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Show BOX ELDER COUNTY NEWS BOXELDER RETURNS FILED Brigham City, Nov 11 According to latest reports from the county, the following were elected precinct officers of-ficers in the various precincts of the county Brigham City. II M. Figgins justice. H S Jensen, constable i Wlllard City. Abraham Zundel justice, Ben B. Harding Hard-ing constable; Perry, John P. Roberts justice, A. A McDonald constable; Mantua. Wilford Hailing justice, Lu clus Jensen constable, .Calls Fort. Joseph Yates Justice, D. M Reese constable; Dewey ville. George C. Dewey justice, R. N, Gardner constable: con-stable: Plymouth, A. E. Zundel justice. jus-tice. George H. Marshall constable; Junction, Alex. Anderson justice Raymond Ray-mond Lund constable, Grouse Creek, James W. Botterldge justice. D. A Toyn constable, Pork Valley. Charles Chadwlck justice, A. D Hirschl constable. con-stable. Promontory, H. E. Larsen justice, jus-tice, O C Poulson, constable; Howell, How-ell, Fred A. Marford justice, B. Gunnel Gun-nel constable, Snowvillo. Cyrus Roberts Rob-erts justice, James YV. Cottam constable; consta-ble; Clear Creek. Louis F Des Por-tes Por-tes justice. Arthur Kempton constable; consta-ble; Yost, J. H. Gill justice. David E. Tracv constable; Portage, David V. Morris justice, I C McCrary con j B table; Rawlins. A W. liorgstrom justice, jus-tice, Asa Nelson constable; Booth Valley, Val-ley, lohn Richardson justice, John R Shaw constable. Sunset. John J Shumway justice. J B. Pcttinglll constable. con-stable. East Garland Tohn W, Lar-son Lar-son Justice. George v. Dixon constable; consta-ble; Riverside, Joseph HadfMrl Justice, Jus-tice, S . Hales constable; Fielding, Ole Petersen Justice, Edward Haskell constable; Pear River, Ralph Jensen justice P. M iverson constable; ei-wood. ei-wood. Elias Anderson justice. P. W Ghristenscn constable, Manilla W H Capwell Justice A L. Fisher constable; consta-ble; Collinston, Hyrum Jensen Justice. Jus-tice. John R Standing constable; Beaver Bea-ver Dam. R A Johnson justice, John H. Watklns constable; Malad, E R Hadley justice . B. Dickinson constable: con-stable: Lucln, Frank Edison Justice. Hyrum Overson constable. VOTE CANVASS FINISHED. Brigham City Nov 11 The county commissioners and countv clerk have .onlr.inrl tlir. nanvMi of the J I i L l UlUlt' v. v..v, . . votes of Boxelder counts in the recent election, and the figures vary to some extent from the unofficial returns as complied by the clerk's office la.st week The result of the canvass shows about 2fi Progressive votes out of a total of -937 cast at the election. elec-tion. Following are the official returns from Boxelder county: Senator Reed Smoot -2 4 r J. H. Moyle 1666. representative to congress, con-gress, Joseph How-en 2108, Lewis Lar-sen Lar-sen 1 770 ; Justice supreme court, Wm M McCarty J 174 Frank B Stevens 1704. superintendent public instruction,' instruc-tion,' C Matheson 1926 Dr. E. Oow'ans 192; representative YY. C. Horslej 2127 M. H. Welling 1791g four-year commissioner. A. E Holm-gren Holm-gren 2181, N. E. Iverson 1727; two-year two-year commissioner. John F Conley 2191 Alan E Roche 1693; clerk. R M Jeppson 2156, C N. Christensen 1737; sheriff J H Zundel 2396, .). H Lilvwhlte 1313: treasurer. Thomas Thom-as E. Secrist 21 S9. W. L. Qrover 1715; recorder. Ada Johnson 1869, Mrs 01-ga 01-ga Standing 2024, assessor, Lorenzo Pett 2256 Eli T. Peiree 1648; attorney, attor-ney, W. J. Lowe 1984. William E. Davis Da-vis 1915; surveyor. H. C. Carver 2091, C O. Roskeiley 1799. |