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Show I Woman's Page Belts Still Worn to Emphasize the Waistline Very Effective Suits With Bindings of Silk Braid Unusual Corsage Flowers Embroidered Pockets Velvet and Kid Belts To Clean the Case of a Piano Silver Cleaner Lace on Doily Recipe for Veal Birds. I 'The stars Incline, but do not compel." com-pel." . Horoscope Thursday, November 26. 1914. (Copyright, ir,n. by the McClure (Newspaper Syndicate.) Astrology finds this an uncertain day. In which to act with caution and prudence While Neptune is in n place that s stionply behefic in its Influ- j ence. Saturn is in evil aspect. Jupl ter and Vcnus are friendly, but their i swav is slight during this configuration', configura-tion', Under tbe good influence of Neptune Nep-tune great sain through dealings in food gtuffa Is possible, the seers de- rlare Whatever is put up in tins, frnils and staples should bring profits. pro-fits. I Conditions are read as peculiarly promising for chemists and all who handle drugs, dyes oils and perfumes Success through new avenues of industry in-dustry i? promised and New Kngland will benefit. The stars presage an extraordinan awakening to the great significance of psychic phenomena of every sort. One of the seers declares that, owing to tbe fact that armies of released spirits spir-its are passing out of the plane of ph-slcal ph-slcal existence new consciousness of the Imminence of the spiritual world will be experienced. I Saturn lg in a place today that 1s most unlucky for tnitiativp of every sort. Tt is well to delay important projects until more favorable condi-miwi condi-miwi i mm i i 1 tions prevail, the sefrs dp Ian- It is not a lucky time to deal with landlords builders, architects r real estate b rokers. Vr-arinens depression and worry over small matters are oftpn signs of Saturn's adverse rule. Care to ovoid taking cold rest and recreation are prescribed, while the configura tion prevails Old persons are under an unfavorable unfavor-able rule. They should beware of falls or other accidents. The death rate among men and women over fiffv will increase, it is predicted Persons whose hlrthdato it is are warned against change and spfui.i tion. Doth men and women may suffer suf-fer from 111 health Business ami financial conditions mav be disappoint ing. Children born in this day probably will lie light-hearted and care-free They ma spend money recklessly, but they will always have friends to aid them. Girls have the augury of happy marriage. rr |