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Show Ml V T Li '" Tj X T VT ThT 1 Our yearly event always meeting with L M V I V 1 11 WJ Jl iate lively response to which extra importance is I is Mf r Li' i i J i i attached this season. IBIPI n nK! r everyone knows that the war has caused an advance in prices on many textile goods. linens make xmas gifts that are Wlik Sf The sharp advance in the cost of linens was to be expected for the warring nations are the THIS IS A HINT ThItRgift overs should act I II principal sources of supply for the raw flax. upon now. J flsU Before the rise in linens was reported in the market, we acted upon the urging advice of a TABLE LINENS I MjSS 1nen firm t0 buY a11 the Iinens wc could use for months to come. Now that linens have gone in a wide range of grades and beautifui deaigns. These are WSpL way UP our aertness in buying puts us in a position to hold this Sale of Linens, which gives exceptionally low. ?'':.-: v2KMSi every housewife a splendid opportunitv to select her Thanksgiving linens at p rices that WOUld 35c Damask 29c A -white mercerized damn.sk. 58 inches wide w WW be impossible were we to buy these goods now. Manv pieces would cost at wholesale as much 2-soII,,d Pa1tt"ns- Sale Price, -the yard . 29$ I "" WWm qcwp ocL-fnr thpm hprp 50c Damask 39c Snow white mercerized damask. 58 inches L 'IrSEl incill UCIC. vid.. assorted pattrens Rale Price the vard 39$ m ' . ISSIlk There is another advantage in buying linens at this Sale. Our assortments are larger and 65c Damask 57c a ornian linen, 70 inches wide, full bleached, S I $I3Htel more varied than ever before. You will have the pleasure of choosing from dozens of very LT s s 1 15 ; d 57 I I j J0 j j mm 11 xi. in u j a. 1 j , 75c Damask 63c A fine white German Linen, assorted patterns, l W' new and distinctive patterns in all the various pieces you will be proud to have for your home, sale Price, the frara 63 ji , $1.00 Damask 84c .John Brown's all linen damask, 66 inches E I -j- , T f yii a HMiHBmfEBBfiSaTmBSflKK "rvT- TXTP wide, with napkins Sale Price, the yard 84c II I J Linen Lunch Cloths : ggjgg :,V--HHB:li vv1 JNArKlJNS ?,V 8VPf ftr r. thr"d S4 I 1 7, Lunch Cloth 41x41 Special Sr 'HvhF'IB&IBI I j , $1.15 Damask 94c Full bleach. Brow's all linen damask, 66 ft . , ?- i i oQ HHT yFrTT -TW - H9 m Sizes and grades tO meet inrlir-s wide, six patterns Sale PHc, the yard 94c MV-' $l.aU 'Lunch Cloth. 4ox4o. Special $1.-9 gPV T) tLCkWS&K? W Q-3l r, $1 35 Damask $1.05-Bmwn's all linen. 70 inches wide damask I I I $2.00 Lunch Cloth, 52x52, Special $1.59 BjLS3L rfL5tl?K X 1 every want. Patterns tO with napkin, aasorted patterns. Sale Price, the vard 91.05 Bf $2.75 Lunch Cloth, 45x45. Special $2.39 n jZJBfWlk t $1.50 Damask $1.15 A half bleach heavy pure thread linen, 72 B $3 50 Lunch Cloth, 54x54. Special $2.98 f 2r t Trsty&p "SS88ffSll I Ml match the linens in the bet- inches wide. Sale Price, the yard $1.15 ( I W 50 Lunch Cloth 46x46 Special S3.97 f k h . -.lllU H IL flN 111 ,, T, 5175 Damask $1.50 Full bleached Brown's damask. 72 inches wide M n4" 1 P kr''?llM ' ' - 'V "iMlllfl ter quality. The savings are wit hnapkina, seven patterns toselect from. Sals price the yd $1.59 . I if. WL aSl A. tatAl u il ' yJM WW IJIW i , $2.50 Damask $2.15 Brown's plain satin damask, 72 inches wide, f "RCIlltlflll Drawn T0i Ti'; II It 'VpfflflllSl worthwhile. Sale Price, the yard $2.15 fl UCdUUlUl iyAa''UA Jjjfi'' ' ' if'-J WffSnW S30 Damask" $2 69 Extra fine full hleach Brown's Damask 72 I I WofW PlPCPS 111 Xs"'3. IllflpW'lW $1-00 Quality Napkins. Special. 79$ inches wide, pansy pattern, napkins 24x24. Sale Price, the yd. S2.69 I j d 11 tl d rTf "W $ i .2." t 1 1 ai i i Napkins special 9s SPECIAL OFFERINGS FROM THE LINEN mire. Prices in effect now are F Quality Napkins: Special, .f 125 THAT HAS FOR THIS EVENT PRACTICALLY EVERY- II particularly low. 11.75 Quality Napkins. Special,, i.59 THING USEFUL IN LINENS. I h 25c Scarfs, 17x44. Special 19 A K K Shv S -', p,v linen plam hnek towels. ir,x24 Social ...43 35o Scarfs, 18x48. Special 29 A m93JJL J a $2.00 Quality Napkins. Special, .fll.79 75c pure bnen hemstitched, in plain and fancy huck towels, J W - s,!.'Ld ::::::::::: :?3s Economy for you is the watchword of this .25-Quality Nap-kins, sp&iai 91.9s ' i.e,n'st,te'.,ed' h'e'i; ; w'e'u l4xVo; .Hai: : : : : : :s3 i, w 50c Tray Cloth, 20x30. Special 39 Linen Sale. Every Tl offered embraces a tl.25.pnra- linen hemsUtched, m plam and fancy huck tow,'Is j 'r"" 75c t& cioJh S: S distinct saving chancor you that win bring 2.5oQuaiity Napkins S nd..s2.i9 purS ,,;,;,, i.;n;.;.-b,n-k;;we,s;.7x42 spee.i li;29 j vnn a nlpflnt ;pn;e nf wpllnent mnnpv fnr M7sn ,, v , 0 i com 2.50 pure linen hemstitched huck towels, 22x40. Special. ?1.98 i yu a Pleasant sense Or well-spent money ror $2.75Quaktj Napkws. Special. .92.19 m0Q pure linen wsalloped and embroidered huck towels, 22x40 f H Ruttpn nliro PlPPP a Ion? time to come. We urge an earlv selec- Special $2.49 UdllCliUUlg 1 ItL 5 f , i.uoQualiiy Napkins. Special.. ?2.49 TUFST TOWFI S tion because our large assortment will be de- bUt31 luvvtLO f in designs that are both beautiful pleted rapidly when the exceptional merit of 3.50 Quality NapSp.!.. Km-ikS i:'sp,V,.i":: i 1 and durable, rou don t have to be a these vaules become known. 60c pure linen, plain and fancj huck and diapet towels, 15x24, I I., p .u. , , . . $4.0(1 Quality Napkins. Special .3.39 SDeciaJ . 53r judge Ot tills Work tO appreciate No..287-$S 50 Tahh- Linen Set. Empire with stripe bo. G5c pure linen scalloped fanev huck towels, l VxJl Spee.al . . . . 39c I these big values. dcr, napkins 20x20, cloth 72x90 Sale iv.ee .87.19 $4.50 Quality Napkins. Special .S3.7S &lj '' ''''''I'ttlSIB I j ;J'" ,''iIi0(S,I Sti," 1S 1"4x.?j),'s1 '" ' ' ' ' ;' " '-o'. ' Oil' "'JxTlf'1 ""sil'li. I'rie''' ' ' . r.1' S5.49 Mi ( .;. I .is Special S-4.19 'll j l iffi fJll ' $1.2.3 D.-ihes. size HO in Special 9Sc o T14--$12.oo Tidde Linen S.-t . sm.ll nnd stnpr- pat- .. . s- 10 iflBjlRliiiSi iRESK C3f? ife MliilH 1 1. .3 Doilies, size 24 in Special $1.29 tern With napk.ns 22i ,x22 ,. doth M.vm. Sale IV.ee SIO.25 ' ,kl,,N S' 'S''10 " " HK'VI I Bill 111111111 1 vj.i', DoiisXin: special : : : : : : : : II:!! VITIT!,1",V t'-xiV.-" i.V.1. i,,,,'ii,"r- 00 Quiity nm, us sPt, . $6.9s Mem mm llj liii 1 $2.75 Tray Cloth, size 30x in. Special ....$2.29 No. 1562 $12.00 Tahle Linen Set. dirvsant iiemnm pat- !mid (iUaln p'-.al $7.98 ( CT V T'KifcSK I j tern, napkins 24x24. doth 72x7'J Sal' I ' $10.25 t "I I I T'? Irt i3 fH f a HEMSTITCHED TEA SETS ;7;:;V-:;r:r:::":- ss,, 1 able Cloths ITl'' -rta I fneVtVi J o 1103..30 Tea Set. pansv with MTeath No C34A--$14 o TaUe Line. Set. pai pattern, n.ip- :J l:'1''"'";' '''.-dd,. i'h Tllmtk I h IJlOTlffl Itn j l.and bonier, naplons lHxlS. th 43x45 - ' eh t h Six s ". Sal,- Pri-, . $12.00 ' 1 1 sl B FVSP 1 em- ". 338 $4.00 Round Scalloped Tea Set. 748-415.00 Table Linen Set wild rose pattern. 12-25 Bleached Table (.'loth. 'K'sShP ft L Sale Price. $3.48 napkins 24x24, doth 72x72 gale Price $12.75 64x108 Special Sale Price $1.98 VJWlma g f LgS:S napl eSh BVsP"!'. No. 345.50 Table linen t oak wreath and MIJpS "'""VlO BED SPREADS err60fS No ms-s:. on Hound Scalloped Tea Set, snowdrop pattern, napk.ns 24x24. . loth 72x108, Sale 63x81. Special sale e . . . .So.19 DLU 017 I ler&l l- j plain with satin l.order. napkins 16x16, P"ce $S.25 -,, Bieacned Table Cloth,, Ideal for neatness and long satisfactory service. One of these would I fjl did bet III eloth 45 mehe.s Sale Price $4.48 No B89 $15.00 Table Linen Set plain Sale Price. . $12,75 ,,4x,,,, Special Sale Price .. . .$4.19 make a highly appreciated gift. No. 108 $8.50 Hemstitched Tea Set, rose 65c Dure linen 'scalloped fancy, huck towels. 15x24 Special.. 59c 2 PHttern. napkin, 20x20 cloth 62x99. Sale No. V48-WWI jatin Land oak Leaf and lanrd, aapkina Bleached ffiLjiS Hemmed Spreads, three-quarter si.e Speed .$1.24 ! Price $7.98 24x24, cloth ,2x1ns. Sale IV.. c $12.7o ,-vlos sPt. ml t .. . . . 4.J No. ' 175A-42.50 Heiiime4 Spread Special $2.24 ,, 2100 42.25 Hemmed Spread, pink and blue. Special ..$1.9S y ' II T TT? T7 1 FiTT T V1t7 A Cinrt No. 195A $2.75 Fringed Spread Special $2.49 I SHLblS aild F1LLOW CASES SALE i!; s,::::::::g -p y-v y-, y y No 460-r-$4.00 Hemmed Spread Special $3.69 Ip 85c Embroidered and Initial Pillow Cases, 45x36. Special, a pair 69c OrLVxIiNib No. 460 44 .75 TSS' 129 $1.25 Hemstitched and Embroidered Pillow Cases, 45x36. Special, a pair 98c rt-r No! lSo-eloo HeSed Sprlad! VA'.'.'.'. $59 j "a $1 75 Embroidered and Initial Pillow Cases, 45x36. Special, a pair . $1.49 1 OflnOITQ V 4..:. $6.00 Scalloped Spread, cut corner Special 1 il $3.50 Set. Initial and Embroidered Sheets and Pillow Cases, size of sheet 81x99. ZS&.V SV pillow cases 45x36. Special, a set 52.98 No 475$7.0aScaUoped Spread cut corner. Special $6.59 I $5.00 Set, Hemstitched Sheet and Pillow Case, size of sheet 81x99, pillow case I A H 45x36. Special, a set $4.49 t SV ' " " I l $6.00 Set, Scalloped Sheets and Pillow Cases, sheets 81x99, pillow cases 45x36. I THE ANNUAL SALE Ul NSOTNfrMBOW M0RN8MG ! |