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Show M'CARTY-LEVINSKY BOUT A FAST ONE New York, Nov 26. Tom McCarty ol Lewistown, Mont , fought a hard and fast ten-round draw with Battling Levinsky, a local heay weight, in Brooklyn today. McCarty weighed 180 pounds and Levlnsky scaled five pounds less. McCarty proved to be a fast, williug two-handed fighter and he was on the aggressive nearly all the time. Levlnsky's experience and clever blocking saved him from pun iehment, but McCarty had the bettor of the first three rounds. The fourtn wae Levlnsky's on clever hitting, but McCarty shaded him in. the two following fol-lowing rounds. Levinsky hooked lefts to the face and at close quarters punished McCarty Mc-Carty on tho body during the last four rounds, While McCarty's Jabs drew blood from Levinsky's nose and mouth In the Beventh. It was the fastest fast-est bout between big men seen here In several months and McCarty appeared ap-peared to better advantage than in either of his previous bouts hero. At another Brooklyn club Soldier Bartfield, a local woltorweight, held Jack Brltton of Chicago to a ten-round ten-round draw. Tom Gibbons of St. Paul s'-opped Billy Glover, of Boston in bix rounds at a Bronx club. on |