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Show WAR BULLETINS Toklo. Nov. 12 Meyer Waldeck. who commanded the German forces at Tslng Tnu according to a dispatch from Tsing Tau to the Asahi. has sent a telegram to Emperor William saying he was compelled to surrender on account of lack of ammunition and the beavj damage Inflicted by the enemy en-emy on bis forts. Berlin. Nov. 12. Via the Hague and London. 11 a. m. The decoration of I the Iron C'ros6 of the first class his been conferred upon General Hans Von Ruelow. who some weeks ago was given the second class decoration of this order for military valor before N'arnur General Von IP-low's wife was formerly Mrs. Nina Bryce Turn-bull Turn-bull of Philadelphia. Copenhagen, via London; Nov. 12. 8.10 a. in It Is announced that the Socialist Peace congress, which meets on December t".. will discuss the possibility of making peace overtures Representatives of all neutral countries coun-tries have been Invited and Gopenha- geil Is believed tO be the cltj where HUch negotiations. If initialed, will be held London. Nov 13, B 20 p m The Australians are making preparations to welcome Captain (,ari Von Mulier, comm. 1 ml, r of the ' lerinan cruiser Km-den, Km-den, destroyed recently by the Australian Aus-tralian cruiser Syduey, telegraphs the correspondent at Sydney, N S V., of the Evening News. They aro arranging ar-ranging to show tbelr recognition of hlb gallantry and courtesy |