Show F THE CITY COUNCIL I S rw 1111 Iae MMI tub Meeting called to Order with Mayor I Wright In the ehalr I Uoiinelliiien Chapfl lliit Wild I lack 111 J > mng aftiwered 1 loroiltull i Prayer by CnuntllnMM Chop ell I I Mlnntet oll prevfotii > imeimg read I and alter ontclloit approved On motion rule were tnpendeil I to hear a verbal petition lrm J lam I with relation tu I hep rebate by I the city of In lid now lying III I Iii reset belonging 1 belong-ing loOliil Janos Helmed to coin niltlee on elty property mil St tOw it W II Bmoh lnMIogoII tr anA I 111 U J H4 rr IstrtibIN NRa + III lmta T iatrtw I IW msrrr ee 1 htWr J i7 nt A UIIi N1 rr n I rti rsb a rais nt r I I n O l It1n 1 II t + n omeetaeM araNu rya er IIMAn rte J1 to ti1 aaalu wa HH tit MS urhtrr 1 hu rsahh hikw1 h a W hald Ihlwr baboon tIq 11th it I w HKIVHfnoroititlkii lieporl Treatiirer hull read and nn motion referred tocowniliteeoii tliitimv MoiirtMxr mitiiir Intermeni 31 mate 2 female I Nativity BnglHtnl t1 Mtlre I Caue uf ileatli Fyplinhl pneumonia I I heitri illwue h 11 not rcswtsrl I I je Imler i year I iiiil r 00 li anlerTl I j le > rto I Jntltu Wllkln lead 1 and I nrrepled l Report ul I city iiMtilMl mid 1 and accepted ac-cepted I I rirmtn t The following petition wa presented To the llmomil ilnmir 1 awl CAy fimnci Hullevlllg that the Improvement I Improve-ment of the Cllr 1itrk wnnll he of f nimh Imnenl to ten riiy nnd IIh h u nUi that time depiiKtoi ate Hi tune In whlrhtn plllmlir iniprmeiiienit we heieby petition voiir 1 lioiHntM I l lr lu iimetie at oiiif th nnl ruction of an nolnrlNl lake III tin Oily Park and ill i inch oilier Iniprnvement nt may In jour judgment I tleIrabk1 The ttrUllol had V1 ilgmitiire 1 ferre1 iMinmlttteon linptoreincnu nit mu nf rtiMHinnx Tho committee on Hcfti re tlel 1 adverely tn the grunting of tho rebate on liquor tlconu n VM by 1 J II Hull nnd SlmptonA gwntnlon Theteimrl Nnr iidvptnl Commlltteon llcente lecoinnirade that the reduction tn little lken eake < l by Mrs Clot If I not allowed llcport > ninl lteKirt ol committee on rlnanre ti portal that the relnlo of t treatilmr and rrcorilcr had been examined l for May nnd found correct Import inlupte < l The coinnillteu on itritt alleyn nnd lirldgen reported thnl they had t vllted Mr I Hnye the owner of I the And wanted for n right of way for sheet to protect runtli mentioned it the lat IIIUIIII ill the council at Ihe narrowt The lomlnltlra ref oriel l that they had 1 prolftifd Mr llnyet = Band tucoiiitrnct A fence alums the pro iel 1 right J of way Mr I IIac r rejecteil the propntltion from the council Mr I llajtt maila u prop iltlon tu the round to grant tin right lof way for SW and comttuct the tenet on the north tide The prvp tltloii wm rejected Kpcchtl commlltCH remrlrd that pmt mint to tntlinctlont of I council flee had Hint with the cltlirnt on I Vrorrttloi iHiv 1 and had decided IJ hire the baud for Its + cunulu Da rnutli of July wed the Tweiityrourlli for the turn of Itil for the three day fhue relent WAI Rf dpi < 1 The iclill coiuliilttrevit UI C reported re-ported that they bud nuli nil pmxlbli progretttowardt Hnlthiiigitp Hie blast IIU + a That nollcvn had Wen prepare 1 nnd imlilUhtHl l reolutiunt drnwiinnd Ihe taut wtck In Juno oppolnted ai the time to receive application from pimple I ikflrlng dcedt nnilcr the new easy Thi report tom nccrpted The following ordinance HIII loose tu Ira thin rending and adoptedi The city council ol Coalville City or dulni that the feet turvry and pint ol foalvlllo I Cltv thai be and r becomo llio I nulv iltUlal unity and plat I ill tit ulty oKoalvllle UIHII the proper filing and recnidlngof I mime in the olllcti of tho county tecordcr nnd that tho iinre llnble ltv Incomplete nine and l lathes uf 1 thvcltv 1 known on Ilat now on record In the county rccordvri uBe lie and It I licrthy dtcbnl void The water lax for IMV 1 MH pntetl to lt third reading and adoptc I tow water tax lieing line at folium Acreage tax real property not inrtryvil 1 In city loll 7Acenti tree acre lutt 10 square r Hltl Inn i IX titare rail 75 ceiitii frnetloiml loti Inner leu thin CM IIII1t rod M cent Tin follow Ing rivotntlon war adopted WiiiKnx tin total nitnieil valuation valua-tion nf the city for theearljW5 I It f lei I then It Nnr for the year IHM belt Vofiw1 by the city cuMt Hut Hie levr for Iliv year 11110 he I and It i beiebv ihwlarwl 1 to tar 5 mill on the dollar Knernl purHnei On motion the niih u rat nitruilfl to poi all vitgrniit 11 rk on ct work Adjourne1 b n dkiii in leuiici man Clark |