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Show The) Isis runs continuous. See Warwick, between 5 and 7, in comfort, before the house is crowded. Last time today. Advertisement. . " k . I Coming tomorrow, Anita Stewart and Julia Swayne Gor-! don in "The Painted World," ! at the Globe. Advertisement. , "PEG 0' MY HEIBT" COMING Oliver Morofco will present at tho Orpheum In the near future his production pro-duction of J Hartley Manners overwhelmingly over-whelmingly successful comedy, "Peg O' My Heart," which has broken all the dramatic records at the Cort Theater. New York City, whore it recently re-cently concluded a run of over 600 pet formancos As 'Peg" in the famous comedy will bo seen tho young and charming Marlon Marl-on Dentler who created a very favorable favor-able Impression on tour in this pa last yeason and who will continue In this character another season. This delightful play will reach Ogden the last of this month. Advertisement. Coming tomorrow Mary Pickford in 'The Season of Buds," at the Isis. Advertisement. if SPECIAL H I N Beginning Monday morning we- will have one of the biggest sales we have ever had in our ready-to-wear m section. Any suit in the house at 1-3 off. Silk and wool dresses at 1-4 off 5 KBj Special reduction on all fancy chiffon and plain crepe de chine waists. We are showing all the new styles in II B82 M dancing frocks not any two alike, either in color or style. ISP Our windows tell the values we are giving. k J l'Jf M Special Attention , sTTm Piiftvrtc f ! I Is called to our new line of j 'WflHBa If 1 1 lllllft II H Bath Robes - Sweaters- Ki- ''1 1 U H tUkl H monos Children's Coats and ife are now used to a great extent, II N Dresses. - ' -ijBC'v and therefore, we desire to call :- rVTFIir rn Tivr-C W WUmsOSWm, yur attention to our Button li NEW COATIIVGS JHl.;;lfK Factory-We make Buttons Such as Plushes in black, k 'lidm ' " &frr . on snort noce n aH sizes and W r ' i" H cream, bearskin. jMrgj BsJ-rdi styles, with or without rims f ' Wool Plushes in black and Af 3S8S wa bring in the scrap pieces of Al f V' many other fabrics suitable BEiSBFvSJlifc your material and get the But- li for young and old. A ' :: ' ''' i 1 W tons to match your suit or f Yr' N A new line of beautiful Neck- mKSSBMM f dress - it don't cost any hj wear just received-Also Bags KSlVl " Bll more to have them made to II H in Moire, Velvet and Leather. BBBU$- ' - Pi Come in and see them, at vj! j Bm i ! Paine & Mp- Paine & )( I M Hurst FiSfcfS Hurst u I Read the Classified Ads. Two Styles I . " H WITH OR WITHOUT j THE BIBS Both Wear I |