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Show M'MAHON LATEST TO TAKE LANGFORD CURE By H M YALKER. Los Angeles. Cal , Nov 10. Heavies Heav-ies may come and heavies may go but Tham Langford just naturally blooms forever Tom McMahon is the latest to be knocked out of the Langford league and there remains nothing for tho Newcastle giant but to join the Federals Fed-erals Tham stopped his man in the sixth round. Beaten ounce bv ounce Tom toppled to the floor when struck with a short left to the cnin. He took the full count of nine and came i up with one despairing rush at his grinning tormentor, but before Langford Lang-ford could administer more punishment punish-ment a kindly faced officer pulled himself him-self between the ropes of the old Vernon Ver-non ring and stopped the show Thus tbe big white gentleman was enabled to leave the pavilion on his own feet, and In some quarters this was looked upon in the nature of a victory for McMahon. Langford is popularly supposed to be "going bock." but if so. the old man is taking everything with him. He is the same wonderful fighting i machine, just a trifle slower than In I years gone by, but still as deadh ! ever. |