Show Th 1Ih Jen r Tho Karalm JOWl number 30oo bf 1000 and live principally In the crln J They npiok T t n Tartar dialect ninot lhem elve and clhnologlcally tr iniicli more like Tartar than tiemltip Their own legend In 1 fact permit Ilc newimptlon that they were Klmuri and were coiuerlcil lo Judaism In tin eighth century Tbelr form of Judilim illffera from that of tho 8000000 or moro orthodox Ituulnn Jews In rejeu u lute the Inlmuil soul traditional theo > KX atlogether and confinlni Itiell strictly to limo Morale ro elation Ii I hna been n futorllo nmimemcnt will the ItiiMlan for Rentrnllon to pretend Iho greatest udmlrallon and affpctloi for 1hIr obncuro llttlo tribe Mme NovlkoR had her Joke on thin nubjeci here In london l when Who gravely at aurrd an Interviewer nomei year OK that there never had been n law of nnj kind Issued In ItiiMln ngalnit the Jowl When this nmnilnn uuertlnn war quc4 tlonnl the coolly cxplnlncil t that t rl1r icfcrrcd lo the Karalm Jew as In 11114 abut they 11111 nut ronIolrr the dllCllI 01 Ibo lallllll1 were Jews nl nil Into much as the Iarnlt s onIUilnonl RwllioIlIlllMII flff1 uhf Ibo Jerre ratcIf Indeed It bo conceded that they belong to It nt nil Ibo Inxfrnc of iho Ituiwlan attitude toward then la I peculiarly exasperating to Huorew In general and tho iprctnclo of tbrl being brought forward nt Moncon U Iho pole rcprwrntntlvca of luricl l will mart and rankle just nn the genial Hlivonlc character del rn It hoilil Katurday llelaw |