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Show H i m SOME MIRRORS! I Ebony H Walnut I I Maple-Ill Maple-Ill f - Rosewood I II and Parisian Ivory 1 1 All Prices 1 1 lf cBRIDE HI XT X Drug Co. II Hjjj 2463 Washington Ave. jj "House of Quality." H I'll SBBaaBHBHBflHUnajBaMiai I 1 1 FIRST NATIONAL 111 I BANK 1 Hi I OF OGDEN, UTAH. 1 H I U & DEPOSITARY. 1 j 1 Capital $150,000.00 1 K Jj I Surplus and Undlvld- M HI 'jj ed Profits $200,000.00 I H !jj I Deposits $2,500,000.00 I Hi! 1 I M. S. Browning, President. I H! ' 1 John Watson, Vice-President I HI'. 1 L-x R Eccles, Vice-President. I HI i R. B. Porter, Vice-President I H (jj I James 7. Burton, Cashier. n H I 1 Sumner P. Nelson, Asst Ceh'p. H CASTORIA For Infants a&d Children In Us For Over 30 Years AJwaya bears ,r fitenntare of (t&ff7t&UA CHICHESTER S PILLS & SBM S?'?' iW 1th Bluo Ribbed Vy I P7 W n!iJ"! YW- Bir r rpnr V 1 SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE H iifflg-Tim irrm ! I MOUNTAIN BRAND II Hjl 1 1 Yes, when, you are ordering groceries or meats you 1 1 HI: II should not forget that order of MOUNTAIN BRAND 11 Hft i 1 Bacon it is now packed in one pound cartons and 1 1 H 1 1 for sale at all good stores. 'TS-- 1 m H 11 This breakfast bacon, made II j cv ) H 1 1 from the western porker and III M& W H 1 1 under federal inspection, is II jBftF I Hr 1 1 sliced at our plant,- wrapped in I fSffigsESKt nl Hj 1 1 aed paper, packed in III jSSSPi hi Hl 1 1 carton and sealed. There liL Si H is no waste, it is fresh and S? MM H! You will find that MOUNTAIN BRAND Bacon is 1 H 1 1 most delicious for breakfast, it is an appetizing and 1 1 H 1 E&isfying dish. H II Ogden Packing & Provision Co. II Hl "Th Home of Mountain Brand." 1 1 OLD AGE A CRIME! Somo people are young at 60 red cheeked, ruddy and vigorous. Others aro old at 40 joints beginning to stiffen up a bit; step beginning to lag and loso its springiness; occasional occasion-al touches of pain in the back; feel tired without cause, and possibly a twinge of rheumatic pain. In most cases, these aro the danger signals to warn you that the kidneys are not promptly doing their work of throwing off the poiBons thSt are always forming in the body. To neglect ne-glect these natural warnings is a crime against yourself. If you have these symptoms, you can find prompt relief in GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. For more than 200 years, thi3 has been the recognized rem-edv rem-edv for kidney and bladder ailments. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules Cap-sules are imported direct from the laboratories at Haarlem, Holland. Prices are 25c, 50c and $1.00. Get them at your druggists. Do not take a substitute. (Advertisement). Read the Classified Ads. Read the Classified Adj. HORLICK S The Original MALTED MILK Zfnfesa you say "HORLtOK'S" fjgju may gat m Substitute, m m 'beyond compare: Munsing Union Suits j give you the most for your j money any way you figure it. If you seek the highest quality of fabric and finish you get it in Munsingwear. If you seek real economy I you get it in Munsingwear. j And if you are looking for I perfect fit and have never been able to get it before 1 try Munsingwear on our guarantee of satisfaction. The prices are low the raneo of styles nd fabrics I very "wide. fi I A GOGiyiSga TO TRAJ3& Read the Classified Ads. oo r Read the Classified Ada. Til Nov. 15 we will make our OUB MINIMUM PRICES f Whalebone" Double Suction Sets of Teeth as low as $4.00 Plate for $8.00; does not cover Crowns, low as $4.W J roof of mouth; lighest plate Brid9e Work- 'w as R00 knovm; guaranteed to bite corn Sft&V"""!!3i3 1 Oil tHe cob. Teeth extracted without pain $1.00 EASTERN PAINLESS DENTISTS Hours 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sundays 9 to 12. Saturdays 1 until 9 P. M. I 2469 Washington Ave, 2nd Floor Over Paine & Hurst. " ' I . M j. ehm -5L .JS. PUTTING MONEY I I In the Bank I I If you buy "NEVERRIP" OVERALLS, you I ! ASK s"PPort Home Industry and Union Labor. I j TO i S5,i!:!",e yu want overalls insist on Scow- 1,1 SEE 1 crofts NEVERRIPS." If THEM I .ft They wear good-fit good (and a new pair If I u r5de in aI1 sizes even for the kiddies to 1 1 be had at all good dealers. 1 1 |