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Show NEW TRICK IS PLAYED; 01 RESTAURANT KEEPERS A trick which the officers say is being be-ing worked on local restaurant proprietors, pro-prietors, especially on lower Twenty-fifth Twenty-fifth street, by transients, was brought to light this morning at the trial of Frank McCoy in the municipal court As explained b Patrolman Blackburn two men go into a restaurant, order their meals and then each one claims that he came into the eating house at the invitation of the other This usually usu-ally leads to a quarrel, during which one or both of the tricksters get away without paying McCoy was arrested at the City Cafe Monday afternoon, and, according to his testimony was invited to lunch by a companion. When the time came to settle for the meal, he said the waiter asked him to pay for both himself him-self and companion Hi6 refusal to do so resulted in an altercation in "hich be 6truck the waiter several times and also used vile language. The waiter managed to keep him interested interest-ed until the police arrived, but the other man escaped. When McCoy was searched he was found to be absolutely without funds, but in court this morning said he was willing to pay for his meal and produced pro-duced 35 cents In silver. The restaurant res-taurant keeper was in court aud tlu-judge tlu-judge allowed McCoy to pay him, before be-fore giving him a 25-day meal ticket at the "Restaurant de Basttle" to be paid for by hard labor. Firman Dernandis and Fenra Hernando Her-nando were arraigned on the charge of petit larceny, the complaint alleging alleg-ing that the stole a 2 shirt from the Lender clothing store on lower Twen ty-flfth street. Dermandls pleaded guilty and had his case taken under advisement. His companion pleaded not guilty and his hoaring was set for Friday morning. John Doe Richard Roe and illiam Roe Greeks, also had thtir hearings set for Friday morning They are charged with disturbing the peace. nn |