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Show oo CARDINAL CAVALLARI IS DEAD IN VENICE Paris Nov. 24. 11. In p. m. A dispatch dis-patch to the Havas agency from Venice Bays that Cardinal Aiistldes Cavallarl, patriarch of Venice, died tori to-ri ay Cardinal Cavallarl was born at Chioggai in 1849, and was raised to the cardlnalate Id 1907. He was noteo for his simple piety. On various occasions oc-casions he expressed himself volubly against the immodest dress of women, and once is snld to have stopped a church service in order to make a woman worshiper cover her open-work shlrtw aisL In January of this year Tardlnal Cavallarl Issued an episcopal letter Rtronsly condemning the tango dance, declarinc that "only those persons who have lost all moral sense can endure it ' He ordered all the ec cleslastles to deny absolution to those who, having danced the tano, did not promise to discontinue the practice. |