Show 1 THE ANTICIPATOR K coarse I ailmlt II Iml plagiarism Mid Curler Itoplan I Jt dri Mvagely Its tII rll II the devil muM t mu-M ll the leave 1 lrri fl1 tatlng on that ae It count No nor 4 And he ran hi a J u1Ct hand throuiili hi a an hair till It phial on end lie ahook with febrile rxcltMnent a red l l pot burnt on either thick and kla bitten III gusto er1 l Confound llurford and hula bar I cnl and l hula ancestor Tim lool lo dim hit can handle then ho added attar a pause during which hla friend Vlntenl earloudy contldered him Its your on fault mr dear wild mn Hid be you are too lazy lie Mm remember time IhlnltlhfOle notions nwtlve are In Ihe air Originality Orig-inality la only the art of catching early worm Why don roil dn the thing oa WHIR M you Invent lhnm Now you talk like a bourgeois like n commercial traveler relumed tap Ian angrily Why doosnl an apple tree leld applu when the hloMomi arc fertlllud Why wait for nummer nod ho Influence of wind and kWh k-Wh donl lire ehltkcn burnt new laid eggs Miall Jlarlurlllon trend iud alto on conception Didnt the mountain moun-tain labor to bring forth a mouse anti rived Your orki of genus not require n portion of the eternity to which limy are detllne1 Hum1 marled Hsplan but you know mr method t enleh the nugge tutu the floating IhIlUe down of thuiiftht the title ninrbe and then I leiv IL perhaps without a note lo lie brain lo the subliminal conscious new the lubconncloui salt The story ltrua In the dirk of the Inner per peluil sltepIfM oul It mar be reject nl 1 by the artlille tribunal tilling there It may lot bidden 10 stunt noble I dm outer 1 the huskcam of hered Him know nothing of It but ono day I take the pen and ho hand writes II This U I the nlomilkun of art and I I 1m nothing the teat only of the concealed con-cealed 1 iBdhrldiMllll within me Ier I UrN 1 a dumb ancestor attain apeceh and yet the Complex Ittjo Iteplan mutt be anilclimed In tills war He row and pacer the lonely club ninklRgroom with Irregular steps Ilia nine were evldtnlly quivering 1m brain wa wild Hut Vincent whoa who-a a 1 phjwlclan law deeper for ltplini speech was Jerky al time lin mlM + d Ibo right llOlIllh loon iminr pot r n were not under control What of morphine he thought I wonder If he II I at II again and la Ito I-to lay without hit quantum Hut K plnn burst out oiiee more I should nol care w > much If Ilur forJ i did them well but lie doeint know how to write a story Look nt the last thing of mine of tube I saw It leaping and nitre It ran and ling n very Marnad It had red blood With 1 61mal wwn aren morn d > t tilYli sta r vlukr 9 + VM1ry wA Irakr a AiTwl f u and more like ft lay I Rgur and imells of niMt manifest manufacture Hut I cant do It now Ho has spoilt It for over Its the thlnl Imp Curse him and my luck I work when I mint Your calling Is I very serious to you Mill Vincent lazily Alter all what dons It mtttcr What are itotlM Are they not opiate for cowards live I would rather Intent tome III tie Instrument or build plank bridge LJ I 1 h IHNT TALK iniai POPPYCOCK across a muddy itn mi than wrlto the brat of them lUplan turned l i > n him I Well well be 1 almiMt nhoulwl the nun wit + invciitdl chloroform wn great and the nukiri of It are useful Call itorlr chloral inorphli lirumlJei If you will hut they glee ease I I When It might be better lo UH blltter I ItotI anwrre < l Iplan l rudely Inn In-n > can your talk is I Idle I am 1 and writer are wrllir atnall If you will but a result anti l a forte live the a rent Dont talk Idral poppycock poppy-cock i Ito ordered liqueur brandy After drinking It hula aspect changed n little and ht mlled TirhiiM It wont iioeur ag4ln If It does I stall feel that Hurfonl to I very much In my way I small kayo to I II I llewove hlmt asked Vlneenl I No but work quicker I have some I lung la toW loon It would Juno suit him In spoil I The talk changed and lOOn after I vtinli the frlcndi parted Usplsn 1 want la bla chambers In Uloouubury I He paced his ilttlngroom llly I for n I few minute but after awhile be began I to feel the Impulse In bib brain hit tlngon tithed tho iiemluutomallc wood l came on He Ml down und wrote al first lowly and at last furl < < < IUll It was 3 In the afternoon when hon ho-n work At 10 oclock he was till al his dealt and the big table on which It aloud WM strewn with tobaoto online and taut pipe lilt lilt ORiln M oat I on end for al Interval t he ran hit I damp hands through II IIle eye all I end like opals at lime they sparkled J I and almost biased and then grew dim i He changed at each sentence he I imraihivl I his written talk audibly I each thought was reflected In hls pale mobile face He laugh and then groaned at the crisis team ran down and blurred the already Indecipherable Mrlpt llul at U he nose atilT In every limb and daggering With dllnculty he picked the imputed leave from the floor and sorted them In due order He fell Ink his chair If good 1 Its toorl I he Mid chart ling What a queer devil I amt My 1 dumb ancestor pipe oddly In me Its strange devilish strange man but n 1 mouthpiece and fUr st that How long has this last thing been bitching The story Ii I old yet new llbhon hall have II II will Just Hilt him Little beast little horror little hog with a divine geld ring of appreciation In hits grubbing inont He drink half a tumbler of whisky and tumbled Into bed Hli mind ran riot My I egos a bit Inured ho said I ought to be careful And ere he tell asleep he talked conscious nonsense Incongruous Ideas linked l themselves together he ineercil at his brain folly nd h yet he was afraid lie used morphine at last In such a big dose that II touched lha optic op-tic center and subjective lightning flaihnl In his dilk room lie dreamed of At Home where he met big brutal llurford + wearing a great diamond dia-mond In his shirt front bought by my conveyed thought he Mid 1 Hut looking down ha pcr celve l thit he had n 1 greater Jewel of bibs own and anon bile soul melted Into Iho contemplation of its raya till hb cnniclouineM was dlMlpnted t by n divine di-vine abwrptlon Into the ery Nlrtnna of llghl When ho woke the next day It was already late In Ibo afternoon lie war overcome by yesterdays labor and though much less 1 Irritable he wnlked feebly The trouble of 1 x tlng bib lory to llbbon seemed almoil too much for him tort he petit It and took a cab to his club where he ut elm uet comaloM for many hour Two weeks afterward lie rerehwl a note from the editor returning the story It wa good but llurford tent me n tale with the awe motive week ago and I nccepte < l II 1 < plan mn > hed hits thin while band on hula mantelpiece and made It bled That night he Rot drunk on chain IMgne and Iho brilliant nine aecmed lo nip and blto and twltt every nerve and bralncrll ills Irritability grew w axlrcma that bo lay In wall for aubtle iinroncelved Iniult and mnll Idled morbidly on the aipvct of Inno enl iraiiKrr 110 I Ktv > o the wallet iloiiblo what was npcrawry not be cnue II Oils particularly denervcd but hecauio ha felt hat the illghlot lgn of dlwniitent on thin waller part might lead lo an uncontrollable outburst of anger on bile own day ha uici Uurford In Piece oils ttran4tiul lInT dliIlIiil blUW I durent speak lo hllllI darent ho uiullernl And llurford wbo could not lull undontand felt outrageil l Ito hlinielf liatnl 1Ilan l wlllt the haired of an outpaced l aulMlIM rlvnl the know lilt awn work lacked the diabolical certainly I tainly of ItaplanIt i wanted the fine phrase the tight red word of color I Ibo nub and onward march of duo duality the bluer exact conviction the knowledge of humanity that Ilea I In Inheritance the oxnltvd eipcrlcnco that Iron received Inlulllon Hewn He-wn ho knew n lItrIIII failure and bib ambition win greater oven than I IUihui For ho Will itrc dy grnip Ing rturlonl < < nnd 1 hula hollownet wan dbvlou CMii before Hiplan proved U I with hlr wringing touch I Iff Ho lake what I bravo done und Uoe It better ls malice malice ho urged lo hlinielf And when Ktplan placed lots latt dory and the uorld remcmliered only lo forget In its whllohot brllllanro Iho i old pnilo of llurtardii farts Jon el hell Celt hell urge within him llul ho bent Ida thought dunn for nwhlla and unit on hula little labored way The lucctna of thl story and Ilur iriln blllrr ccllpno holpcd Ial + lan xrcatly and ha might havo got aaniT It other Influence working for mltery In trio life had not hurt him 1or n certain cer-tain woman died ono whom none know lie l knew and ho clung to morphine which In tin Increase hclpi to throw him later on It work as ono who Imlld a dam higher and hlcher yet igalnit the riling water and the irMih mutt coma And nt last It did coma for llurford had two ulurle Ixtlcr far than huts unual work In n magazine that lUplan utmost looked on as hula awn They were on Knplan 1 very mature bo hid them almott ready lo write Tho III nil of thin last hitter blow drove him oil hlr tolterliig balance he conccUcd I II r1 murder and ploltiHl 1 It hnitnll und then subtly and hecnnio dominated by It 1111 bibs life was tho Ituncr of the Inane inolhc It alterinl nothing when n retloncr pointed out Iho close eumblanco between the two men work and exulting iplan gcnlui placed the wrlhlr beyond all cavil the other below all place Hut that drove llurford emery It war 10 bitterly true Ho ground bbr icclh and hating bib own work haled wane the man who destroyed bile own conceit Ho wanted to do harm How hould he do lit Kiplan had long uliico gone under He wa a homicidal maniac with ono nun before him Ho conceived and II rill 0 schemes itla slorlea ran to murder Ha read and Imagined mean timer ho wan In danger of believing be had already dono tho deed One wild day ho nlmoit puts hliuKK up for hula proleptlc death Thin hit Imagination burnt and rUmttl fore lib TOnctlttd I path j HI do Ir l III do II ho mallted = 1 and at the club I the men talked I about i him I Tomorrow he pelt and the M 1 halt It off He mint consider th > jrt of 1 II He left It to bourgeon In hlb u lit tile brain And at teat I Jim as 6 e wrole action lighted up by Minnie rlmimilance began to loam bill More him Hurl a murder would a Oatse vivid world and be an epoch In crin I If the red earth were convuUod In ftr even then It would flay to hear thit la I eredlbl 1 mie story and nllcitIK deeper knowledge neck out the nutted and growth of meant nnd motive lit chuckle audibly In the iireet lad laughed thin laughter In hit room If f fleet Ing vliloni At night ho walk eA Ibo lonely squares near at hand cat I lllnB eagerly the rluh of hit otn dlvMeJ thought and leaning against the railing of the leafy gard ni his aw ghosts In Ibo moon hadowiid beckonnl idem to convene lit became be-came n night bird and was rarely too Tomorrow ho said at last Tomorrow To-morrow ho would really take the flrtt IP Ho nibbed hula hand and l mhl as he pondcrni near home In his or n lonely iquire the finer last detail U which Ills Imagination multlplltd Slay enough enough ho cried to t hit teparato t mad mind It I I alrnilr done And lho nhndowa were very dam about him lie turned to go home Then camo Immortality to him la I arrange shape For It Ierned II though hula ardent and rnnnni I I burl out of hula narrow brain i aixl iwrkled rnnrveloiuly Ughla chow ered about him and from n 1 rant ikr lightning lashed I and ho heard awl nil7 The heaven opened In i while blare and ho MW tinlmiglnabH thing He reeled l put hula hand lo ln I stricken head and fell heavily In i pool of bile own blood And the Anticipator horribly ufrail ran down a bytroet Tho Hkotcu |