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Show GET THE HABIT- I It Pays USE STANDARD WANT ADS najjv Let the people know what Everybody reads the Want Ad page it, the " you have to offer If vou medium of exchange for Real Estate For Sale, Want Ads are great aid I , y u Lxchange, Rooms and Houses for Rent, Help , . have a vacant room, ad- Wanted, Positions Wanted, Etc. to sma11 business. A few vertise it. A two or thrfv- " " r j -l i line want id will classified advertisements , Ilnes run dailv cost but line want ad Will help you Payable in adrance. One coat per word per inser- u U -11 sell your surplus stock Von No flr8t sertlon less than 25 cents. Two or more ' bU returns will mLjLtL . lines, 25 cents per line per week 75 centi per line dm real estate, etc. month with no changes. 5 surprise you. - "First In Everything' WANTED FEMALE HELP GIRL for general housework: must know how to cook. 239 27th St 1 1-20-1 wk WANTED MALE HELP I AN excellent opportunity (or a shrewd businpss man who is a non-user non-user of liquor, must apply at once i 1536-M. 11-21-lwk AGENTS WANTED j FOUR lady or men house-to-house canvassers; a meritorious proposition with good future for hustler. Phori'1 1318-W. 11-25 3t SITUATIONS WANTED , W ANTED Situation as experienced stenographer; can furnish references Box 51, care Standard 11-25-1 wk MIDDLE-aged woman desires position as housekeeper. AddresB R, care Standard 1 1-25-1 wk MAN wants work with cattle Phono 1205 M ll-24-2t J L HUBERT, landscape gardener, 28 years experience pruning trees and shrubberv Tel 1049-J. 2245 Washington Washing-ton Ave. 11-24-tf BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and room, good home cooking cook-ing O. F. Vogel, 2665 Wall. ll-24-lvk A NICE front room, suitable for 3 Gentlemen. Inquire 732 24th St 10- 20-lwk ROOM and board. 2333 Adams. 1 IS tf FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSES, ROOMS AN'J APARTMENTS. ROOMS for housekeeping, Utahna. 11-25 ?f THREE furnished rooms for rent, $12 a month 588 Second St.; no children. Inquire 570 Second SL ll-25-2t I ONE nicely furnished room for gentleman gen-tleman 336 21st. Tel. 1552-J. 11 25 lwk FURNISHED rooms for bousekeep-l bousekeep-l ing. 2220 Lincoln Ave. 11-24-tf TWO modern furnished front rooms with or without board Phone 404-W. 11- 23-lmo MODERN four-room house. 412 17th. 11-23-lwk TWO sunny, clean rooms for housekeeping, house-keeping, light and bath furniBhed; gas range and laundry room. 447 21st St 11-21-tf FOUR rooms and bath, furnished Purdv. 2379 Hudson Ave Phone 485 11-21-lwk FIVE-room furnished house, close In, and to depot; a snap to right party. Phone 2580-K. 11-21-lwk FURNISHED housekeeping rooms on ground floor 2769 Grant Ave. 11-21-lwk THREE modern furnished rooms for housekeeping 2627 Adams. 11-20-lwk HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 2353 Monroe. Mon-roe. 11-20-lmo TWO cozy front rooms, modern; very reasonable; suit aii rur Z or more gentleman. 2584 Washington. Call afternoons or evenings. 11-19-lwk FURNISHED room, suitable for two gentlemen. 2521 Adams Ave. 11-19-lwk 5CIH.II IJU. II. - C A flu"'"" - - ' TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping. Inquire 734 23rd. 11 19 lwk A MODERN seven-room furnished house, well located. A modern five-room five-room house, good location, nicely furnished. fur-nished. A modern six-room furnished house Very cheap to right parties. J, J Urummilt, under Utah Natl. Bank ROOMS for housekeeping, gas, 427 24th St. 11-3 lmo 2 NICELY furnished rooms. 2054 Farr YVe lo-30-lmo 12-RUUM house, 336 21st St.; partly furnished. Tel. 152. 10-6-tf FOR RENT UNFURNISHED HOUSES. ROOMO kND APARTMENTS. ROOMS for housekeeping. 2468 Wash Ington, 11-25-tf TEN-room house, close in 2021 Wah Apply 336 '-'1st. Tel. 1552-J. j 11 25 lwk EIGHT room modern with basement. In the best residence part of the city. Call 1416-M. 11 24 tf EIGHT-room modern, furnace heat; 'lose in; $30 Tel. 2692-W. 639 23rd St. NICE tour-room house Apply 317 18th Bt Rhone 1776-W ll-19-2wks BROOM, brick house. 2171 Reeves Ave. Inquire 128 25th SL Phone 339 CHOICE business location. Wush. Ave., between 24th and 25th. Lease from 1 to 5 vears, very low rent In-quirt In-quirt 827 Eoclefl Bldg or phone 573 W. 11-13-tf MODERN 7-room, $20; 2644 Lafayette, near 26th and Jackson. Phone 1932-W. 11-4 tf ONE Rich flat, 2463 Jefferson Ave Phone 609. 10-lS-tf LARGE, con von lent sfnrairp rnnm Wo. 11 6 tf Auto Painting THE stormy season is coming; let us paint and store your car. Barton. 22d and Wash Ave. "Signs of Course" Tel. 1985-.T ll-14-2wks LOST BROWN mare, weight about 1100 lbs.; 1 yearling bay horse colt and 1 light brown yearling mare colt, reward. James Harbertson South Weber. Phone 33N1. 11-25-lwk DANCE ORCHESTRA. LATEST music furnished for all occasions. oc-casions. Prices reasonable Phone Ml-M 11-25-lwk Personal TRY New Life for ailments. Demonstrations Demon-strations free at Room 514 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 11-14-lmo CHIMNEY SWEEP. CHIMNEYS cleaned and furnaces cleaned; satisfaction guaranteed. Og-den Og-den Chimney & Furnace Cleaning Co Phone 1243. 11-23-lwk Nurses MRS Olson, experienced nurse, maternity ma-ternity cases takm at home and nursed. Call 2651-M 2175 Grant. 11-24-lwk DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, 2117 Quincy Ave Tel. 13C9-M. 11-4-lmo DRESSM KING and ladles' tailoring. 2536 Madison Ave. Phone 1261-J removalT COW Market removed to the Red Front Livery & Feed Yard, rear 2537 Grant. Phone 611. 11-21-tf REWARD $20 reward for evidence that will convict con-vict the party that tore the Blue Boat loose on the Wasatch club grounds H. Brummell, Helena Hotel 11-23 lwk THE CAKE SHOP. Home Cooking. VAN DUSEN Cakes, and Home-made Bread. Open Saturday morning. 2352 Washington Ave. Phone 632 11 2'i-lwk FOR SALE MISCEJLJLANEOUS FURNITURE for 3 rooms, cheap 283S Nye Ave 11-25-lwk YALE motorcycle. 7 h. p twin cylinder, cylin-der, Just overhauled, first class condition, con-dition, a snap if taken at once Apply R. T , care Standard ll-25-2t A 7-year, first class family horse, about 1100 lbs At 1736 Gibson Ave . also 6urry, wagon, cutter and harnes3 Phone 2689-J. 11-24-lwk SMALL grocery store doing good business busi-ness 2107 Madison 11-23-1 wk . CANDIES, Fruits and Grocery Store, living room, rent reasonable In quire 214 1-2 25th St. 11-23-lwk ' FURNITURE in a 11-room boarding house. 2624 Lincoln. 11-23-lwk SPRING Chickens for sale. 2548 Lincoln Lin-coln Ave. 11-20-lwk ONE Singer sewing machine and some turniture. 623 22nd St, Phone 1386-.I. 11-21-lwk HOUSEHOLD furniture; a beautiful sideboard, cheap 2623 Jackson Ave. 1 WO-1WK OUR $450 Player Pianos have no equal. Pantone, 29th and Hudson. 11-2-lmo FINE selected stock of violins, bows and cases, Pantone, 29th and Hudson. Hud-son. 11-2-lmo KINDLING wood. Yard 2348 Hudson, Phones 750 or 517-J. 10-30-tf WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS SECOND-hand furniture and stoves; pay cash or will exchange for new Palsgrove Furniture Store. 2638 Washington Wash-ington avenue 11-23-lmo WANTED Desk room with storage adjacent W, Standard. Welshans Heating Co 11-20-lwk HIGHEST cash price paid for secondhand second-hand furniture. 2274 Wash Phone 440 11-18-tr CHICAGO Clothing company pays highest price for old clothes and shoes 263 26tb St. Phone 96 10.7. tf WANTED -Clean, white old raxs, at the Standard offtoc. Phone 58, 360 24 th Bt- 1 tl WANTED REAL ESTATE W ANTED to buy four-room modern home, close in. 2539 Grant. 11-25-tf THE DIFFERENCE. A woman has to give up a great deal after she gets married," slgheu Mrs Gabb "A man does nothing else but give up after he gets married," replied Mr Gnbb. Cincinnati Enquirer. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HjrRcaME A MODERN ten room house, 2308 Adams, Ad-ams, Cor. Adams and 23rd St Mrs. J. U. Leggett, Reed Hotel. 11 25 lwk BUSINESS CHANCES. WE have for sale a good general store ten miles from Ogden. about $5000 stock of general merchandise, store building, good five room house, 64 acres good land, large barn and outbuildings, all necessary machinery; machine-ry; 5 head of horses, 3 milk cows; 300 shares of water; all for about $16,000, depending on invoice of merchandise stock; will take 1-2 cash, balance on mortgage, lo ears at 8 per cent I FEDERAL LAND & MORTGAGE CO. 417 ECCLES BUILDING, Ogden, Utah. FIVE-room, partly modern house, fruit trees, lawn and barn; lot 76x165 ft.; owner leaving town; a snap ir taken ta-ken at onco. Inquire at 2221 Monroe. Mon-roe. 11-23-lwk V GREAT snap in twenty-two lots In West Ogden. These lots will be sold at acreage prices. J. J. Brum mitt, under Utah National Bank A MODERN five-room cottage; lawn, trees; located four blocks from the depot, one-half block from new cereal factory $2300; $200 down, balance $20 per month, low rate of Interest J. J. Brummitt. Phone 59. NEW 6-room. modern, brick bouse for sale, cheap Easy terms. Tel. 1678-J, 11-2-lmo HOMES. Any size. Lowest prices Installments or cash. Phone 1427. 10-27 tf AN elegant five-room bungalow near Snored Hear' academy; large basement, base-ment, screen porch, nice lawn, trees, large lot $2800; $300 down, balance same as paying rent. Low rate of interest J J Brummitt. TWO very choice inside vacant residence resi-dence corners at a bargain, easy terms E. F. Bratz. EVERY ONE A SNAP. 4 acres close In on 12th St ; fine modem brick house, barn and outbuildings, out-buildings, best of soil and water right. This place was originally listed at $6500. if sold by Dec. 1, will tako $4800, part cash. 10 acres of fine land Inside city lim Its for $1250; terms to suit 2-room house in good condition; located lo-cated on Washington Ave near 18th Bt; thp lot ll worth 11000; will sell the entire property for $950 on torms. 6-room modern house, nicely located on Bench: it's as good as new; price, $1950, small payment down, balance same as rent. A home for $800; big lot in West Ogden Og-den with a good, cozy tent; also some chicken runs; dandy place for chickens; chick-ens; $20 down, $10 per month E. W CANNADY. 411 24th St. 11-21-lwk County Real Estate For Sale BEST farm in Davis county for toe price; forced to sell at onco Phone 1427 10 8 tf FOR SALE OR TRADE. FIVE-acre farm, well improved. Address Ad-dress L M Olney, Clinton, Utah. 11-25-lwk MflVFIl J.F.Walker Real Estate Company From 25th St. To 416 24th St. Just west of Court House. Come in and tell up your trouble. W specialize In exchange of city and farm property Nothing too big or small for us to tackle. We have a large listing of farms to trade for city homes J. F. WALKER REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, 416 24th St Phone 1491-W. BARGAINS ONLY! C. B. EISENBERG ROOM 17 COM. NAT. BANK BUILDING. Through Bank Entrance. Lot 50x132, close In $625 3-room house, 1-2 acre lot $825 3 acres alfalfa, close In $1100 Store Bldg., 23x60 ft , and 7-room frame house; modern; large barn, etc.; lot 100 ft. by 125; all for. $4500 5- room house for rent, N. O $10 6- room house with lights and water $1050 $160 down, $16 per month PHONE 2246-W. PROOF. "Dattershy is getting more absent minded, isn t he '' "I should pay he was! Why I met him this morning on the way downtown down-town to have his straw hat cleaned J Cleveland Plaindcaler. CANNY SCOT. ' Buttons Get up! Get up! The hotel's ho-tel's afire' Scottish Gentleman RJcht, laddie-but laddie-but if I do, mind ye, I'll not pay for the bed. Answers. Salaried people can get It without security. Others on Furniture, Pianos, Pia-nos, etc. Can be repaid in small weekly or monthly payment. PRIZE WINNER. Hugglns They tell me Mrs. Hen peck is a neat and tidy housekeeper. Furrier and Taxidermist Furs cleaned and remodeiod in latest lat-est style Skinned and tanned. Rates reasonable. Work guaranteed. T. A. Gajewsky, 2516 Wash. Ave. ll-2-3mo Fruits Fresh Fruits and Vegetables delivered deliv-ered to any part of City, O. Rallaa. 224 Twenty-fifth SL Phone 687. Grocery and Bakery Try our best quality coffeo, 40e tha lb. AIbo good cheaper grades. 25c to 36c. lb. Phone 1146-W. J. J. Schwartz, Sch-wartz, 2234 Jefferson At. Groceries Also agentg for U. S. Cream Separators Separ-ators and o, K. Electric Washing Machines. Ma-chines. RU8SELI JAME8 CO. Everything to eat and then soma Hotel Safety, comfort, moderate. New Brigham hotel 24th and Wall One block from dopoL Only fire-proof hotel In the city. Reduced rates for permanent guests. Rates, 70c and up Theo. Gorle, Prop. Jeweler A full line of fine Jewelry and wab ches. Watch repairing a specialty. H. F. Upp, 2476 Grant Ava. Junk Ogden Junk House if yon have any kind of Junk, phone us up. We will call for 1L TeL 210. Meat Market Russell-Jamog Company. Also a full line of groceries, "Everything to eaL" See our Dept of Household Needa Cor, 24th and LAicola Ave. Phonos 412 and 413. Mechano-Therapist Dr H. A White, M. T. D.. Mechano-Theipist, Mechano-Theipist, over Smalley's, 336 25th St. A Drugless treatment for nervous I and chronic diseases. Try our methods. meth-ods. Phone 1864-W. Monumental Work SEE MITCHELL BROS, for monu mental work. Don't pay big couimis sion to agents. Pictures of moju-ments moju-ments are misleading, 2003 Jeff. p. 2218 Electrical Phmnm IQOftJ. Notary Public O. A. Kennedy Basement Utah Na- j tlonal Bank Building- 1 19 tf New and Second-hand Goods ALVORD & ANYTHING- "A to Z." SING it and RING It 333-W. I I tf I Photographer The Nogglo Studio. Fine portraits, views. All kinds of commercial work. BeBt kodak finishing In the city. Phono 388-J 41C-24th SL Painting and Decorating We will hang your wall paper We will paint your house. We will tell you how to do It yourself. Griffin Paint Co., 2310 Washington Avev One bay mare, white spots on back; large front ankles; weight about 800 pounds; about 10 years old. Said estrays were taken up by me in said city on the 17th day of November, Novem-ber, 1914. FRANK A. NAISRITT, Poundkeeper of Ogden City, Utah. Business Director v Accordion Plaiting Done In all lengths. 2568 Cole's Court, rear 240 26th SL Tel 1180-M Abstract of Title ABELS, the Abstracter, moved to 416 24th Street, Phone 1491-W Quick and Competent Service; prices reasonable. SOCKET MAZDA LAMPS, 13c. MAZDA LAMPS, 13c. ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Phone 88. Up 24th SL Auto and Carriage Painting There are a few autos In Ogden that need painting. We have painted 76 why Dot paint yours?; Touch up and varnish, 6 days; paint. 10 days. Why drive a shabby car? Ogden Carriage Car-riage Co.. Phone 1026-W. 1701 Wash. Assay Office Union Assay Office, inc., 152-154 South West Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah P. O. box 1446. Attorneys E. T. HulaniBki, FlrBt National Bank Bldg. 12 11 tf Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing We furnish all kinds of rubber tires. Carriages, buggies, wagons, automobiles, automo-biles, etc., repaired. New wagons mad to order O. E. Savage. Cor. Washington and 22nd SL Phone 389-W. Billiards Billiards and pocket billiards; new tables. 'The Cosey," 326 25th SL Chili Con Came THE REAL MEXICAN. NO BETTER CHILI MADE; NO CHILI BETTER MADE. Chicken Tamales. fresh Clam Chowder, Chow-der, Wholesale and Retail. Solo Agents Ag-ents for Le9ter's Mexican Ground Chill. Booklet of 37 Mexican Dishes with each 50c bottle of Mexican Ground Chili. THE BISMARCK, Phone 339. City Scavenger City Scavenger, McCarty & Co., 2728 GranL Boll phone :01S-W. Counselor-at-Law Lawyer O'Connolly over Commercial Commer-cial National bank Bid., 369 24th SL I'uunu 11. Carpet Cleaning K, Van Kanipen Phone 883 for upholstering, up-holstering, mattress making, restrain-lug restrain-lug of bed springs. Chiropractor F. J. Treenor, D. C, Graduate Chiropractor. Chir-opractor. No drugs, surgery or osteopathy; os-teopathy; try chiropractic. Rooms 212-213-214 CoL Hudsou Bids;, phons 311. Chiropractor and Masseur B. Cowllshaw, 1746 Wash. Ave Chiropractor. R. J. Sctiulu, Chiropractor, 327 Hudson Bldg Phono 1090. Dancing Studio Dancing LessonB Dally, 427 Col Hud-I son Bldg. ll-C-lmo ' MONEY TO LOAN DIAMONDS, Witches, jowelry, guns, etc. Thomas Loan office, Grant'fe 25tb 5 18 lyr MORTGAGE loans on farm or city property. O. A. KENNEDY. Basement Base-ment of Utah National Bank Bldg. 1 19 tf MONEY to loan on real estate security. secur-ity. J. J. Brummitt. 4 27 tf MONEY on first mortgage real estate loans Kelly & Herrlck. Money to loan on real estate security. 3 16 tf WHEN you want $10 or more ASK MP ni Y 81 1 n1 Umlnnn PnlMln. Guggins Why, ye8; her husband can't even drop a remark at homo but what she picks it up immediately. immediate-ly. Springfield Union. 00 NOTICE OF E8TRAYS. State of Utah, County of Weber, ss. I have in my possesion the following described estray animals, which if not claimed and taken away, will be sold to the highest cash bidder at 1848 Washington Ave., in Ogden City, Utah, on Monday, the 30th day o November, 1914, at the hour of 1 o'clock p m.: One light bay horse, hind legB white; left front leg, white; white stripe in face, shoe on; weight about 800 DOlinds: nhnilt Ifl vonrn olH Physician and Surgeon Dr A. Fernlund, Physician and Surgeon. Sur-geon. Office hours 11 to 4 4p. m. New Peerr Bldg. Hudson Ave. Phone 1900W Residence phone 2129W, 646 Waah. Ave. Printing For good and up-to-date Printing Call 1166. Dee-Neuteboom. 2362 Wash. At. Real Estate J. J. Brummitt, Loans, Insnranea, Real Estate, 2402 Washington Are. Under Utah National Bank. Phone 63. Storage Batteries Recharged, repaired, stored; satisfaction satis-faction guaranteed. Llectrlo Service Co., 4$5 24th SL Stove Repairs Summerlll's Stove Repair House, new location, 2279 Wash. Ave., Parry Bldg. Repairs and water Jackets for every known Btove. A force of experienced ex-perienced workmen. Stoves, both new and second-hand. Tel. 364. Store exchanged; ex-changed; hardware, etc. Spirella Corsets Lillian Parkinson. 2461 Wash. P. 317. Second-hand Goods New and Second-hand furniture, clothing and Bhoes, bought, sold or exchanged; ex-changed; also trunks and suitcases cheap. A. Siner, Phone 1321. 179 1-2 Twenty-fifth SL 6 13 lyr Sanitary Work Tour Garbage hauled regular. Sanitary Sani-tary can furnished free. Sanitary Garbage Gar-bage Co., Phone 6.0. Spirella Corset Mra. Smith Tel. 661-W. 464 24th. Watchmaker and Jeweler SMALLEY'S Watchmakers. Jewel-era Jewel-era and EngTavers. 336 Twenty-fifth streeL Phone 1300-J. Western Foundry and Machine Co. All kinds of brass and iron castings. Machine, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work, Phone 617. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OGDEN, UTAH. U. 8. DEPOSITARY. Capital 1150,000.00 6urplus and Undivided Undivid-ed Profits 250,000.00 Deposits $3,000,000.00 M. S. Browning, President John Watson, Vice-President L. R. Ecclea, Vice-President R. B. Porter, Vice-President Walter J. Beatle, Cashier. Jas. F. Burton, Asst. Cashier. Dumore Vacuum Cleaners We Rent Them as well as Sell Them. OGDEN ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY. 2448 Washington Avenue. Phone 693. OUR WIVES AND OUR AUTOS. Munner In a way, having a wife is much similar to owning an automobile auto-mobile Dunner It Isn't the first cost of either. It's the upkeep. New York Sun. 1 I ?V "When Your Back Is Lame Remember the Name" I 4DOAN S KIDNEY PILLS A Lyiflfea 501:1 bV lJ" Dcalcrv fVlcc 50 ccnti rostcr-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y , Proorieton JS! 'sSlis SBSsMlBM I lirc SUBSCRIBERS I ATTENTION I In the fall of 1912 The Standard Is- IS sued contracts under which subBcrlb. 'IX ers were entitled to buy dishes and faW other premiums. Under these con- jD tracts subscribers were supposed te jffii select their premiums within six lUiflH months from date of contracL Some ffl ercise their rights under these con- ESfflF tract within the time required, and SS about once a month a subscribed 'RSS brings in one of the old contracts. W'M The Standard is closing out its pre- !3y mlums and parties holding any of the isl contracts calling for premiums must ft present them before January 1 1916, L'jM as the contracts are no longer good. Dated November 15, 1914. f'M Advertisement. FRATERNAL I SOCIETIES 1 Brotherhood of American Yeomen, Ogden Homestead No. 1505 meets on J I every Tuesday evening in W. O. W. ' I hall. Fraternity building, Washington avenue. ViBlting Archers are cordial- I I I ly invited to meet with us, LeRoy J I McKnight, foreman, 334 29th streeL j J. A. Junk, correspondent, 3202 Wash- 1 Ington avenue. Queen City Rebekah Lodge No. 4, 1 I. O. O. F, meets second and fourth I Saturday evenings at Odd Follows 1 hall. Visiting members invited. An-nine An-nine Carlson N. G, Hazel Wolhaupter, Recording Secretary. I Order of Owls, Ogden Nest, No. 1218, Order of Owls, meets every Friday Fri-day evening in their own hall (the old Elk club rooms) at 8 o'clock. Visit- lng Brother Owls are Invited to attend the Nest meetings. T. C. Iverson, I j President. Joseph Cromptou, Secretary'- Fraternal Order of Eagles. Ogden Aerie No. 118, F. O. S-, meets every Wednesday evening at Eagles' hall, Hudson avenue, ac 8 o'clocl:. Visiting brother Eagles are invited to attend the Aerie meetings. Club rooms open at 11 a m. Wm Doyle, W. President; E. R. Getger, Secretary; Dr. C. B. Wardleigh. Aerie Physician. j MASONIC Queen Esther chapter ' No 4, O. E. S , regular meetings held at Masonic hall on Washington ave., between 25th and 26th sts., the first and third Fridays of each month. Sojourning So-journing members cordially Invited to attend. Minnie Parker, W. M.; Callle E. Cave, Secretary. Woodmen of tho World, Weber Camp No 74 meets in tho W. O. W. hall. Fraternity block, 2320 Washington Washing-ton avenue, every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting Woodmen cordially cor-dially invited to attend. C- EL Har-tog, Har-tog, C. C.J W. M. Piggott, Clerk. Ladles of the Maccabees of the 1 TV uriUj oini-'l nno i, tiicoia every first and third Friday evenings at 8 o'clock; and ev?ry second and fourth 1 Friday afternoons at 2:30 o'clock, in I Woodmen hall. Fraternity block. Vls-I Vls-I Iting members cordially Invited to at-j at-j tend. Alice Collins, L. O.. L. Jennie 1 Prout, EL K Royal Neighbors of America meet3 every second and fourth Monday nights of each monrh at 8 o'clock at j tho new Odd Fellows hall, Fraternity 'building, Visiting neighbors Invito-i. Etta Ingebretsen, 1978 Steele avenue I Lillian Newton, Recorder, 27th and I Quincy. Utah Camp No. 9990 Modern Woodmen Wood-men of America meets every Tuesday j night in new K. of P. hall, 3 doors ' north of postofflce. Out of town members mem-bers cordially Invited to meet with us O F. Olsen. Consul; J. H. Shafer, Clerk. Ogden Lodge No 2, Knights of Pythias Py-thias meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock In Castle Hall of the Pythian Py-thian building, 2351 Grant avenue. Visiting Knights welcome. A. J Pratt, C. C; W. L Underwood, K. R. S.; W. G. Kind, M. F. Roval Highlanders, Ogden Castle No. 525 meets in tho new L O. O- F. hall, Fraternity block, 2320 Wash ave., every 2nd and 4th Friday evenings at 8 o'clock. Visiting Highlanders cor- I dlally invited. A. J. Atkins, 111. Pro.; William Muller. Sec -Treaa. ; Women of Woodcraft, Ogden Circlo j No 581. meets every Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock, new Woodman Hall. Fraternity Bldg.. Washington Ave. visiting Neighbors Invited Dues wi I bo collected on the 5th of each month at Misch Drug Store. Anna Mills, G. N 223 W. 31st St. Phone 1650-R. j Marie Crltes. Clerk, 2731 Monroe Ave. Phone 1931-R. |