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Show SALE OF TOBACCO TO MINOR LEADS TO CONVICTION J 0 Callus was fined $H In the municipal court this morning after being be-ing convicted of selling tobacco to minors. The city's witnesses were Bud J. Burns and Patrolman William Brown In eonnection with his testimony testi-mony concerning the case against Cal-I Cal-I las Burns told an interesting story' concerning himself He stated that he was 17 y ears and 4 months old, but appears to be about 14. His birthplace, birth-place, he said, was 'Frisco, and he went to school until he was 13 years old At that time in his life, according ac-cording to his story, his mother signed sign-ed a contract for him to "ride the ponies" and for three years he was n jockev He came to Ogden about two months ago and has been employed em-ployed as a machinist's apprentice in the Southern Pacific shops. He bad t-moked cigarettes since he was five rears old he said, and then told of purchasing B sack of tobacco from Callas a couple of days ago Officer BroNvn testified to seeing the boy with the tobacco and of securing se-curing a confession from him ss to where he procured It. The defendant denied selling the tobacco, but was declared guilty as charged. Jerry O'Nfdl and Bartlcy Griffin pleaded guilty to charges or drunkenness drunk-enness and were given suspended sentences. sen-tences. . Hayes and William Kirk, also pleaded plead-ed guilty to drunkenness and were sentenced to serve live days each in Jail. Statements of the officers were to the effect that the two had been using vile language on the streets. The case of the city vs Joseph Shurtliff Shurt-liff was dismissed, the charge Hgalnst the defendant being withdrawn |