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Show I ': I we've Just received a new shipment I Q jp I I of PACKARD SHOES, the nifty fall 7 tg jj-i- I I black BXeai values at fk A JmSt I B and $5 paocTrd Eg H GUARANTEED H J1 BUSTER BROWN'S I fPi I I Tj- rS ls made from thr' 1,r'Bt. lnRK SB l&W B5 T -i jTTiLBfe UV 'T D'-'i stan,c cable twist Egyptian H SsSl I Til VJTrlL W&mttSSb cotton Yarn obtainable and 9ffj Ejl 1 I TiTliS I T '-fyS f J&mMf a" wearlnR parts heavily re- Butli I I sjY!CP I QffQUw lnforc,:-d N'o knots ,,r seams H BSjlJ i I XTOv Delightfully soft and com- I $1,001 8BjtiB Helen Gardner after a year's absence from the screen, comes to the Globe Sunday in the "Painted World." Ad-vertisement. "Million Dollar Mystery" at the Orpheum tonight. Advertisement. 00 no Tonight at the Ogden, Mary Pickford in her newest photoplay, photo-play, "Such a Little VZueen, a Keystone comedy and eight-piece eight-piece concert orchestra; any seat, any show, 5c and 10c. Advertisement. Helen Gardner in Vita-graph's Vita-graph's greatest drama "The Painted World," comes to the Globe next Sunday night. Advertisement. oMonstratingT a necessity Thursday, November 5th, You Are TaBf Invited to Our Store K WE WANT TO SERVE YOU BETTER I The wonder of our dress goods department on exhibition The Perfected Spotless - Shrinker and Finisher IS Mr. Albert Bray, the inventor of this wonderful machine will show j you how the work is done J ; WITHOUT CHARGE i J This machine, shown on our main floor, will convince you how all ! f kinds of wool, cotton and linen fabrics are ! 1 sponged, shrunk and finished. S If you have dress goods at home, bring them to our store We will S do the sponging without charge Thursday Hereafter the charges u will be 5c per yard, as before. t ity mM Ml M k "W 1 , h!v "Million Dollar Mystery" at the Orpheum tonight. Advertisement- OO Read the Classified Ads. Read the Classified Ads. oo cn tl Read the Classified Ads. of a Read the Classified Ads. hj GREAT COMEDY VAUDEVILLE BILL I ? J J K VI , (imp :.Ti ...... ,. . - H ttd IbEmMMmW I'M jWjjj 2 rfC a Billi( f -BSHnsRHfiil "'Z'M mmmwwtSM&. prte' bBbIbm ; '-pr" dlRlH - - - - -- -----r 9HH1 SSS Pcse L rrrygrr" '?'?WKR c,llrn- . - ' "I i, tim. a ALICE HANSON, 'THE LAUGH GIRL" ! LWerc Alice Hanson, "the laugh girl," highest high-est paid and most popular comedlenno on the Marcus Loew circuit, will top the bill at the Orpheum theater this week, opening tomorrow afternoon Miss Hanson is what ls Known in theatricals thea-tricals a3 a "nut" comedienne, a rare species of performer, especlalh in a woman. She sings four songs, all written for her, and to fit her style Of hnmir. with a change of costume for each, Lee Rose and Catherine Moon, new Btars of song and dance, will furnish the modern dance features for the j bill. They arc also singers and acrobatic acro-batic dancers. The Threo Mori Brothers, Broth-ers, which Mr Loew says himself is the best Japanese act that eer played hl8 circuit, will d0 peculiar utunts with IT I their feet, and will furnish one of the uie er j laugh hits of the bill without saying j l a word. These clever Japs toss bar- aT : rels in the air with their feet, and do "n't It In such a funny way that they never fail to score a laughing hir. Allen Miller, supported by a clever company, will present a farce comedy Csate sketch, ' The Maid Mary." in which bellow a demure little maid in a doctor'8 U-0.,l office plnys a prominent part. Ed- ward .Tolly and Winifred Wild wIlK I AIr- contribute neat songs, nifty dances. Relieve comedy and plnno selections. Theo- Catij a dore Bamberg, entertainer of royalty, tjra, one of vaudeville's best known shadow- fc t;raphlst8, will return with a new os- 1 ne: sortment of comedy situatiohs pro- g. duced with his fingers. The usual We Can funny KeyBtone comedy will complete a,, the excellont bill. Advertisement . dc |