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Show COMMERCE BUREAU'S NEW HEAD IS EXPERT Edward Ewing Pratt. Edward Ewinpr Pratt, who recent-ry recent-ry succeeded Albertas Baldwin as chief of the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce of the U. S. department de-partment of commerce, long ago adopted as his life work the thing that he has just been appointed to do for this government. He was born in tho middle west and was graduated from Oberlin college in 190fi, specializing in economics and political science. 29.46 pounds per ton of ore milled, as compared to an extraction of 66.89 per cent corresponding to a recovery of 28.97 pounds per ton of ore milled for the previous quarter. The concentrate con-centrate production amounted to 34,-220 34,-220 dry tons, containing an average of 16 79 per cent copper, as compared to 52,323 tons containing an average of 16.276 per cent copper for the previous quarter. The cost per pound of net copper produced from milling operations for the quarter, after allowing for smelter smel-ter deductions and without allowing any credits from miscellaneous Income, In-come, was 7 81 cents. During thb quarter, for the first time since the beginning of operations, the amount of gold contained in concentrates was sufficient to be given consideration In smelter settlements under contract terms, and the net credit from this source amounted to .10 cents per peund. thus reducing the net cost per pound of producing copper after crediting cred-iting the gold value to 7 71 cents, as compared to 7.66 cents for the previous pre-vious quarter. Tho cost per pound of net copper produced from both milling mill-ing and direct shipping ores for the quarter was 7 74 cents, as compared to 7.78 cents for the previous quarter. quar-ter. If miscellaneous earnings derived from various sources for the period were credited to tho cost of pro-! ducing copper, the amount of Buch rrlit would be .37 cents per pound, which would reduce the cost for the third quarter to 7 37 cents per pound, as compared to 7 49 cents per pound calculated on the same basis for the previous quarter. This cost as usual includes administration general and all other charges, as well as the reg- Wfcar ular charge applied to the extinguish- j Wg' ment of mine development and strip- Kim ping expense. j k$1 |