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Show I EDISON DIAMOND DISC PHONOGRAPH I c the choice of good dancers oecause good music is necessary for good dancing. This Instrument's splendid tone adds to a dance music mu-sic a charm that is otherwise lacking, lack-ing, and the wonderful Edison mechanism insures the perfect uniform uni-form rhythm that is so essential. Come and hear the new records I which we have just received. 50171 Brooklet'! Tale, i one Picture, Pic-ture, Orchestra: Souvenirs ct Regrets Romance, Or chestra. 5C189 The Dodo Dawdle, Fox Trot, For dancing: Amazonia, Polka Bresilienne. for dancing. danc-ing. 5019-1 California and You. He's a R?g Picker. SC165 I Love You, There's a Warm Spot in My Heart for Tennessee. 80182 The Music of Love, The Girl from Utah. Only to You, The Girl from Utah! 80185 When It's Night Time Down In Burgundy; Meet Me 'Neath the Persian Moon. S018S Love Moon. Chin-Chin; V.olet, Chin Chin. 50133 Hungarian Fantasia; Carnival Carni-val Dance. 50164 Flaniir.q Arrow; Dance of the Nile Maidens. 50165 The Tango Dance, fcr dancing; danc-ing; Ragtime Nick, Medley Gsvotte 50172 Out to Old Aunt Mary's, recitation; (.n ) The Raggedy Man; fbi The Bumblebee, recitation. 0173 Tramp- Tramp' Tramp' Marching Through Georgia. 50175 Maoni Ke Ala',' Waialae ( waltz song). 50176 The Jolly Coppersmith; Gusrdmount Patrol 50177 Girl from Utah, waltz hesitation, hesi-tation, Brazilian Dreams. Tango, for dancing. 50178 A Little More Pepper, One- j step, for dancing; Kathlyn, wftttz hesitation, for dancing danc-ing 50179 Jamais Trot, One-step, for I dancma Hesitation Con IAmore Valse, for dancing. 50180 The Vampire, waltz hesitation, hesita-tion, for dancing; Humpty Dumpty Rag, for dancing. 50181 Bailie.' the Jack, Fox trot, for dancing; Reuben Fux Trot, for dancing. 501821 Want to Go Back to Michigan, Mich-igan, Fox Trot, for dancing; Maurice Glide, One-step, for dancing. 50183 Do the Funny Fox Trot, for dancing; You're Here and I'm Here, One step, for dancing. 50184 It'i a Long, Long Way to Tipperary. Baritone; Soldiers Sol-diers of the King. 50185 God Save the King; Rule Britannia. 50186 La Marseillaise; Russian National Air (Lord, God, Protect the Czar). 50137 Die Wacht 'am Rhem; (a) Die Wacht am Rheln; (b) Deutschland uber Alles. 50188 Le Roull-Rouli, for dancing; danc-ing; Ta-Tao, One-step, for dancing. 5019O Meadowbrook Fox Trot, for dancing; Lu Lu-Fado, for dancing. 50191 Girl from Utah, One-step, for dancing; Castles' Half and Half, for dancing. 50192 Aba Daba Honeymoon; My Croony Melody, 50193 I'm Goln' Back to Louisiana; Louisi-ana; My Orchard Is Short of a Peach Like You. 50195 Dixie Medley, Banjo; Infanta Infan-ta March, Banjo. 5019(5 Christmas Symphony, Uncle Un-cle Fritz and the Children's Orchestra; The- Darkville Dance. 30158 Adele, Song from "Adele"; I Wonder Why, lole 80160 I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen; On the Banks of the Brandywlno. 80161 Those Days of Long Ago, Hop o' My Thumb; 1 Want You, Tenor. 80162 4n the Vallay of the Moon; When the Angelus Is Ring- KJS '"9- raSfil 80163 Let By-gones Be By gones; gjEgf ,n Dreams, My Own. g 80164 Bid Me Forget, Maids of JR3 Athens; Since I Am Your jafiSU Auntie to Be, The Midnight Ban Girl SI SJJSSCorne t0 Me: Someone. H O0168 O Love That Wilt Not Let HB Me G; Dear Spirit, Lead HH Thou Me. EBffi 80176 Maritana Overture, Part I; HN fiuo ar'tana 0v6rturc, Part IL HH 80183 O Come, All Ye Faithful, HE Christmas Song; Hark! J, Herald Angels Sing, RflEB Christmas Song. BB 80184Blrthday of a King, Chris H nnas Song; Ring Out the HB Bel8 for Christmas. WM 80187 My Dream of Dreams, B Pretty Mrs. Smith; Mrs. Sippl, You're a Grand Old Hi 9ri3!r Prettv Mrs- Smlt- H 82055-O Holy Night, Christmas H Sofl9; The Palm. H 82056 Parla, Vocal Waltz; Ah! Th,3 Heart With Joy H 82058-0 tu Palermo (O Thou Palermo), Vespri Sicilian!; MM Vision Fugitive (Fleeting mm 83023-Serenade (Sing, Smile, m Slumber!) Explanatory Talk 2r Sfenade (Sing, Smile, mm Slumber!) M 88024-Mon Coeur ,'ouvre, My H Heart at Thy Sweet Voice,, H Explanatory Talk for Mori j oocu,- s'ouvre j LAST & THOMAS ? HA! HA! Thousands are laugh- Iing at funny John Barrymore in the 5- I i part Paramount, "The H Man From Mexico," at H The Ogden. "Fatty's f Jonah Day" on the I same program. A real EBB Joy-program. OGDEN THEATER "The Perils of Pauline," at the Lyceum today. 5c, always al-ways 5c. Advertisement. -oo HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS OREGON SHORT LINE Special Round Trip Fares between all points on O. S. L and to points on S. P. L. A. & S. I in Utah. Tickets on sale Dee lXth to 25th. inclusive, in-clusive, Dec. 3lBt and Jan. 1st; final return limit, Jan. 4th See Agents for further particulars (Advertisement.) GLOBE TONIGHT The feature shown at the Globe today to-day Is not tbe recent production shown at the Globe at advanced prices. The three-part drama, a story of the life of Bvelyn, from girlhood, and Harry'p escape from Mattcawan. presented with the scenes from tho exact location where the incidents occurred oc-curred in Madison Square Garden and Matteawan prison together with a two-part feature of Xapoleon and Empress Josephine. The prices will be 5 and 10c (Advertisement). oo LOOK! LOOK! The new Eccles Barber Shop will bo open to the entire public Monday December 14 Everything will bo conducted In first-class shape by George A. Wills. Everybody knows George. With a first-class crew, ho is ready to serve you. (Advertisement). (Advertise-ment). oo I jjjj Say, Fellows! It's bully fun to build the thine? that birj engineers bvlld aeroplanes, bridges, clcvatcm derricks, automobiles, etc. Think of building all thrsft tlmi 3 right at iiomrj whh real jean, pirioofl, pollcya, beams, tc- S-if fellows, vui gT-eatl Try it with Come In and bco It at our store. Examine i e how It i made. ' Note that all parts are made of pring-tcmpercd, nickel-plated rteeJ i that real solid brass peart are used that it whceLj won t Ep cm the uclc because caw;-hard cued eet tutwi arc used. On In toa7 let ua ihov yxn how it wocks- Ad bring "datC will jow jUlan L(ji Umx. loot Eight Sizes, 50c up WRIGHTS' I 1 I I oo Read tho Classified Ads. ORPHE UM I TONIGHT, BIG DOUBLE SHOW Last Time of the r JsL "I'i Lonely Since astir and CHORUS GIRLS' CONTEST s-added attractiong-s Each Girl in a Novel Stunt. Prices: 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. m on winter wear- WP price or less. A Kg . dren. Come to- " ance. A real oP- l8 SB morrow! RB portunity. AH dresses, all coats, all furs, all shoes, all corsets, I I waists, skirts, petticoats, little girls' coats, most of our m Christmas novelties are offered at one-half price. $15 8 for men or women at $7.45; everything else I I ProPrtlonate,y low- Your choice of any new suit in the htfuse, whether worth $25, $35 or $45 at one l phenomenally low price, in most cases flQ QC less than cost, at JJ Cash or Credit. Don't Delay. You'll Save Here. I THE NATIONAL I 2345 Washington Avenue. I Thousand8 I I Harry Reinshriber, Manager. of Bargain, j M H |