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Show COUNTY BOARD DENIES HAVING ENGAGED THED. KVTKA In Its nnewpr to tho suit of Theodore Theo-dore Kvtka, the hand vritinp rxprrt of S:in Frarclseo, for $25i0 as expert ivritness fee? In the caso of the state of Utah against Joseph H. Martin, the Weber county board of commis-r-loners yesterday afternoon In the district court, denied that the couuty had entered Into any contract with the plaintiff for his services as a witness wit-ness The answer further avers that no one was authorized to employ Kytka as a witness and also alleges tbat Martin was bound over to the district court before Kytka was called Into the case at all The contention will likely be that the responsibility of the county ceased when the preliminary hearing was concluded and Martin was held to the district court. Upon the fiual termination of this suit, depends largely the further action ac-tion by the state against Martin, who is charged with other crimes which will require the testimony of Kytka on triai if the prosecution hopes to get convlcticns, according 10 the j statement of District Attorney John C, Davis. In a recent communication to the county board of commissioners the district attorney advised that, unless un-less the Kytka fee should be paid, he would dismiss the other cases against Martin The attorney stated that the testimony of Kytka would be necessary neces-sary to get a conviction and that, unless un-less the expert be paid for his services serv-ices it would be useless to undertake to procure his attendance in court. oo |