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Show I Woman's Page Small Furnishings of a Room Most Important The Day of Over-furnished Rooms Has Passed Simple Effects Ub-tained Ub-tained by Judicious Placing of Small Objects brass Bowls and Candlesticks Give Brightness-Tried Brightness-Tried Recipes Hot Stuffed Tomatoes Home Helps To Have Linoleum Smooth. I "The stars incline, but do not r .rnpel V Horoscope SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1914. (Copvritfht, 1014. by the McOlure Newspaper Syndicate.) strolosers read this as an nnlm portant dny, but the influences arc KC-ncrallv pood. The Sun and Venus are both In beneflr aspect. It Is an auspicious time for conferences con-ferences and for raaklnc plans that concern important undertakings. Rulers should benefit bj the configuration. con-figuration. vhich is beltevod to be conducive to broader sympathies and kindlier motives. Kings and princes will suffer from illnesses, wounds and bereavements, the stars Indicate and will recognize the democracy of grief 1 The death of a royal personage, who has brought upon his head the, hate of nations fa prophesied That be will die from a blow or a disease which affects the brain is predicted This day should bo most auspicious for ministers and all who desire to i benefit humanity New work. in which Protestants nnd lews will join together, is prognosticated j There is a sign Interpreted as. Indicative Indi-cative of Slaic dominion over a great part of Europe and eventual trouble with the allies of tho cnr Danger of pestilence is foreshadow-pd foreshadow-pd and New York is dailv warned to safeguard Its ports A strange disease, which affects the nerves. Is also prognosticated. Tli ore I- a n nron rn trine asr.ect for I theaters. This week should he profit jj On the da the omens for love af fairs and romance of every sort are i ; good. ( Scandal at Washington is predicted Sensational disclosures that wiil dls- I turb a department in the goverament are foretold Educational affairs should occupy ; I unusual attention, if tho astrolorers I read the stars aright. The colleges I will prosper greatly and will achieve B new status through co-operation In slate affairs, the plants announce j Persons whose birtlxiate it is hae a luck omen. Financial affairs should prosper. Those who are em-j em-j ployed probably will be promoted I Children born on this dny have kind stars to guide them. Thev SToubl be bright, active and fortunate In all their undertakings. Girls, how- ever! may marry unhappily They ' """"""l should avoid men much older than j themselves. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1914. (Copyright, 1011, by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) Astrologers warn against decisive acts today, for the stars are uncertain, j While Mars is in bencfic aspect Venus and Saturn are strongly adverse It is a day supposed to be most fa- j vorable for all who uao weapons or j f sharp-edsed tools. Soldiers of overy rank should benefit. The aspect is believed to be beneficial bene-ficial to surgeons, dentists, chemists and all who alleviate human suffering Fame is foreshadowed for Americans, who will demonstrate 3upremo skill in foreign hospitals. One of these will receive remarkable honors, the seers I predict. j The aspect should caucse access of energy, producing courage to undertake under-take great enterprises. Mars rules J aa a fCiLune-LriUoCi for those who j conduct, manage or execute. ; Metallurgists. smiths, engineers. J miners, and all who fight the forces of nature or utilize thorn are said to be j under the best possible rule. Venus gives earning to women that they are to meet with many c-oiidi-tiuns that test their powers. They are to give their services in great enterprises enter-prises for aiding their fellowbeings. While new opportunities are to open to them, thy will meet heavy respon-blbilitles. respon-blbilitles. In the humbler vocations competition will be intense. Old persons should be particularly cautious tuda The stars Indicate I perils from falls and accideuts Illness for the King of Spain is prognosticated. Bronchial catarrh or stomach trouble is indicated In his horoscope. Ho will be sorely woirled I by affairs In hit kingdoni. the seers foretell. The stars threaten trouble in the I I Ottoman empire, for I'ranus is culmi- V. I Bating at Stamboul. where Mars Is HI setting. Financial difficulties B well as foreign hostilities are predicted. : HI Christians will suffer in certain dis tricts. Man is in an aspect threatening to Holland. The Queen may be seriously PerFoas whose blrthdale it is have I a fairly encouraging forecast for the -vear. Men will be presnvl by busi ness and should be cautious in their underlakinga. Children born on this day should have alert minds and persevering wIIIr Boys will be fortunate in business busi-ness and girls happy In marriage, if they fulfill their destinies on |