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Show I kussmns hue I DRIVING AHEAD rlM' if n Petrograd, Nov. 7. The Russian I 'withdrawal to the left bank of the Hi jfji Stripa -with 8500 Austro-German prls-H prls-H j oners is typical of the tactics now be-H be-H J ing pursued both by the Russians and H il : the Germans. H !'' Pending the time when the present H I5JJ preparations will render possible com- H jc( prehensive forward movements, the H (JL Russians are confining themselves to H: f short and sharp dashes by rapidly con- j JfJ centratlng forces at selected points. H j , The Germans have a comparatively 5 Bmall number of men In their front H j. positions. The bulk of their forces i' are massed at the railroad Junctions a In the rear, whence they can immed-Bihfr immed-Bihfr lately be flung to any threatened o point, in tne present instance tney lit no move their reserves quick Hill enough to prevent the Russians from HIM doing serious damage. Mail A telegram from KiefC says that In their recent reverses in Galicia have Mil made it necessary for the Austro-Ger- Wmii mans to reinforce that quarter at the HI expense of the other sections of the M front. Hlc, Prisoners state the Austrians have Hlii already begun to remove their Btores Hy j from Lemb erg. Hf u Every day makes it more improb- J;, j able, that the Germans will entrench Htj 3 on tn Dvlna for the winter. Predic- Hi 2 tions of an early and severe winter Hi so far have been fulfilled. H ii! oo |