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Show WAR ITEMS 8Y I BERLINWIRELESS Austrians in Poland Retiring Before Russian Forces Servians Retreating. 10,000 INSURGENTS j Immediate Recall of Russian Forces in Persia Demanded by Minister to Petrograd. Berlin, Nov 4 (by wireless i An announcement given out in Vienna says that Austrian forces in Poland, after holding the Russians In check on the Lysagora. continued their retiring re-tiring movement to positions previously previ-ously selected by them. The situution in Galicla is un-changed. un-changed. The AuBtrlans have captured large quantities of supplies from the Servians Servi-ans In tho Macva district, where the enemy retreated in haste. According to official Information given out In Berlin today, certain firms in Amsterdam have been informed in-formed from South Africa that tho the insurgents in tho Union of South Africa number 10,000 men. They have in their possession quick firers and machine guns The English war supplies in the Cape Colony are described de-scribed as Insufficient. A dispatch received here from Copenhagen, Co-penhagen, according to information given out In Berlin officially today, suvs that the Persian minister to Petrograd Pe-trograd has demanded the Immediate recall for the Russian forces of occupation oc-cupation in Persia. Russia for some time has maintained maintain-ed permanent garrison iu the northern north-ern portion of Persia. British In Egypt Prepared. London. Nov 3. 8a. m. A dispatch to the Daily Mail from Cairo, Egypt, says "The Turkish troops are reported near the border which they have not crossed. The British are fully pre- pared to repulse an invasion, thanks to the measures taken by the govern- BBBBBBs! ' The public In Egypt calm ami not even aware of, a Turco-Russlau rupture A press censorship will be established tomorrow Toklo, Nov. 3, 9.50 p. m A round robin written in blood and signed by 500 bluejackets, requesting permission permis-sion to dash into the bay and capture Meyer Waldeck, the German governor govern-or of Klao Chow, has been refused by the officers of the Japanese fleet. A pall of smoke envelopes Tslng Tau. The sailors are driving their last mines, while the Austrian cruiser KaiseriO Elizabeth shells them continuously. con-tinuously. Soldiers on the Shantung railway complain that thoy have bee attacked by Chinese civilians rrt BBBBBBi |