAUTY SPECiALISTj Will Be in Ogden the Remainder Remain-der of the Week. Mrs. Jessie M Abbott, the noted Boston Beauty Specialist, who is touring tour-ing the west for the United Perfume Co. of Boston creators of the Harmony Harmo-ny Toilet Requisites, and who has been in Ogden since Monday, says of the Ogden ladies upon whom Bhe has called "I find the Ogden women, modern and up-to-date, and I have not failed to interest every one of them that I have called upon. The woman of today has the con trol of her appearance in her own hands She can be old at 40 or young at 7 It is Just a matter of the interest she takes in herself and her willingness to spend a small amount of time upon herself. It is the duty of every woman to keep herself her-self young and attractive for her own sake and for the people with whom she is associated. Mrs. Abbott has been busy every' hour of her time in Ogden at the homes of the women with whom sh has had appointments hut she finds that she cannot accommodate all those who have asked for appointments appoint-ments at their homes: so to give every, lady in Ogden the benefit of her wide experience as a beauty spe eialist and Pome valuable advice, she will pend Frldav and Saturday afternoon af-ternoon In Carr's Drug Store. Mr H. T. Can 1s tho distributor for the Harmony line of toilet requisites, and he wants the ladies to understand that this advice and treatment is absolutely ab-solutely free and requires no obligation obliga-tion on the part of those treated. Advertisement |