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Show I , , I Aunt Sally's Advice to Beauty Seekers Reil N'oxe The noon In a more flelil ite erpnn than mest prnple Imagine It Hhrnilrl hA tOUOhed ns little a pOSSlble For undiip redness the t r'al ment recommended recom-mended In fallowing parnRrnph will be fonnl effective Apply WlthOUl ruhlilni? Muddy Skin. The panfst. safest ami I surest method of f?l virus Clear, healthy. transparent appearance to the complexion complex-ion is to apply ordinary mereollzcd wax every night fr from one to two weeks. This wax. obtainable at any drug store lone otmee Is sufficient!, actually takes off a bad omplexion by gently and gradually grad-ually Hiiworhinc the thin veil of surface skin. The new skin then In evidence Is as fresh and velvet v as a young girl's The wax Is nppll'-d like cold cream and washed off mornings. Wrinkles A harmless lotion made as follows has been found very effective in eases of wrinkles and crow's feet: Powdered Pow-dered saxollte, 1 nz dissolved In wlleh hazel. pt Bathe the face In this dally for awhile - Woman's Realm. Advertisement |