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Show on IBBNI NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. mH Notice is hereby given that a spe- Hh cial meeting of the stockholders of WE8& the Amalgamated Sugar company will Hal be held at tho company's offlco, sH9 Room 322 Eccles Bldg, in Ogden HH City, Utah, on Saturday, the 19th day H of December. 1914, at 2 o'clock p. m. K$S The purposes of said meeting are iLfiPi to vote on a proposition to console Bbb date tho Amalgamated Sugar com- IHHKI pany and the Lewiston Sugar com- Eaffi pany into one corporation, and to do Lw whatever may be necessary to per- BBI feet such consolidation and Incorpo- RbhI ration, and to transact such other ,BK business as may properly come be- iIbH fore said meeting. LBll Dated November 17, 1914. iBsl L. R. ECCLES, W& Vico President LwWj JOSEPH SCOWCROFT, R3 Secretary. Bwj First publication, November 17. H&P Last publication. December 18. |