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Show II RANDOM REFERENCES I Good watches z Price 278 25th. Serious Charge Charles Root ol this city was arrested on the charge of an assault with intent to commit .i statutory offtn.se. Karma Green, a fourteen-vear-old girl is named as the victim. It is said that the ass&ul! was committed September 29 of this j ear. Dr Coulter and Dr. BartJelt. First National Bank Building. Phone 96 Advertisement. Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses li-censes have been issued to Joseph Eugene Lichfield of Provo and Suaau-i, Suaau-i, a Parker of Ogden; James Drysdale. Jr . of Ogden, and Lula Woodland 01 Willard; Henrj J Blackmore of Omaha, Oma-ha, and Marie E. Shupe og Ogden. Quincy Lafayette Hansen of Syracuse and nnie Florean Beard of Henefer. Alfred W. Stage of Hooper and Ida M. Parker of Clinton, and to Charles W Mitchell df CliOtOU and Elvira S'ageu of Hooper, Or. Pugmire Office 225 Eccles Bldq. Emmanuel Class The Emmanuel lass will not meet this week COAL All kinds M. L. Jones Coal and Ice Co. office 41.1 24th St Operation Performed Miss Helen Pilby of this city underwent a serious operation yesterday morning at the Holy Cross hospital in Salt Lake Miss Bilby i5 petting along as well as could be expected. P'lnal grand prize waltzing contest at New colonial Thanksgiving night Idmisslon, 75c per couple 25c extra lady. 11-2441 EL T. Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. H L. Bell, arriVed in the city this morning, morn-ing, to pass Thanksgiving day with nis pnrents The highest of living necessitates your calling for B. & G Clover Leaf Butter. New Home Albert Uberts is building build-ing a small residence at "Utah Place," between Jackson and Van Buren ave-nues, ave-nues, that will cost in the neighborhood neighbor-hood of $1001). A Thanksgiving dance will be gflven In the Eleventh ward hall tomorrow r.igbt D C Lindsay reported to the police po-lice yesterday afternoon, that some one had stolen his bay mare and i black top btr Southern Pacific Officials G ' Riehardsun, superintendent of trans-j portation lor the Southern Pacific, i6 expected to arrive in. Ogden this afternoon. af-ternoon. He is occupying his private car "San Jose" and is to go to Salt i Lake City on train No. 14. The dls-j linguished official will return to Ogden Og-den tomorrow and will go west from here. Soldiers Six cars of United States soldiers are expected to reach Ogden! I tomorrow at 4 a m They am en route from Chicago to San Fran clsco. Whitney Ccming General Superintendent Superin-tendent VY A. Whitney, of the Oregon Short Line, is to pass Thanksgiving day in Ogden, according to an announcement an-nouncement made at the Union depot today. He was In Ogden this morning morn-ing on his way to Salt Lake City, and will return here earlv tomorrow morning for a visit with local friends. Railroad Official A. F. Rrewer. superintend of the Utah-Montana division of the Oregon Short Line, ar rived In Ogden yesterday afternoon, l.ssed the night here and went to Salt Lake City this morning. Tomorrow evening a dancing pam will he given in the Eleventh ward amusement hall to which the public in general is invited Good music and delicious refreshments will b3 served. An excellent program of dances dan-ces has been arranged and a good lime is assured everyone. B. Miller departed today for Portland. Port-land. Ore . for an extended visit witn friends and relatives. Marriage License Marriage licenses li-censes have been issued to Carl C Gartf and Amelia Nelson of Ogden. Henry A. Peek og Kanesville, Hose V M Woodward of Corlnne, Opal Rlcn- ardson and Clarabell Chandler of I Ogden ; Wm H. Bever and Anna Hum-vl Hum-vl - ber of Tremonton; Burton Lewis Mc-Kine Mc-Kine of Salt Lake and Floy Mary Wind of Council Bluffs. Iowa, Frederick Frede-rick F. Eby and Myrtle J Jones of Ogden; John F Monson of Hyrum and Eunice E Campbell of Ogden, Paul Ellis and Elizabeth Llndquist of Ogden; Alma M Righy of Aberdeen Idaho, and Martha Bartlett of Kanesville. Kanes-ville. and to F. E Walker of Eden and Hazel D. Smith of Huntsville. J A Lloyd, commercial agent for the Erie railroad, was in Ogden to-day to-day on business. His headquarters are in Salt Lake Frank Haley, a drunk, was arrested early this, afternoon at Wall avenue and Twenty-fifth street by Patrolman William Brown. He is an old offender. of-fender. Personal Injury CaBe This after-noon after-noon th peraonal Injury case of J. C. Anderson against the Oregon Short Line company et al , was submitted sub-mitted to the jury after a trial of two days. The plaintiff sought damage in the sum of $2 500 for alleged Injuries In-juries which necessitated the ampu- ration of the Index finger of the left hand. Hp contended that the Injuries were sustained by reason of the care-le8Sne8S care-le8Sne8S and negligence of the defendants de-fendants while under their employ ment in the handling of freight at the Union depot in Ogden in November of 1913. Deportation D K Plumley, inspec-ton inspec-ton in (he C S department of immigration, immi-gration, and Officer Richard Plncock of the Ogden police department, de parted this morning for San Francisco Francis-co Th3y took two Japanese with them, one of whom K Dolmon, was brought here by Mr. Plumley, from Rock Springs, Wyo , on Nov. 22nd Thej are to be deported. Fire A small blae occurred this morning at the home of Joseph B. Jar-man, Jar-man, SOpO Ogden aveue. Sparks from a chimney set fire to sme shingles on the roof, but was extinguished by the fire department before any material damage was done The marriage of Miss Lillian Osborne Os-borne and Mr. Le Hoy Jackson at Farnungton yesterdav morning came as a complete surprise to their many friends in this city. After the wedding ceremony the bride and groom re-' turned to Ocden and announcer! the , aftair to their relatives and friends i Til Vi r. in turn 1 1 . 11 H n - .1 rl i r I. Act n i 1 1 . - for a happy future The bride Is the daughter of Mr. j and Mrs. L Osborne of 2671 Wall I avenue and has numerous friends in this city. Auditing The state auditor Is engaged en-gaged inspecting the books and accounts ac-counts of the state industrial school It Is expected that it will take about three weeks to complete the audit ing oo |