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Show 3IENNIJL REPORT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF OGDEN j The biennial report of the Ogden City public schools has been written and compiled by Superintendent J M. Mills and was to be mailed to the staLe superintendent today It will form a part of the state superintendent's superintend-ent's biennial report and i6 to be published pub-lished Tor use at the annual convention conven-tion of the Utah Educational asso-ciition. asso-ciition. In his report Superintendent Mills has evplalned in detail the Ogden acbool eystora In its present coudl- 11 n tion and has also told what was needed need-ed to further perfect It. Among the different features mentioned are the 'e six six plan, the social center plan, the "bad boy," "work," new departments, depart-ments, couise of study, half-day sessions, ses-sions, salaries paid, the teaching Jt force, retai nation and elimination of studenlB, and the elective system. The survey of the Ogden schools is also referred to in the report. The Utah Educational convention is to be from Monday morning to Wednesday night, next week and it is expected that more than 4000 teachers teach-ers will atterd. This will necessitate I the closing of the schools for an entire en-tire week, instead of the original two Thanksgiving holidays. The Ogden board of education Is averse to the ' closing of the schools for an entire week at this time of year, believing j that the convention could be held as well during the Christmas holidays In view or this feeling. Superintend- fl ent Mills has been requested to protest pro-test for a change of date for next year. Neat badges for the local members of the association have been received at the board of education offices and will be given out by Miss Viola Clancy, Clan-cy, clerk cf the board, before Mon- |