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Show I I QGDEN Theatre Syd0nlv M Bosworth-Paramount 5-Part Photoplay I "PURSUIT OF THE PHANTOM" I An unusually gripping and vivid drama. A delightful new Keystone Comedy on the same program. Continuous, 2 p. m. to 1 1 p. m.; 5c and I 10c. By all means see this program, j OGDEN THEATER, The Paramount Playhouse. i E B&B Two Shows Each Night 1 I Matinee Tomorrow, IM COMING COMING ! Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Nov. 15, 16, 17. Margaret Whitney's Tabloid Musical Mu-sical Comedy, The Wrong Bird' with Arthur Morse Moon and a bevy of pretty girls. And on the same bill the big picture "TRAFFIC IN SOULS'' Prices, 10-15-25c. I ' THE LENS IS THE I j & MOST IMPORTANT wk I 3 PART OF YOUR J r GLASSES N I H nC yCt few PeoPle know pfl mm n whether they are getting 1 J M good lenses or bad We mm j 1 ji use always the best qual- Fj I Bu 'ty money can buy, and jtaH I j J have had the experience H I kS to grind them perfectly. La j y J. T. RUSHMER Q jjPf - U Manufacturing Optician fif I II and Optometrist. hm 2464 Washington Av. ! , l SPECIAL BOOK SALE W&t 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT. w BRAMWELL B and BgAf Stationery. Hi " 'i uii Read the Classlflod Ads. oo SATURDAY SPECIALS Finnan Haddie Smoked White Fish Kippered Salmon Boneless Herring Brussel Sprouts Calif. Cucumbers Wax Beans Cauliflower California Lettuce Florida Grapefruit And many other good things. HARRIS GROCERY COMPANY Phones 2215-16. 338 25th St. Tomorrow yjjf w'th tlle opening of the store to- yi. morrow morning the Annual Beet WV'nfM s sae ias Decome one f ne H rail mos important selling events which II, --)Cv while the sale begins on the day zfJmlm on wncn ne Beet Growers receive liJfc payment for their beets, still the sale WlmnSm every customer of the store ev- Wfiffl ery man anc woman m tne county will Bl find this a time of important savings. oo Read the Classified Ada L rwi Painless Dentists I m 2468 Washington Avenue (SPECIAL FOR 15 DAYS I TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY, THREE CHAIRS, SKILLED OPERA- TORS. OUR MOTTO : Honest Work and Fair Dealing Brings Success. if WE HAVE A SPECIALIST IN Prosthetic work who will look after that branch of the pro- j fession. Our offices are now complete in every appointment, so why not patronize the best and most reliable? j jl CDETYAI Set (LC A A IT We are make you this special j j i3riXllL dthVV UD V1, giving you a perfect fit with Teeth Mr a limited guarantee. Jg WHY WE GIVE YOU THE BEST AT THESE PRICES. 21 I We want to show you the class of work we do. j , We want you for one of our satisfied patients. i j We want your influence and friendship, "TWT 8 We buy teeth and dental supplies in large quantities for cashff 11 1 PW B at a minimum cost. Every detail of our office is systematized"- w U ! 1 and run on business principles. We have installed every prac- BL tical modern appliance, and our one thought is to give youU -.XJ B j the best possible dentistry at the lowest cost, and we are will-XX-C-)vjIxCSS If ing that you should share a part of the benefits of our business- jg Kg like methods, B WE WOULD RATHER BE BUSY AT ALL TIMES - c and make a smaller profit from each individual patient, than-i- Ad- pd charge prohibitive prices. No difference what you pay, you H cannot get better work at any price. p I 'NTot (IhPfin DpntlQtfTr But strictl7 god toMip Hon- I 1 KJL VJllCap ACllll&liy est Work at Reasonable Prices. Pj 15 DAYS SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE BEST WORK SKILL CAN PRODUCE. I Gold Crowns, 22k AA Plates Repaired, good as new $1 up ;j Porcelain Crowns eilfllf Silver and Amalgam Fillings, 50 to $1 H : BridgeWork (best) T9 W porceiain and Gold Fillings. . .$1. 50 up i ! 12 YEARS PROTECTIVE GUARANTEE. B SSXoh 50g with plates Why Pay More? FREE SffiE?" I I Ask your friends and neighbors about us. They all come here because we treat them right. H OUR REFERENCE ANY BANK OR BUSINESS MAN. B I fuTdayllfo toiV m' LADY ALWAYS IN ATTENDANCE I 4 |