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Show on end, for at Intervals he ran his altdamp hands through It. His eye ered Jlke opals; at. times they sparkled, and almost blazed, and then grew dim. He changed at each sentence ; he mouthed his written talk audibly; each thought was reflected In his pale, mobile face. He laughed and then groaned; at the crisis tears ran down and blurred the already Indecipherable In every script. But at 11 he rose, stiff difficulty With and limb, staggering. he picked the unpaged leaves from the floor and sorted them In due order. He fell Into his chair. ANTICIPATOR. T1IE course, ! admit N"'k Isn't plagiarism, wld Carter Eaplan savagely; Ita fate, but i sr-V Mf ua the devil, a i 7 k It the lew Irrl- VJtgTy t tatlng on that acNo. oor count? And he . ran hla hand through hla balr till H tod oa end. He shook with febrile excitement, a red spot burnt on either cheek, and hi bitten HP Its and hi parerel, "Confound Burford,'Tbd'toots to ents, and bi ancestor! him that ran handle them, after he added, friend a pause, during which hi good. Its good," he said, chuck- What a, queer devil I am! My ling. dumb ancestors pipe oddly In me It a a strange, devilish stran'ge; mam but How that. at and craxy mouthpiece, long has thla laat thing been batching. The atory la old. yet new. Gibbon hall have it. It will Just suit him. Little beast, little horror, little hog. with a divine gold ring of appreciation in hla grabbing snout. He drank half a tumbler of whisky and tumbled Into bed. HI mind fan riot. be aald. My egoa a bit flsaured. I ought to be careful." And ere he fell asleep he talked conscious nonsense. Incongruous Idea Jinked themselves together; be sneered at bl brain folly, and yet be was afraid. He used morphine at laat in such a big dose that It touched the optic center and subjective lightnings flashed in his daik room. He dreamed of "At Home, where he met big, brutal Burford wearing a great diamond In his shirt front. "Bought by my conveyed thoughts, he Mid. But, looking down he perceived that he had a greater Jewel of hla own, and soon hts soul melted Into the contemplation of Its rays, till kls consciousness was dissipated by a divine absorption into the very Nirvana of Light. When he woke the next day It was already late In the afternoon. He was overcome by yesterdays labor, and, though much less Irritable, be walked The trouble of posting his feebly. to Gibbon seemed almost too story much for him, but he sent it, and took a cab to bis club, where he sat almost comatose for many hours Two weeks afterwards be received a note from the editor, returning the story. It was good, but Burford sent me a tale with the same motive weeks ago, and I accepted duv - Vincent curiously considered him.It your own fault, my dear wilda, ms a, said be; "you are too lazy. remember these thing these notion, motive are In the air. Originality la only the art of catching early worm. Why don't you do the things a hood as you Invent them? "Now you talk like a bourgeois, Uke commercial traveler. returned Ep-la- n angrily. "Why doesn't an apple tree yield apples when the blossoms re fertilized? Why watt for summer, nd the Influence of wind and sky? new-lai- d Why dont live chickens burst sudtread Shall parturition egg den on conception? Didnt the mountain labor to bring forth a mouse? nd not require Your works of genlu to which of the eternity portion they are destined? Stuff" snarled Kaplan; "but you now my method, I catch the suggesof tion. the floating thistle-dow- n then I and the maybe; title, thought, note, to leave It, perhaps without the brain, to the subliminal consciousness, the aubconscloua self. The story grow In the dark of the Inner perbe rejectpetual sleepless soul. It may ed by the artialc tribunal sitting there.I. It may be bidden to stand aside. of heredthe outer 1, the husk-cas- e one day of but It, know nothing ities, I take the pen and the hand write It. 1 I the automatism of art, and Thl am nothing, the last only of the cons cealed individualities wilhtn me. a dumb ancestor attains speech, nd yet the Complex Ego Esplan must be anticipated in this way." lie rose and paced the lonely club with li regular steps. smoking-rooHla nerves were evidently quivering, b,s brain wa wild. But Vincent, who For aw deeper. Was a physician. Jerky, at tlmea Kiplan' speech waa word-tlocoho bn mised the right motor center were not under control. "What of morphine? he thought. at It again, and la I wonder if be But y without hi quantum? more. once out burst Esplan 1 should cot care so much If Bur-fpr- d did them well, but he doesnt huow how to write a story. Look at the last thing of mine of his. I saw It leaping and.nllvp; It ran and sang, very Maenad; it had red blood. With dead: H kin U. wasn't evenad born, teeke eewdnet, eyn.Vs puppetry, and move like a lay figure, and smells of most manifest manufacture. But 1 oant do It now. He ha spoilt It forever. Its the third time. Curse him, nd my luck! 1 work when I must. Your calling la very serious to you, After all, what aid Vincent lastly. What are stories? doe it matter? Are they not opiates for cowards live? I would rather Invent some little Instrument, or build a plank bridge Be-ldc- ' shall" Per-Imp- it. m EHplan smashed his thin white hand on hla mantelpiece, and made It bleed. That night lie got drunk on champagne, and the brilliant wine seemed to nip and bite and twlBt every nerve brain-cel- l. 1 - -- ; I u .1 m wtiul-automat- tc y. FRANCE AFTER GLORY THE GREAT ANDREE EALLOON READY FOR BUSINESS. Start Soinoisr Will Tlie Karalrn for th Van Pol Thl lb Crtpirailwi IIcidi Isrsful'y l.ntrdt tram til. Public A U.tarilout lnduklii(. ARI3 letter To New York Journal. If any reader of the n Journal should to find a strip of canvas bearing dlrls" stamp, It would be a pub- Uc duty to let the world know. The stamp shown is an exact fac simile of that with which the pieces of the groat Andree balloon, which it is hoped will Journey to the North Pole, are marked. It is a wonderful balloon, to which the daring aeronauts will trust their lives and great hopes. The most niar-eloair ship ever built will not comit. For by means of this with pare creation It Is hoped to achieve the purpose which has urged countless undaunted men to death. It represents the only means of reaching the North Pole that has not proven an absolute If the project succeeds, France failure will claim the glory for which English-speakin- g nations have striven for more than a century. If it falls, It will be one more to add to the wrecks that strew the path science has made to- - t "To-morro- to whleh Is obtained by means ot rope ladders. Other ladders lead up to the lower of the three valves of the balloon. This trio of valves U a special feature. The remaining two are fixed about half-wa- y up the balloon, one on eaca aide. M. Laehambre laughs at the idea of his balloon bursting. Nothing would burst it lie is certain, after the precautions he has taken. The material of which it is made is double everywhere and quadrupled where the pressure is greatest. The layers or stuff are stuck together by a composition of M. Lachambre's finding, and in the adhesive qualities of which he has the greatest confidence. The whole Ms to be covered with a Tarnish, also of his discovery, and used In this balloon for the first time. Other special Inventions are to be adapted Ho the balloon, and especially a system of sails, which the aeronauts declare will enable them to guide their vessel to a very considerable extent. An feature of the balloon ts Its guide ropes, three In number. The entire success of the expedition hinges on these guide ropes. It mgst not be supposed that the balloon it to go careering through space at an enormous altitude. If its owners can help it. It will never be more than two or three hundred meters above the earth. At this height the guide ropes will trail on the ground. According as more or less of the rope trails, the balloon will rise or fall, as the weight It has to carry will clearly Increase or de crease In proportion to the length of The guide rope dangling in mid-ai- r. ropes weigh about 1,000 kilogrammes. land near Spitzbergen. balmy southerly winds blow round that quarter of the globe, as if In special provision of the needs of ballonists travelling to the North Pole. All the three voyagers will have to do is to float along, Impelled Aa M. La- by fnend'y air currents. chambFe Insists, a baby could 6alJ hi balloon.. Where the wind goes, there will go the balloon, and as no one has reason to suppose that (he wind will avoid the North Pole, the balloon ought to reach there in due time. Bet-- , ter still, when once the regions aimed at are gained, the wind is scheduled to continue to behave itself with exemplary docility, and, as if It were conscious that It should blow, not where it the ftvterests of- - sett-nllsieth, but-in tifle explorers What does it do? Having wafted the travelers to their destination. It sweeps round and carries them in a homeward direction, which It Is thought will be by way of Siberia. M. Andree has no doubt whatever that by October, at the latest, he will be In Siberia. All these theories. In which those who have developed them devoutly believe, will goon be put to the proof. In a few days M. Vlelllard will start from Chantilly, near Paris, with the material for building the special! designed shed to be erected at Nois Korena, in which the balloon is to be Inflated. It will be a wooden edifice four stories high and forming a regular octagon of twenty metres In diameter. The roof of canvas is detachable, and will be drjwn off when the balloon filled with its cubic metres of hydrogen is ready to catch the first favoring breeze. M. Laehambre is going In person lo superintend the mounting and inflating of ills balloon and to start R on what he evils Its "little excursion 1 should add that the system of three guide ropes, on the excellence of which the success of M Andrpe's expedition hangs, has been carefully tested in the neighborhood of Paris recently by Commandant Itenard. the head of the famous french military balloon establishment at Meudon, and by Gaston Ttssandier. another of the most celebrated Fienoh aeronauts M. Lacham-hr- e Is enthusiastic at tie results of these experiments, which he declares place the success of the expedition beyond a doubt. Ho knows wht he is talking about, but to the folks who are not specialists, a journey to the North Pole will appear rather more dangerous iu a balloon than in any other conveyance. JlLIAN RALPH. j to Jew. The Kdraitn Jews number 3,000 or 1,000 and live principally in the Crimea. They speak a Tartar ifiulect amoig are themselves, and ethnologlcally much more like Tartars than Semites Their own legends, in fact, permit the assumption that they were Khazars and were converted to Judaism In the eighth century. Their form of Judaism differs fiom that of the 5,000,000 or more orthodox Russian Jews in reject ing the talmud and traditional theoi ogy altogether and confining Itself strictly to the Mosaic revelation, has been a favorite amusement witl the Russians for generations to pretend he greatest admiration and affection for this obscure little tribe. Mme Novlkoff had her Joke on the subject here In London when she gravely assured an interviewer some years ago that there never had been a law of ap) kind Issued in Russia against the Jews When this amazing assertion was questioned Bhe coolly explained that she leferred to the Karaim Jews, as in Russia they did not consider the dlsclpl of the talmud. were Jews at all. Ina much as thw Karaite constitute qn part of the Jew ig race If, Indeed, It be conceded that they belong to It at all the insolence of the Russian attitude toward them la peculiarly exasperating to Hebrews in general and the spectacle of their being brought forward at Moscow as the sole representatives of Israel will smart and rankle Just as the genial Slavonic character delres It should. Saturday Review. His irritability grew so extreme that he lay In wait for subtle, unconceived insults, and, meditated morbidly on the aspect of InnoHe gave the waiter cent atraugers. double what was necessary, not because It was particularly deserved, but because he felt that the slightest sign of discontent on the waiter part might lead to an uncontrollable outburst of anger on hla own. Next day he met Burford In Plcca- bitur amy and $ut LVm dead with sneer. I I daren't speak to him darent,' he muttered. And Burford. who could not quite understand, felt outraged. He himself hated Esplan with the hatred of an outpaced, outsailed rival. He knew his own work lacked the diabolical cerIt wanted the line tainty of Esplan phrase, the right red word of color, the rush and onward march of due finality, the bitter, exact conviction, the knowledge of humanity that He in Inheritance, the exalted experience that proves received Intuitions. He waa, he knew, a successful failure, and hi ambition waa greater even than Esplana. For he waa greedy, grasping, esurient, and hla hollowness wa Obvloua even before Esplan proved it with his wringing touch. He takes what 1 have done, and Uoea It better. Ita malice, mailce," he urged to hlmaelf. And when Esplan placed hla last story and the world remembered only brilliance the to forget In Its white-ho- t told paste of Burford' Pari Jewel, he felt hell surge within him. But he beat hi thought down for awhile, nd vent on hla little, labored way. The success of thla etory and Bur-- 1 ford bitter eclipse helped Esplan DON'T TALK IDEAL POPPYCOCK." have got saner if crosa a muddy stream, than write the greatly, and he might other lnfluencee working for misery In beet of them. cer-- ! his life had not hurt him. For Kaplan turned on him. one whom none knew woman died, lain Well, well. he almost ahouted; he knew, and he clung to morphine the man ho Invented chloroform in Its Increase, helped to throw which, waa great, and the makers of It are him later en. It work a one who useful. Call storlde chloral, morphia, , builds a dam higher and higher yet bromides, If you will, but they give against the rising waters, and the ease. , crash must come. When It might be better to use ; And at laat it did come, for Burford blisters. had two storiea, better far than hts Uot! answered Erplan, rudely. "In usual work, in a magaxtne that Esplan may case, your talk Is Idle. I am I. almoBt lookod on his own. They r writers small, If you wpre oa Kltpian's very motive, be had nd writer result and a force. Give thPJB aIni0i,t will, but to write. The tlng tne a reet Dont talk Ideal poppy - 0j bitter blow drove him off ck! j hi tattering balance; be conceived He ordered liqueur brandy. After murder an(J plotted tt brutally, and drinking It bl aspect changed a little. . thpn Bu'btlyt and became dominated by nd h smiled. ,t tU) hlg Jlf wa tbe fl0Wer of the Perhaps It wont occur again. If tt insane motive- .- It altered nothing 4oe I shall feel that Burford Is very when a reviewed pointed out the close much in Jny way. I (halt have to resemblance between the two men' genius. work, and, exalting Esplan Remove him? asked Vincent plaw,d tbe wruer beyond all cavil, the someNo, but work quicker. I have pther bP0W u place, It would Just r But that drov Burford craxy. It thing to write eoon. i -- uit him toapolt waa ao bitterly true. He ground bis The - talk changed, and soon after- - J teetb, and bating hit own work, bated wards the friends prted. Esplan worse the man who destroyed hi own "went to hla chamber In Bloomsbury. ! conceit. He wanted to do harm. How lie paced hi sitting-rooIdly for a hould he do lt?-t- ew minute, but after awhile be began j Eaplan had long alnce gone under, to feel the impulse in bl brain; bl wag a homicidal maniac with one the man before him. He Conceived apd finger mood came on. He cat down and wrote schemes. Hi stories ran to wrote, at first slowly, and at last furl-usl- murder. He read and Imagined means. At time he was In danger of believing It a a 3 in the afternoon when ho he had already done the deed. One tiegan work. At 10 o'clock he was etlll wild day he almost gave himself up t his desk, and the blg table on which for this proleptlo death. Thu hla tt stood was strewn Kith tobacco ashes Imagination burnt and flamed before nd many pipe. His hair again stood- - hla conceived path. and to-da- - It. be matured, Ill do !L Ill do and at the club the men talked shout him. he said, and n,p. he put it off. He must consider th- - 4rt of it. He left it to bourgeon in ti fertile brain. And at last. Just as be wrote, action, lighted op by strange circumstance, began to loom big be lore him. Such a murder would wake vivid world and be an'epoch in crm' If the red earth were convulsed in war, even then It would stay to hear that Incredible. true story, and, soliciting deeper knowledge, seek out the method and growth of means and motive. H chuckled audibly In the street, ad laughed thin laughter In hla room of fleeting visions. At nighty he walked the lonely squares near aj hand, considering eagerly the ruah of hla own divided thoughts, and. leaning against the railings of the leafy gardens, be saw ghosts In the moon shadows and beckoned them to converse. H became a night bird and was rarely seen. be said at last. Tomorrow he would really take the first step. He rubbed his hand and laughed aa ho pondered near home, In hla own lonely square, the finer., lash detail which his Imagination multiplied. Stay, enough, enough! he cried to his separate mad mind; it la already done. And the shadows were very dark about him. He turned to go home. Then came Immortality to him In For It seemed as strange ' shape though his ardent and confined soul burst out of hla narrow brain and sparkled marveIoualy.J.lghU show ered about him, and from a rose sky lightnings flashed, and he beard awful thunder, Th heavens opened In white blaze, and he saw unimaginable thing. He reeled, put his hand to Lis stricken head, and fell heavily in pool of his own blood. And the Anticipator, horribly afraid. ran down a The Sketch. Pauri stay-at-ho- Knew Not When Hla Turn Would Coras Dear one, he whispered. The young wife looked up Into her husbands face tremulously but expect- ant. What is It? she asked, as her white arms stole around histurndown collar. Tell me, he answered, straining her to his bieast and forgetting for the moment two imported perfectos In his Tell me that you will think pocket. of me sometimes when I am gone! One mor th pale, wet was upturned toward him. "You are always, and ever will be, In my thoughts, she said, simply. "Then swear you will be true to me while I am away from your side, he continued, with a tone of almosi command In his voice. "I swear it' she repea el, solemnly. With one juuie paslonate, frenzied kiss upon the pirtfd. trembling lips h wrenched himself away. He was not quite happy hnt he was comforted by the assurance of her love. He felt that neither time nor absence could kill it. With unfaltering step he turned his back upon his home and went to get his Sunday shave. New York Wocld. Happy Family. Barnes has a cat at his homo In Goldendale, N. J., which Is suckling three young squirrels, whleh were caught near town. She also suckles one kitten, the others having been killed to make room for the squirrel. C. O. la That Dar. Shade of the Period "In your day, THE BALLOON THAT WILL TRY TO REACH THE NORTH POLE. as I understand It, there was no glorIn battle. death Shade of ious except Achillea That Is substantially co- ward what has proved the Impassable They have been carefully made of the rrect. They did not operate for appen- barrier that bars us from po one knows best obtainable hemp and thoroughly Detroit Tribune. dicitis then. Impregnated with vaseline, so as to Inwhat. of water. It Is easier for a camel to pass sure The The pessimist Is a freak. Pessima.m through the eye of a needle than for a fate of the travellers depends on these U the child ef a day or a mood, optimism Journalist to get into the works In guide ropes, because they are so constructed as not to Wear out. M. Is the great under current of human Paris where M. Laehambre manufacA. S. M. in which does not think thpre Is any is abnormal. this balloon, It Pessimism tures g life. disease of the mind. Rev, D. H, Over-to- Andree and two companions, MM. Nils danger of this contingency. He points Ekholm and Stindberg, are to attempt out that the Ice fipJds which surround the Pole are to all intents and purposes the feat of reaching the North Pole. SOME POINTED PARAGRAPHS. I have, however, been able to pene- smooth, and, at any rate, present no It Straw hat show which way the trate Into M. Lachambres building. o? obstacles in form of vegetation that In a desolate quarter are likely to damage the ropes. It was hidden away is Globe. Boston mercury goes. in an at one time proposed to have recourse the fortifications, to close A mans Idea ot a dull time Is to Par!, Inaccessible corner of Vaugi-rar- to a single iron (ham as a guide iu play cards with women and nothing almost place of rope, but it has finally been up. Atchison Globe. M. Laehambre is a man ot even more derided that hemp is the best material. The hafid that rocks the boat is the Another much d'seussed point was for the reahand that Is in a fair way to leave the mysteries than his fellows, In miliwhether the balloon should carry a Interested is he deeply son that world. New York Press. every sleigh on which the travellers might Therelore, ballooning. Every man who makes a fool or a tary of his effect their return were the balloon to hall within who passes knave of himself hates the newsp- stranger work la taken to be a German spy in come to grief. This precaution has aper. Kansas City Times. It took a quarter of an hour been dispensed with as quite unnecesThe Lord helps those who help disguise. the gatekeeper that my in- sary. The extreme confidence in the themselves. That is probably the rea- to persuade honest. At last he con- expedition Is shown by the fact that were tentions son be is not more lavish with his faMme, Laehambre of neither M. Laehambre nor the three inform to sented e. vors. her husband being ab- passengers consider they have anypresence, my The average theater hat Is a bird thing more than a pleasant aerial sent. (stuffedV--- whole lot of flowers (artiballoon in a spacious promenade before them, in the course the found I ficial) and a blooming nuisance (genuOf which they will Imbibe plenty oT shed, where balloons have been evolvine). L. A. W, Bulletin. In fresh air, amuse themselves by makapto maturity. ed from babyhood M.yiy European sdons of royalty are car resembles one of ing scientific obsfrvations, and bring the pearance insured lor very large amounts. Thl pots in which French back a collection of photographs which Is probably at the Instance of cred- those cooking make the national dish of will probably be wanting In any thing housewives itors. Louisville Times. convert Into more animated than an jcasional and anarchist The fool killer never troubles him- soup of wicker polar bear, but which will Introduce to constructed bomba. Stoutly self about the man who rocks the boat waterthe world- - landscapes of untrodden It is covered 'with cane. and or the one w ho grabs a loaded gun by sufficient contains It material. spaces, if not of fresh fields and pasproof the muxzle. Philadelphia Ledger. for three men for 120 day. ture new. M. Laehambre, although he provision A eryteg nped In some circles of ai- In- - j la the father of family," would have a supply of extra clothing, scientific , leged statesmanship Is a systematic with stuffed tQ bave made tbe journey himand three ent. bags lr of Instruction in the art of be- course self, but there was no room for him. wool, to serve, as beds. fug funny - without - Being vulgar; He Is" ready to go bail. however, that rises of there centre thecar From the Washington Star. his balloon will make the journey the wooden axe, of traversing sort A deacon will pass around the plate let or hindrance, and will come without work wicker cover of and get more buttons than dimes, but tightly fitting back as right and tight s the day it to the expect which voyager heneath can a highwayman hold out a gun ard left hi works, as nu,y a n e i collect everything a man has. This ll As he explains It, nothing1 is simpler more Important rope work Is the AU nl a man that .how to will gees give that the whole affair. At the beginof Portion the to protruding attached more to save his body than to save h',, Above ning of July, when the balloonists will soul. St, Louis Humorist. the wooden axe Just mentioned. la arranged a platform, access atart from Nora Koearna. a small Is i re n. d. " 1 ltbe Car s I J Fatting of the Carpet "When I came out of the sanitarium, said the woman who had been taking a rest cure, "my first act was to order alLtbe carpets in my house taken up. After I had been a of the exquisite neatness of wooden floors, wiped up every twenty-four hours with a damp cloth, carpets seemed unspeakably dirty. And 1 bellevemy family has been the better for the change." ' Carpets have long been the target of hygienists, both because of their dust and germ collecting facilities g and their one3 when sweeping day arrives. The wise and progressive woman resolutely banishes from her floors woolen coverings too largp to be shaken, aired and sunned at least once a week. New York World. daily-witnes- s diease-dispensin- of th PrliiTa Hello, central! Please connect me with the imperial palace at Moscow. You have It. I wish to speak with the czar. This is he. Good morning, your majesty. Good morning, sir. If it Is no secret.-yon- r mejesty, perhaps you would not mind telling why your coronation was pos poned so long" It la no scrff at all. Richard Harding Davis could not arrange to attenl at an earlier date. That is all. Good-by- . Good-b- y, yonr majesty. MlRht We World. Klther. "Doitor, said the anxious mother, Willie can hardly speak above a whisper. Indeed? Has he taken cold or did he go to the ball game? Washington 3 Stat. Win Challenge Him. Brown "I'm going to challenge that man who ran off with my wire. Jones "Why.JJiat was six months ago. Brown I know R, but be ha gent her back." New Y'ork World. Tennis gloves are of wash leather., as are also those most in favor for yachting. |