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Show IfemininTfIcT finds no fault with the fine repair work done by the Royal XPCrtS Ladies' Waiting Parlor. ROYAL SHOE REPAIRING CO. 2482 Washington Ave. Phone 16. We Call and Deliver Free. In ' I rSTfire! j On Dec. 8 fire destroyed the entire en-tire phonograph plant of the Edi-I Edi-I son company, leaving many large dealers In the United States with-i with-i out supplies but fortunately the PROUDFIT SPORTING GOODS CO. had on hand one of the largest stocks of PHONOGRAPH ; RECORDS AND MACHINES J In the country, Including 15.000 records and 150 machines which are now being drawn on by all the i CHRISTMAS TRADE m the west, and yesterday a mes sage was received from the Edison J company calling on the Proudfit company to assist in filling orders during the rebuilding of the big factories. ' PROTECT YOURSELF against the severe winter weather the I Jpsl. I I quick changes in temperature, etc., by keep- 1 &9j ing the system strong and well fortified the Ej l&M I blood rich and pure. A very reliable help I ffv to this Tid will be found by taking HOSTETTER'S STtters Em i gjgaa i i Crown Painless Dentist, 2468 Wash. Ave. A civet UsTnont. Bl 1 Bf dffc isBgM What better way of living up to I S fcTlL jlllf than tAL meaning of Christmas I fefi: RED CROSS I fSMBHL Christmas Seals SYSr Buy your share now I FROM THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY H 90 of the money remains in Ogden to help unfortunate children. H On Sale at Culley Drug Co. Spargo Book Store. Mclntyre Drug Co. Bramwell Book Store Misch Drug Co. Wrights' Stationery Dept. Sylvia Dee's Art Store. SUBSCRIBERS. ATTENTION The toilet sets are about exhausted Those having contracts to buy toilet sets at the Standard Office must present pre-sent their orders before January 1, loir. Advertisement oo Harris Grocery Specials m 5b " iff grapeTruit MKm NEW FIGS AND DATES That delicious Florida prod- fxMAS In ba9ets' b.oxes. a?d S1?88 I uct, now at its best 6 for WtsBT JarS' .Stuf1fe1d and plain' Im' y 55c vs portc4Mnd domestic. I PLUM PUDDING Don't bother to make NEW MINCE MEAT PINEAPPLES your own when we can By the pint Libby. By the From the Hawaiian Islands. ie" yo" atavia at 15c' jar Goddard and Batavia. Large and luscious 35c 35c VSKm rc ALL DELICIOUS and up VEGETABLES p CAULIFLOWER, jg9 tomatoeT' IMPORrTa?sPnsUSTER FINNAN HADDIE BRUSSEL SPROUTS, Jhe JJg. raIsin A special express shipment ctrimp rc a njq from Malaga, Spain. The came today 22V2c per lb. gplpreRS, beSt in the WrM fr the Mf OYSTER PLANT, table' jLM W RADISHES, flPK HOLLY LEEKS. SWEET CIDER It is unusually fine this year. flam's OrOCery CO. Unfermented, of unex- Thick, bright, green foliage, 333 25th Street celled flavor and as clear with an abundance of bril- Phones 2215-16 aS a crysta 50c per liant red berries 35c per lb. gallon. fiff Ranch Butter 2 !bs- fr 65c Jsl? co1 onial Inn Coffee jfj Strictly Fresh Eggs NOTICE To our friends and patrons: Beginning with this date our price on Utah screened mine slack coal for ten-ton lots or more will be $3.00 per ton delivered; on Utah nut coal per ton delivered, $5.25 We would like to have a portion of your order. Same will have our best attention. We have coal to burn. Ogden Og-den Sewer Pipe & Clay Co. W. B. Porteifield, Mcr (Advertisement). S A fT" I THE AMERICAN S FARMER I r i f with large crops and un- 1 r usual demand for them p is in a very fortunate 1 n position this year. For 1 T the future he has much P to expect from the co- jj L operation of the banker, i1 representing the stored I T capital of the country, ij I and its greatest re- j I p source, the land. i P 1 It is the policy of the r j Ogden State Bank to jj y help responsible farm- j i ers who want to in- j i crease or improve their j N live stock or otherwise ii add to the productive- j j ness of their land and j the efficiency of their J farming methods. J I 4 ii J OGDEN STATE j BANK j ! Ogden, Utah. j 3SS j THE ONLY REAL ' i RICHARDSON-HUNT 2419 Washington Avenue I BBDBSBDKii ; i I Jf ETTING -A BANK 1 1 ACCOUNT STARTED Is what countG after that saving becomes e.-isy. Few people can see their savings grow from S5 to $20 and from $20 to 50 or more, without feeling elated and wishing to save more. This bank pays 4 per cent interest and invites in-vites your account. Ogden Savings Bank 2384 Washington Ave. Ogden, Utah. M. S Browning, President. L. R. Eccles, Vice-President John Watson, Vice-President Chas. H. Barton, Cashiar, JOT DOWN OUR PHONE NUMBER And phone us your orders for Hay and Grain. You will be satisfied with the price, quality and treatment you get here. If a customer ever leaves us It is his fault and not ours CHAS. F. GROUT L HAY AND GRAIN. 332 24th. StreeL YOU SHOULD NOT EXPECT YOUR groceryman nor butcher to extend credit to you unless you could show that your previous record warranted warrant-ed It apply this to your -. nances. Deposit regularly, either checking check-ing or savings account, in the well managed and substantial UTAH NATIONAL BANK OF OGDEN Four per cent on Savings Accounts. ' f FOR SALE I FIRST MORTGAGE. I THE BEST INVESTMENT. FEDERAL LAND & MORTGAGE CO. LUTHER S. FOSS, General Marker, Eccles Bldg., Ogden, Utah. i ml |