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Show oo LEGEND OF RUSSIAN j ARMY GENERAL London, Nov. 13, 8:42 a. m. The , Peirograd correspondent of the Daily , Mail, in announcing that Petrograd ! has been made a dry city for the du- ration of the war and that no wine ; beer, or spirits will be allowed to be' ! cold anywhere, gives a legend per-I per-I moating the Russian army of a ' white general" who rides through the ranks on a white horse "If ho looks a man full in the face. the legend runs, "that man bears a charm'ed life Those whom he pussies puss-ies with eye9 averted are morked for I death During the last two weeks ' the "white genern!' has not been seen I in the Russian ranks. The soldiers say he is busy in the German and Austrian Aus-trian armies walking with his eyes i to the ground." |