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Show SITUATION IN RUSSIAN POLAND MOST PUZZLING PHASE OF WAR Little Change Is Made in Alignment of Troops Movements of Highest Importance Are Under Way Reports From Both Eastern and Western Battle Fronts Incomplete and Confusing Allies and Germans Both Claim Victory. GERMANS SAID TO HAVE HAD REVERSES Berlin Claims Outcome Has Not Been Decided Only Sporadic Fighting Is Reported in Belgium and France United States Is Called Upon by South American States to Co-operate in Obtaining Exclusion of Belligerent Belliger-ent Warships From the Waters of Two Americas. " London, Nov. 27, 5 p. m. The British admiralty this evening announced that the Collier Khartoum had been blown up today by a mine off Grimsby. The crew of the Khartoum was landed at Grimsby. Grimsby is on the south bank of the Humber, fifteen miles southeast of Hull. The Khartoum was of 1.930 tons net. She was 315 feet long, forty feet beam anc 20 feet deep. The vessel was built at Stockton, in April, 1893. j ! London, Nov. 27, 10.10 a. m. It was reported by Lloyds today that two British steamers were sunk off Havre 3'esterday by German submarines. The steamers were the Malachite and the Primo. The crews of both vessels were rescued. Paris. Nov. 27. 2:42 p m. The French war office gL-.ve out an official offi-cial announcement this afternoon as follows: "The Blackening of the artillery fire of the enemy was noted all along Joe line during the day of November J. Tv.o infantry attacks directed against the heads of bridges which we had 1 brown down on the right bank of the Yser. to the south of Dixmude, were easih remilsed. "There was no other engagement on the rest of the front in Belgium, and as far as the Oise. nor was there any action on the isne or In Champagne. Cham-pagne. Nevertheless Rheims was rather violently bombarded during the time that a number of journalists from neutral countries were making a Wait to the city. "In the Argonne some infantry attacks at-tacks retuited in the less, and then the recapture, of certain trenches. The men enraged in tii.s lighting never exceeded a battalion. The ground lest and then regained was never k more than 25 yards. "AJong the heights of Che Meus and u the Vosges. there is nothlhg to report " German Official Announcement. Berlin, Nov 27. (By wireless to London. Z p. m.) An official announcement an-nouncement given out in Berlin today says. "English t;hips did not attack the 'oast of Flanders again yesterday There have been no actual changes a'ong the battle front in the western ar-na. To the north of Langemar ' we have taken a group of houses and made a number of prisoners. "Our attack In the Argonne region has made further progress French attacks in the neighborhood uf Vpre-mont Vpre-mont and to the east of St Mil were repulsed "In the eastern arena of the war there were no decisive engagements t yesterday." N'ew York, No"L'T -At few time? since the European war began nearly four months ago have reports from the rarioue fields of battle, scattered from the North sea to the western 'I' fringe of Asia been s.i Incomplete and confusing as was the case today. So far as could be learned from official of-ficial announcements, there was little lit-tle change in the alignment of the onposing forces in any quarter notwithstanding not-withstanding the fuel that operations of the highest importance were under un-der way The situation in Russian Poland, at present the scene of the most important im-portant conflict, has become on- ol the most puzzling phases of the war Unofficial Statements. Opposed to this are the unofficial statements from Petrograd. Paris and Londou, that Germany has been defeated de-feated decisively, and Earl Kitchener s I announcement in parliament that German) Ger-man) has suffered the greatest re-versal re-versal of the war. For nearly a week these claims have been made with the utmost confidence, yet the Russian war office withholds an word of decisive developments In some particulars a similar situation prevails In the west-London west-London expected this week would wltheSf one of the most deadly and important struggles of the war as a result of a renewed German effort to break through to the English channel Official statements, however, Indicate that only sporadic fighting is in prog ress and as to the results there Is no reconciling the reports from Ber- lln and Paris. Fears of friction between European powers and countries of South Ainerl- ca over alleged iolations of neutrality neutrali-ty in southern waters has led the principal prin-cipal South American nations to ask the co-operation of the United States in negotiations with the nations at war looking toward exclusion of belligerent bel-ligerent warships from the waters of the two Americas. Austrians Claim Victories. Berlin, via wireless to London Nov. 27. S:.V a m An official report la-sued la-sued in Vienna says: "The lighting in Russian Poland i.as assumed the proportions of a continuous battle. In western Galtcla our troops ha e repulsed the Russians. Marked progress has been made in ! the lighting In the Carpathians "Near the Kolubara river in Ser ia. the enemy s center is In a very strong position, near LaZarevatz. but . attacked and took 1200 prisoners.1 three guns, four ammunition wagons and three machine guns To the south of Ljld we took the eastern I b ights and ".00 prisoners. From Val-j Val-j jevo our troops have advanced to ; j Kosjovlcl." I Austrians Taking Offensive. Washington, Nov. 27. Austrian sue-cesses sue-cesses over the Russian offensives in the Carpathians and In western Gallcla were reported today in a foreign for-eign olfice dispatch to the Austro-iliingarian Austro-iliingarian embassy which sa "Renewed Russian attempts to breSk thiough the defiles in the Far-pa' Far-pa' hians in the two districts of Ung and Zemphn were repulsed with great losses. In western Galicia our troops repulsed the Russian forces which wen advancing toward the lower biinajec." |