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Show Give Thanks Now! You women of Ogden don't have to wait till Thanksgiving for something to be thankful thank-ful for Here's Richardson with his great big store full of labor-savers at prices so low it's foolish not to have that kitchen equipped with the things it needs. i'fc RY! SC This Lady? You Never Saw Such i rVELT Dinner Sets So Cheap B Aluminum Ware bar- 8u3L. a gains. Every woman jKSPSl you beard us fighting with says "some day I'll get the factory t &et these dishes at me aluminum ware." jk P price3 iow en0Ugh to offer them Here's your chance. Do As. . . . , it now A nfaGws y0U We y0U thank- Cast Aluminum Tea- jN WjS m that there's one store in 0g' led kettles ; big values at y4fs5r"si ESS' den everlastin1y n Job in 1A r YwmW) jTj your behalf. $500 worth of dinner- ai UiV b8 AjKACv ware at almost 'give-away 1 prices. Cast Aluminum Fry- Tf HERE 'S A SAMPLE : pans, big fellows, at WifiPZi&X'i lSit 'tfc CC A A Ei55SS lflW)) 42-piece set of Harrison Rose V ISZ.ll" SMiL llV S'V Chma wel1 worth S5.25. For aw VSP MkShT a week $3.30 Sauce Pans ; Preserving lu fltJS! store is filled with similar bar, Kettles , , , , gums in dinner ware. Aa She got what she needed from our " He)C liD bi household annex and getting . , that Thanksgiving dinner will be LOTS OF LITTLE THINGS A nest of three Sauce funnot glervlfor heI..s How tw . . W4 Pansat about you? Drop band get The little thmgs count in the kit. 41 9& yours. Bargains galore chen sure enough Hundreds of r wM.uw - em here at very low prices. For li a , , . ii i v. orje week only, a 40-cent black A Special lot, all sued tea TURKEY SETS. Oh Joy! coal hod at 27 with shovel free. and coffee pots, up to Talk about sometning to be thank- J 3-quart size, regularly ful for heres a big gtock of fine y $3.50, while they last Turkey Sets, one big platter and EXTRA SPECIAL ! ! ! $0 AA 12 plates, upwards from Large size grey enameled Sauce fit $1.79 Pans, worth a quarter any day, m Large Salt and Pepper at 15 r 12c a Pair $L5o for uie week-at iP' MOST EVERY WOMAN IN OGDEN KNOWS ABOUT THE HIGH QUALITY HERE. If you don't, make a note of it that the things we mention here are absolutely the BEST on the market. This is Wagner's celebrated cast aluminumware B the way, the new line of Universal glass churns and may onaisse-mixers is a wonder. We dil have them for you at $1.50, $2 and $3. Heisey's H glassware, table tumblers, gob- lets, wineglasses a full line at low prices. yfTo i: ' " It seems like there must be a million great bargains in this store that haven't been men-tioned. men-tioned. If you'll visit our store Saturday or next week and just look around, we know that you will have a lot to be thankful for without waiting till Thanksgiving. Come and gS and see. We'll be expecting you. U RICHARDSON-HUNT 2419 Washington Ave. "A LITTLE MORE FOR A LITTLE LESS" The NATIONAL Otfers 139 New Suits: 1 A Store Full of Exceptionally Big Values I Last week we told you how our New York buyer bought for cash, a third to a half less than real value, 139 smart new suits They ImSB will be sold the same way They are here and on display, some real beauties and we will make this a genuine bargain carnival, nof BH ton these lovely suits but on everything else in our stock of up-to-date ready to wear. All new Kjjjjjl models; ail sizes in new fall suits; values up to $60, on sale tomorrow and all next week: L 18811 Lot 1-Smart Suits at $14.75 jk I W Lot 2-Smart Suits at . . S17J5 1 I M Lot 3-Smart Suits at . . $21.75 I SPECIALS LOT OF LAST SEASONS SUITS ! I Twenty-nme Suits left of last winter Suits from a lot of 45 that was advertised last week These Suits with a u made to look like the new fall styles. They are in values up to $45.00. Saturday 2d! nxt week" choice ratln f I LADIES' WAISTS LADIES' PETTICOATS LADIES' GLOVES LADIES' HOSE f $1.50 Values 79 $1.50 Values 98 $1.25 Values 98 50c Values ' oft. if .. $2-00 Values 98 $2.50 Values $1.39 $1.50 Values ........ . .81.19 75c Value I $3.00 Values S1.95 $3.50 Values S1.95 $1.75 Values ...JiO $1.00 Varies . '. ' ; LADIES' KIMONOS LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES LADIES' CORSETS LADIES' SWITCHFR ' ' $150 Values 98 $1.50 Values 98 $1 60 Values f ci Rn Ti lr $2 00 Values 81.39 $2 00 Values . . . . . 81 29 $2 00 Va ues Q$ tl fn 19 i Vah"S 81-98 $300 Values jjg ggS 8 ilOT I, Extra Values in Ladies' Our Furs on Display New M M at Lqw prices y X&f fV Here's an exceptional opportunity. To ff , . , dose out our entire stock all fall MiUi- F Winter is upon us and we must dispose ' '''r j M If' W nery that we have left we offer your I ' of our great array of smart Coats. All Mf 1 1 cholce at OC underpriced for a quick selling tomor- vll'-L- $11 one price J row and next week. Ktw? LiKr Prices proportionately low on many am ak m am am a , ! 11,1 beautiful new fall dresses. See the win- ?7 til CI C QC 0ur stock of Furs was never so S PijJ, tpll.jj tpIJ.Jj complete and up-to-date and spe- kMl cial values at aows 1 i IvSee the Wonderful Bargains in Our Windows I I Absolutely everything you need for cold weather wear is here at very low prices. See the windows. The display will surprise and P I delight you. No Man Can Go Out Little Girls' Coats Our Men's Department ! I with his entire family neatly dressed with- No Stre in h Wonderful opportumties to save in our f ,. . , . , . . . Jrw;,Wl values in smart Coats for little I out feehng pride in his position as a sue- LlI WnDllU . o,r , I m Ofni girls. They are here at Men s Department. $2o Balmacaans at 1 I cessful family provider. On the other W Dy Ml hand there is nothing that gives an in- $2.95 ?15" 0ASH K CEEDH. Iclulgent father or husband such keen re- L) :.Ju J'Q QT 111 . , , I t W.JJ Our Ladies' Shce Department offers many I I gret as inability to supply all his family's t ' wants just when they need them. 4 $4.25 great chances to save. Visit it tomorrow. B Under our plan of family outfitting you can step in here and buy what they need any time AND PAY US $1 A WEEK. See the S I. I window display. Seize these bar gains. Pay as convenient. J, THE NATIONAL 1 2345 Washington Avenue. Harry Reinshriber, Manager. I f "ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW. I' |