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Show UNITED STATES MAY OPEN EIRE Washington, Dec. 14. Although both Provisional I'rfsident Gutierrez and General Carranza i.ssured the American government that their forces bad been Instructed to confine their fire to Mexican territory, nothing noth-ing official had been received late today to indicate the receipt of such instructions by the respective commanders com-manders at Naco Oflicials here are unable to understand under-stand the delay In the delivery of the messages, copies of which have passed through American telegraph lines to Naco. In the meantime intermittent in-termittent firing continues. f The general belief tonight was that I President Wilson would wait at least another day, perhaps discussing the j subject with his cabinet tomorrow, 1 and then, if the demands of the Unit-! Unit-! ed States were not complied with, the ! threat of the Washington government I to return with artillery fire any fir-j fir-j ing into American territory would be I carried out. As yet, however, no fur- tber orders have been sent to Brigadier Briga-dier General Taslcer H. Bliss, in charge of the situation at Naco, Ariz. Administration officials attached no Importance to the statement of Car-ranza Car-ranza that If the United States fired into Mexican territory It will be "an act of hostility." Some officials pointed point-ed out that the American government was inclined to regard shots from Mexico into the United States in the same aspect, In view of the urgent tone of the message from Provisional Pr dent Gutierrez to General May-torcna. May-torcna. officials bolioved the latter would remove his troops and avoid complications. Should one of the two fa Clone heed the warning of the United States, the need for defensive tire would, of courBe, be removed. Secretary Bryan had received no further word tonight of the circumstances circum-stances surrounding the killing of the two Americans at C'ananea, but ar soon as the responsibility for the oc-CUITence oc-CUITence is determined, it is under stood, he will make demand for punishment pun-ishment of the guilty parties. The re ports thus far received say they were killed by irresponsible bandits. Admiral Howard, oomninndlnp; the American squadron on the west coast Of Mexico, has learned through the cruiser Denver ;it Ensenada that a Cnrrnnza force of 1200, under Gen eral Hurbe, has taken La Paz. lower California, and ihat quiet now prevails pre-vails there oo |