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Show uu- VISITING HOUSEK EEFER TO THE POOR. on .Monday, Mrs. H H. Spencer will begin her duties as visiting housekeeper to the poor of the city and county. A better selection could rot have been made because Mrs Spencer has devoted most of her life In aiding the afflicted and she has a high understanding of her task We look upon this move as one of the OlOBt important that the county c mmissioners could make. Every community with a full crasp of the social problems is recognizing the need of systematically helping the poor. The assistance should not be given as nothinc more than charity but must be uplifting and contruc-tlve, contruc-tlve, and there is no idea of mere charity in this new work. The aim Is to assist ihose who have met with roerses and have Necome impoverished im-poverished and have lost hope, to regain re-gain faith in themselves. Furthermore, Further-more, the movement seeks to correct faulty housekeeping, which may be a source of family weakness, and to so direct home affairs that the poor can make the most of. their limited opportunities. Thus the work tnko3 on a broader scope than simply relieving poverty; it promises pome-thing pome-thing laudable in the direction of giv- ing to children of the very poor an environment that is Inspiring and will lead to useful lives. Our opinion is that half the crime of the world is due to a vitiated moral atmosphere into which children arc cither born or later reared, and two thirds of the corrupting Influence is to be found in the home itself Un Inviting homes made clean and cheer ful; indifferent or dissipated fathers mad to do their full part; lncap able mothers made to feel a pride, nnd, equally Important, extreme want alleviated, are some of the things which a visiting housekeeper may ac complish. Tt Is a far-reaching mission entrusted entrust-ed to most capable hands and hear: |