Show VETEJIAXS COIINKK I I AUTHENTIC HISTORY OF SOMB FAMOUS WAR BONO imo slsasllfl w e That t1Hpt In lobe nloll ad ela the I nlon llllf lloan1 Hi IUlV Team Tramp tea mP Iliw I In HKItl H I a found among the pine lb That sal whir stool the bottle T 1lns JET A stnts of insole low and sweet ti Mliwl with the t tread ot nimhlng fret A Rhontly legion a Inrwilt It way flcneaih the grim pines fur away No loud command no sound of gun So sabers flMhlng In the tun Where laugh Ike ripple In their glee As nrnth the star they eeek the I ten Two ghostly picket guard their post llehlnd them amp the spectral hosts So amp fire In the tlirllKlit gloom So light fall on the silent cream Yet lo and fro In blue and gray The spectral picket tramp their way The sweet rote nat the lilT blow Where men In battle met M few The wren huh built her tiny net Where gushed the blood from hero bread There nut upon the broken blade Deep In the heart nf yonder glade And flower fair of em hue fall on the bravo who dream In blue No thought of strife no dream ot war The Nation merest day can mar The lily type of love divine b found In heart of wrvtth ot pine And reunited North and Bouth With flower hide the eannont mouth Whilst Imo friendship warm and true 1 Itecrown the brave who sleep In blue flonfl This ILd Snlllrrt The requiem lung lecently over the graves of those who tumnderctl life 10 the fight for a nations preservation and IhoM that fought for the cause hat wo lost recall the stirring songs hit inspired patrlolltm In the heart 01 men during tho crimson time of he rebellion fierce Inilpltncy True he sound of music harnionloui from mAny Inilrumcnti sent the blood flowIng flow-Ing filler and thrilled the soul ot Ittener but It wa the colic patriotic patri-otic and coiiMxclniplrlng voiced t tip I bravo men thai mmle stanch totdler slancher and drew Into the rank of those battling for n countr men 11i ch u he w L IhO 1 y lain lasanl ln war Nov haYO litve a01l1l ipitngttyc I fflFmtww lo find the Indorsement of cnllniilaillo patrlotlini whenever they nre heard alys thin Chicago Tlmevllerald Tho greater portion of Ihete stirring SOURS and equally stirring tune though It U not generally known are Chicago pnxluetlont and It wn In hits city that they were first sung Rinse then the echoes hive resounded around the orll I Some are aware that ssveral or them battle songs were published by the late George V host Hut tho men whose voice flrnt Introduced Rally Hound the FIg days Tramp Tramp Tramp the Iloy Are MarchIng March-Ing and other national favorltet are comparatively unknown to the public These men who papubrltisl patriotic music by such in Inspiring rendition ot tongs that It nude thoiiMndi 01 soldier were the Itmbard 1 brothers Jule and Prink who lived In Chicago until a few oars ago when the latter died Jule moving lo Omaha Neb where he till itutaln his repulatloi a a a vocalist The surviving brother poiscstes an Imprrsjlve personality as well as a voice whom rich pompum II I unimpaired Jule Lumbar l now as yon nf ige li I a handaome < old mm erect In figure and or Kindly counlt ounce A gcnrrou growth or longhair long-hair recall the prototype uf the Silver King The voice which once made Ml filers now slogs the Mcrnl music 01 peico victories In an Omaha choir Tully Ilimnil thr Clog I When the civil war broke out Or Hoot wrote Dully Hound the Plug Hoyi lie took It at once to the Ium bard for Its Introduction at a niiin meeting to be held at the old courthouse court-house on Clark itreet that evening After one rehennnl the broihera at tendril Iho meeting and were Intro duml to the audience by Ihn compose of the tong At that limo lr Root railed It Tho HaltlA Co ot freedom Then the Inspiring trains ot IIr tcNKi production were given to the orld for the first time The Iumban brothert were lit their but Their hoods were In Ibo to nit When th > chorus wu fliil hfd with Ita great climax ot rallying round the flag 1000 throat cheered In patriotic approval Men shorted and sung themtelvi hoarse Tho sound ot a bra ban1 which endeavored to play another tune later was drowned In tho uproar whip demanded repeated 1 rendition I I of the I new national I tong The popular voice I renames the song Itally Hound tile Ting and as inch It became known The tong quickly reached the arm and wan noon hoard at every federal camp fire The original word nf the patriot air presented by Mr Iumban arc al follow Th drat VVr tout Ye well rally round the nag boy well rally once agtln Shouting the battle cry of freedom Wt will rally from the hllUij 1 tell gather from the plain ghosting the battle cry of frc + Sem I CHORUS The union forever hurrah I ban incr ran Down with the trailer up with the tar Whllo we rally round the flAg pirt rally once tRaln Mhoatlng ha battle cry of free Wo ate springing to the call Oj err brother gone before Shouting too battle cry of free4s And well flll the virnnt rank nub a million freemen more I Shouting the halite cry or frteJtn Chorm We will welcome to our number the loyal true and < 1 brave Shouting the battle cry of freeM 4tul nltho they may be poor not a man thai be n slave Shouting the tattle cry of tttto Cliortii So were springing to the call IrtBI the Mil and from the weal Shouting the iHittla cry of freedom And well hurt the rebel crow from Ike land we love the bl Hhoutlng the battle cry of frtvilta Chorus 11 a m µ Tromp Tealnp loo Then the Iuml rdii IOlrooIlltfd Tramp Tramp Tramp tho Hoys Are Marching with rqitnl success Mirth Inc Through Georgia The Red White and tulle nod father Abet hIm followed In awlfl requence inJ found wiulnr favor Jule abandoned his law practice lo 1813 to enlist In Iho army lie became an adjutant on Clencral IarntwortVi staff In the IJIghth Illlnol cavalry M nt this Junetuio hsla wife who was a loulhern woman appealed to him Ml to fight her friend and < l brothers who wore HIP confederate gray lx > ro rtumphed but Jute patriotically In lined decided to give hi voice to III ountry to assist In rccrultingoldlen by patriotic music Accompanied bv ill faithful brother he made a tw of the north singing at man meelltfs and Iniplrlrg men to enlist It 1ft I et I Imaled I that the Iumbnrd won tOW collier for President Lincoln Jurist he war by their rontlnuou good MIre M-Ire of long DM basis Their most thrilling experience vets III the trenches nl Vicksburg durlsi he funumt siege While tinging folly Hound the flag among tho unto force their voice over recognized bold b-old Chicago friend on the rebel ilk I who shouted a hearty salutation M rompanled by n cordial Invitation U visit the confederate line It was leneral McIIicrsonn headquarter lid Jule heard an old darky servant ilri lngau unpubllihed melody which tie fntaiuicaiUdl oiitlHlisAgrrJlttiiiiolx 1 attracted the attention ot the far singer The words are as follows Oh ohm yard darkly laugh wAi me for de white folk say Ole ihiJyi tree Bo dont you see dat dc Jubilee Is ncomliiit coming Hall mighty day CHOItUR Deii away away I cant wait any longer Hooray Hooray Iso going home Den away away for I rant wait my longer f Hooray Hooray Pie going bolO loodbc MON Jeff goodbye IIIr Rtepbens Bcuio ills nlggah for lakln hit leaven rlpect pretty loon oull hear Uncle Abram coming coming Hall mighty day Good by hard work sold never any pay tee gwlne up north where the good folk say Dat while wheat bread l and a dollar a day Am ncomlng coming Hall mighty day Oh toe got n wife and a nice little baby Living up I yonder In lower Canady Wont dry laugn when deli tee Ole Rhndy Aromlng coming Hall mighty day Yell rf Jule Lumbard remitnbried l the tong and gate It lo II It llonby who rota Nellie lttay Hanby arranged and tent It tn the publisher The lOg which Unit orlglimttd In Icneral Mo I Thereon tent on a southern battle sell soon became famous Another link In u chain ot unbroken stirrem of colic popularlicil by the lumUn win the staple lenllmenlal bulled The Old l Arm Chair and NcUio Ura UraLincoln Lincoln Will a great admirer ot Ihe lumbardi and It was the berolc Prroldenl who complimented them u the singer who made ioldleniu with heart In their voice who sewsl their country well lllolliui In I halo 1 la the town of Wlndham Mila llon William Garland a veteran at the war who cannot be outdono In patriotism by any man In the nltrd males for promo he has kept thrt flags constantly flying one from a 118e staff In the front yard one from his house and a third from hli hen house lilt haute li I painted III l alternu serif ea of red 1 white and blur and In various convenient place ore the cogs latlon number of stars Those eggs ot his loyal hen mint be nourlshnicn for good cllltenthlp |