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Show JOSEPH SCOWCROFT REGARDS OGDEN AS BEST IN THE WEST Energetic Local Business Man Says "Business Is Good" Right Now and Outlook for the Immediate Future Was Never So Bright. I . 'By J p. KENNY.) It was a real and genuine pleasure to meet Joseph Scowcroft. president and general manage r of the big wholesale whole-sale and manufacturing firm ol" John Scowcroft ,v Suns Co. ami active head of the Weber club because I knew before I hud spent live minutes in his company that 1 was in the presence pres-ence of one of the moil who Is really on the job ' 24 hours a day and up and doing things for this community Naturally any man who has succeeded, succeed-ed, as has Mr. Scowcroft in association associa-tion with his brothers, In making such a gigantic succoss of a big business uould regard the town In which that business is located, as a pretty good place, but I found him an exceeding enthusiast and so firmly convinced that there Is no western city to rej n:i 1 j Ogden. with such convincing reasons, that I was (ic, -piy impressed "Business generally in this section la fine." he said 'In fact It is above normal I leli'-' everybody In business Is trying to expand. Our firm is completing additional warehouse ware-house room, while our factory which manufactures Never-Rip work clothes Is growing steadily and we will welcome wel-come the day when the business increases in-creases to such an extent that we will have to build a new nnd larger factory Business with us is better now than it was last year and we have been recording a substantial gain year after vear. Other business men here tell me the same thing. Of course, there is a disposition all over the country to proceed with great caution right now when the map of the- world is undergoing a bange, but, even so. vnst Improvements are going right ahead in the Ogden locality, steadily and rapidly" Opportunities in Realty. I asked Mr Scowcroft what he thought of Ogden real estate and he seamed most enthusiastic over the possibilities for tho young man here. ' It has been said over and over again" Mr. Scowcroft told me. "but I don't think any young man. on general principles, could do better than to Invest in real estate. So far as real estate in Ogden is concerned. con-cerned. It seems to me that It offers splendid, safe investment opportunities opportuni-ties and many, many of them. The youne man who obtains even a modest mod-est lot gains strencrth more confidence In himself and Inevitably causes others oth-ers to think better of him It not onlv proves a good inves'nient. from a dollars-and-enf s standpoint, but a first investment In real estate often proves the foundation of a fortune and a successful career in life. 'it is not necessary for me to talk about the wonderful development that has taken place in the residence part of Ogdm during recent year-All year-All that one has to do to reilize tbe great scope of this improvement Is to look about him There nro evidences evi-dences of It on every hand and abundant abun-dant proof that this splendid work of home-building will continue. "Sections that were absolutely barren bar-ren of dwellincs five years ago were considered entirely too remote to be seriously considered, are actually crowded with fine dwellings today, and this expansion must continue There are many parts of Ogden that still offer opportunities for home-bnildlng home-bnildlng but I bolieve the mo3t striking strik-ing development in this connection in the Immediate future will be in the southern part of the city. The entire en-tire city hoids many opportunities for home builders and for young men who want to get possession of a little real estate as an investment. I do not believe any city in America at this time offers greater opportunities in that respect than Ogden" Mr. Scowcroft had mentioned the war earlk-r In our little talk and I asked him whether he believed the conflict now raglnr in Furope would seriously injure this country, or interfere in-terfere with business "The war. terrible as it is for the world, Is really going to benefit America Am-erica in many ways." he asserted "Present conditions In Ogden. as I have said, are good and steadily improving. im-proving. ' Of course. I realize that in the east and In coast section- the effects of the wrr are being felt to tbe end that money is 'tight, and in some centers laborers are out of employment, em-ployment, but the Ogden territory appears ap-pears to be affected not at all. so far as general business is concerned Many New Settlers Coming. ' It is certain that the war will be followed by an unprecedented Immigration Immi-gration to' America of Belgians Ger mans and other Europesn peoples of fine stock who will help to make up our best citizenship A million hardworking hard-working and high Hass workhorses, if brought to America in a single v. m would be regarded as a wonderful asset as-set and certainly a million or more desirable new citizens will be even more valuable from an economic standpoint. Hundreds of thousands of capable farmers in the war-torn countries of Europe arc turning their eyes toward America now and they V; '" ;;" K' ' ':iy-y??-t;-! :U JOSEPH SCOWCROFT. will flock here just as soon as they can possibly do so. With the Pan-ams Pan-ams canal In operation. 1 believe most of this Immigration will be directed toward the Pacific coast and if that surmise proves correct, then Utah and the Inter mountain country certainly will get a very large share. "So far as farmlnc Is concerned In ihe country tributary to Ogden, our people already boat the world and they really have scarcely started yet The next three or four years most ns-suredlv ns-suredlv will witness a wonderful advancement ad-vancement and development throughout through-out this region. The country tribu tnry to Ogden speaks for Itself and t-.peaks loudly If does not whisper. Any observant man can look about him In this country and note substantial substan-tial proofs of prosperity at present existing ex-isting and In future prospect. New Industries Coming. "There are many opportunities for new industries in and around Ogden and the day is not far distant when these resources will be developed. As the publicity bureau has pointed out, there are splendid openings here for . v ra roller milK woolen mills, glass factory, paper mills, praphite mills, tanneries, ihoe factories, match factory, evaparators and potteries, as well as many more that could be named. "Ogden's agricultural tributary. aB I have said. Is wonderfully rich and susce ptible of still greater develop-ii. develop-ii. i ; the city's financial standing Is magnificent, transportation facilities are exceptional good, electric power is plentiful and cheap, the cement in-dustrv in-dustrv is great and growing, the citizenship citi-zenship is of admirable type, the school system one of the finest in the world, the clubs and orders nu merous and strong, the sugar and beet industry constantly increasing in lm portance, the horticultural resources mouuting Into millions of dollars an nuallv, the 22 canneries operating to , ai icity the creamery industry' sue- I , si ding splendidly, the live stock and J Bheep growers prosperous and with a bright outlook, the packing plant ex- pandlng wholesalers, jobbers and manufacturers gen-rally enlarging facilities fa-cilities every day. a payroll exceeding exceed-ing one million dollars a month and increasing steadily with all this, it seems almost needless to say that Ogden Og-den todav stands In a most enviable position of strength, facting a future that is golden with promise." -oo The Skin and Not the Biocd. Until recentlv it has been a generally gen-erally accepted theory that eczema was a disease of the blood. Scientific Scien-tific investigations have taught us that eczema is positively a skin disease di-sease and curable through tho skin alone. Meritol Eczema Remedy Is applied directly to the diseased skin Ho not delay trying Meritol Eczema Remedy Prices 50c and $1.00. Culley Drug Co, Local Agency, Ogden, Utah. Advertisement WOULD CONDEMN CUTOFF SITE. Pocatello. Ida , Nov 6 Suit was begun in the district court yesterday bv the Oregon Short Line company against N M Eldredge for the pur post ol condemnation of property belonging be-longing to Eldredge, north of the city This is part of the plan of the company in which it desires to make a cut-off from the Butte track to the west so that trains from the north will come into the station on the west sidi rather th;'.n on the east, as at present, and then back up. Several miles o! new tracking will be required in the plans. no PROTECTING IDAHO CATTLE. Boise, Ida, Nov 6. One of the moot rigid quarantines in the. hlstorv of Idaho lias been put on in this state to prevent the shipment of livestock into Idaho from states that have been or that may be in the future quaran tilled by the federal government This quarantine Is to hold innvr inltoly It is done for the purpose of protecting Idaho stock from the dreaded foot and mouth disease prevailing pre-vailing rlsewhere among cloven-toot stok, including yheep. 1 attic ;md hogs in particular. Horses can also be affectpd with this contagious disease, dis-ease, which is spreading over the country and which, if allowed to spread, would cost Idaho and other slates hundreds of thousands of dollars dol-lars in the loss of stock TOOELE IS GENEROUS. Tooele. Nov 6. According to the report of the committee which hal the contribution for the widows and orphans ol the European war In Charge, about $63 25 In cash was obtained ob-tained . 1 n 1 more than 10u packages of clothing were contributed The contributions went forward by express on November 4. and will reach Brooklyn In time to be placed aboard the Christmas ship 00 ALLIES BLOW UP RAILWAY. London. Nov. t, 10.45 p m "An aviator from the allies' dropped two bombs In German naphtha tanks at ' Bruges Thursday, killing eight m J rines," says a dispatch from Amsterdam Amster-dam to the Exchange Telegraph company. com-pany. The message continues "Guns were thundering yesterday and again today in the direction of $100 Reward, $100 ! The readers of tbls !'per will b- ploav.l to tearo tbtt there li it lennt one dreaded dlscas tbit crlence baa be.'u nbl. to ran In all Its tnKfs. aDd tbot Catnrrh I - 1 1 s Catarrb Cure la the only poeltlre cuw uow knowu to tbe mod Jral fratemltv. Catarrb belop n constitutional disease, requires a COpitltUtlOD trentment. Holla Catarrh Cure li token Internally octlnc dlrctl.r uron the blood and mncoiis surfaces of the system thereby destroying th foundation Jf vbe disease, nnd )rlv-ln Ihe patient trenpih tr bolldltiff up the constitution and n'.stlnif nature na-ture In dolnr Its work. Tbe proprietors hnve eo much faith In Its curative powers that they offi-r Ore Hundred Dollars f&r any case that It falls to cure. Send for Hat of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEX & CO.. Toledo O. Bold by ill Prusiftsts. 7V t TnUe Hall's ramily Pills for constipation. i leu nd Thourout and Ypres. Tho allies make constant sallies from Passrhondaelo J . (eleven miles northeast of Ypres.) at , night. Cl( "Apparently, scouts have, blown up the railway between Bruges and 110,11 Ghent, as a tralnful of wounded was ""2 obliged to return to Bruges today." S |