Show JcutearUfalag 1 According to n lady who has lured In Jeruiulem for forty years the Jewlili pulatlon 1 ot that city Is Incrrnilng Tnentytno years ago shun says thera were only between 15000 and 20000 Jem In Jerusalem In thoio days no houses wire tube found outride < thoio magnlllcent walls time gatei ol which were closed nt night Since then many channel have taken place and the Hebrew population mainly on account of the Increase ol the Jewish Immigration from Kunlu now stands at between 00000 and 70000 Whole street of hOlllts boo been built outside out-side the wall on the lIe of tin ancient an-cient suburban dlitrlcti which for hun Iredl 01 years have remained deserted It It not hoMeer only In Jeruialem itself that thin JOKI abound I but throughout rateitlno they are buying fangs and establishing them elvci In a lurprlilng and rapid manner In Jeruia hem they form larger community than either Chrlitaln or the Mohnumednn |