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Show THIRD WARD TO GIVE II BAZAAR The Improvements nn the buildines of the Third ecclesiastical ward are now nearing completion and a hazaar and entertainment is being planned by a committee from the ward organizations organ-izations to celebrate the event and to raise funda to help liquidate the expenses ex-penses incurred. A new heating plant has been Installed In-stalled with connections in the meeting meet-ing house, amusement hall and class rooms in the institute and is now in operation In the meeting house a modern lighting system has been installed, in-stalled, with indirect lights above the pulptt and choir stand. A new floor has also been placed in the meeting house, sloping from the rear of the house to the pulpit platform and the choir loft has been lowered so that It is now on a level with the seats at the rear f the room. These Improvements have made the buildings as comfortable as any similar simi-lar one in the city and the raising of the floor at the rear has proven an advantage as to acoustics. A new baptismal font Is being placed in the Institute and the meeting house is to be re-plastered, kalsumined and tinted. tint-ed. As soon as funds can be raised, a system of pew seats is to be installed tn the main auditorium. All of the carpenter work, excavating excavat-ing and concrete work has been done bj mombers of the ward without charge and contributions to pav for the material used and for outside labor la-bor have also been made by the people peo-ple of the ward in general. The bazaar that is beinc planned will be held In an uptown building on November 19, 20 and 2i and, in addi Hon to the usual attractions, a luncheon lunch-eon and chicken dinner will be served by the Relief socletv ladles. Special entertainment Is also to be furnished during meal hours. |