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Show KAISER WORRIED OVER M W R London. Nov. 1?,, 2. a. m. A Pet-I Pet-I rograd dispatch to the Daily Tele-j Tele-j it; h ,s'"-nds th- lollnv.in;- ordT al leged to have been sent by the German Ger-man emperor to his troops In East ! Prussia ; "My Dear and Faithful Soldiers: Thanks to your valor. France has been severely punished and Belgium has been added to the glorious provinces prov-inces of Germany. You know that our punitive expedition into Russia has been a brilliant success "But now we must turn to the new task of protecting our hearts, which! moribund France and barbarous Russia Rus-sia are preparing to attack Henceforward Hence-forward our military operations will take on a new fonn which soon will be Intelligible to you, my dear soldiers. sol-diers. "Your trial has come for you and all Germany. It is necessary to con-, con-, centrate our energies on the repulse of our enemies, for, otherwise, they aim to transform our free country into in-to enslaved and degraded provinces Of Russia and France "If Germany is dear to you; If the culture and faith of the nation and emperor are dear to you, you will offer the enemy a worthy resistance. Do not make a single step backward into our country Remember that behind be-hind us destruction threatens, it la only before us that happiness lies. For country, lor glory, forward, faithful faith-ful friends." |